A quick oneshot done in a moment of madness. .com/watch?v=ZA1NoOOoaNw is the link Lestat sent. Just a snippet of life on night island, and why Danny hates technology.

Armand sat on the plush black velvet recliner in the living room. This is the infamous living room of Night Island, of course. The top hot spot for vampire kind, especially if they were angling for a glimpse of the even more infamous coven of the articulate.

He was typing on his laptop, having just installed in the manor the new "Wireless broadband Internet" thingy that Daniel had told him about. Armand was fond of new technologies, although keeping a current grasp on them was something that for him, required constant work. Daniel seemed to understand these things effortlessly, but Armand had struggled on his own such that after Daniel had walked in on Armand grinding his old laptop into "Useless laptop powder" he had insisted on giving Armand a long and pointless tutorial on all things technological, new and old.

"Now you see this button here?"

"Which button? That's not a button, that's a picture on the screen. Really Daniel, if you're going to teach me, at least teach me properly. I'm beginning to doubt your expertise."

"Look, if I say it's a button, it's a button. Now just shut up and listen -"

"So if I point to that couch there and say it's a mechanical roller coaster would you sit in it and wave your arms about?"

"Look, why don't you sit in the roller coaster chair, and I'll fix up the internet. Alright?"

"I really see no point in it, though. It's clear that the chair is still a chair."

"I thought you said it was a couch?"

"... Shut up."

So Armand sat with his arms crossed in the chair while Daniel painstakingly fixed up Armand with an email account, msn, youtube account, facebook, blog excetera excetera.

"There, now it's all set up for you. Go nuts."

"What does this one do?"

"That is a social networking site that connects you with friends over the internet. I've already added you as a friend to Marius, Lestat, Me, Louis has a facebook, can you imagine that?"

"Eurgh, I don't want to be Lestat's friend. How do I get rid of that?"

"No. He's already accepted you as his friend. It's very hard to undo."

"It's not that hard, I just smash it, right?"


"Hey whats this? Lestat sent me a 'you-tube'? What is that?"

"He didn't send you a you tube, he sent you a video. What the hell? What is this?"

"Crazy Indians - Benny Lava? What? Is he singing bollywood now?"

"HOLY SHIT!!!! This is f***ed, Armand. Don't watch this!"

"Why, what do you mean?"

"Its just -? What the hell?"

"Ha hahaha, look at the subtitles. 'My loony bun is fine benny lava, Anyone need this sign benny lava'!"

"No, Armand, don't sing along. It's annoying the hell out of me."

"Have you been high tooodaaaaayyyy????"

"Kill me now."

"Who put the goat in heeeerrrre?"

"No, I'm gonna kill Lestat. That's what I'll do. He's going down."

"Hey! What's this screen here?"


"Look! It just blinked up on the screen. It's doing that weird flashing doodad thingo."

"Do you realise what you just said?"

"I fought a barber maaaan!We know whats in butter ruuuum!"

"Give it here. Its a msn window. Oh, it's Lestat. I'm going to give him a peice of my mind."

"Nooo, let me talk to him!"

Lestat is da bomb, benny lava says: Hiiiiiiiii Armand!!!!

Little Computer Retard says: Hiiiiiiiiii 'Stat!!!!!!

"Hey, Daniel. Why is my name 'little computer retard'?"

"I'll just fix that."

"Good boy. A pat on the back for that."

"Yeah, but you are ... *mumblemumble*"

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing! Look, all better."

Little Angel who loves Daniel, and would never throw a laptop at him says: Hi again 'Stat!!!

Lestat is da bomb, benny lava says: What, you're a computer retard and now you're a little angel?

Little Angel who loves Daniel, and would never throw a laptop at him says: Daniel is just being an idiot. Oh, that you tube thingy you sent me!!!!!!

Lestat is da bomb, benny lava says: I know, I know. How AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

Little Angel who loves Daniel, and would never throw a laptop at him says: BENNY LAAAVAAAAA!!!!!!!!

Lestat is da bomb, benny lava says: I'm coming over!

"What did he say?" Daniel asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh," Armand smiled innocently at his frustrated fledgling. "Nothing Daniel. Don't worry. I won't be needing the computer lesson anymore."

"Well thank god for that."

"Lestat's coming over!"

Daniel turned stony faced to the wall and walked away. For the remainder of the night he locked himself in the music room, speakers blaring in a vain attempt to drown out the noise from the living room. To no avail.


This was why Danny hated technology.