Another one! It really makes me laugh all these scenarios, I draw other ones, the ones that don't make sense in my writing on my DeviantART account. Just like Marius, yay! Chapter four - Here we go!

Armand sat once again on his laptop, this time sitting curled in one of the plush armchairs in his master suite. Danny was pulling on his socks on the four poster bed. His clothes were laid out for him.

"Daniel?" Armand asked.


"Daniel? I was looking up a song, you know that odd fusion song you were showing me where it's half modern music and half Russian folk music?"


"Yes, well I was looking that up on the internet, like how you showed me, and this box flashed on the screen asking me if I wanted it as a ringtone."


"And so I clicked yes and it's gone rather funny."

"Whatever. Hey, look, are we going to go to that amusement park tonight? Because I'm not chancing a ride if there aren't any technicians there again. Last time you did that I fell, and it wasn't pleasant!"


"I just want to make sure it's open, alright. And I'll have none of that nonsense from you, like last time. When you took those carnie teenagers from their homes to work the machines. That's not on alright?"


"Are you even listening to me?"

Armand looked calmly from the screen and fixed Daniel in his butterscotch brown eyed gaze.

"Of course I'm listening to you Daniel. I'm always listening to you. Will you listen to me now?"

Daniel scoffed. "As if you always listen to me. I was telling you to untie them for a good twenty minutes before you set them loose. Those kids were terrified. But no, you wanted to ride the teacups again."

"I'll have you know that those kids weren't doing anything better that night anyway. Why hold this against me?"

"Well, you could have called park management beforehand! You could have rented out the park for the night. You're rich enough!"

"How do the rich stay rich, Daniel?"

"Not kidnapping carnies, that's for sure."

"Now, the correct answer there was not spending unnecessary amounts of money, but no, Danny is being difficult tonight. You should be happy I take you to parks as it is."

Daniel groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Fine. Whatever. Can we go now?"

Armand tapped crossly at his computer screen.

"In a minute. There is just – something wrong with this. What-?"

"Don't break the thing!" Daniel urged. "Gently! Gently."

"It's not working!" Armand stared in frustration at his slim computer, his brows knitted together, strands of his auburn hair, clipped short in the current fashion, falling over his forehead.

"Here." Daniel leant forward and brushed Armand's hair from his face. "Why isn't it working?"

"You tell me!" Armand stood up, pushing the laptop into Daniel's lap, knocking him to the floor. Daniel had crouched down when he affectionately groomed his youthful maker, and now found himself on the floor with the expensive piece of technology foisted onto his lap.

"Gee Daniel," he muttered to himself. "I don't understand this modern invention that I need your assistance to use. Wouldn't it be swell if you helped me? I can help that I'm incompetent with these things, and I promise to make it up to you if you did this for me!"

"Wow Daniel, they seem like some really nice fairies you're talking to in your head. Maybe after they fix my computer, you can click your heels together and wish for a brain!"

"I didn't know sarcasm existed in the dark ages, Armand."

"Well, due to the lack of annoying blonde haired, violet eyed imbecile's in the dark ages, sarcasm wasn't necessary back then. A history lesson for you, Daniel."

"Well, aren't you the most generous history teacher."

"I am, as a matter of fact. Now fix it."

Daniel grumbled some more, as Armand paced to the window and pulled the curtains back to look over the gardens.

"It's an all night carnival. They have all these wonderful mortal indulgences that I'm told are quite delicious."

"Yeah, I know. I told you." Daniel said, clicking away at the computer. His brow furrowed with concentration.

"And candy floss. I want to see someone eat candy floss. Well, I can't get you to eat it now, but we'll get someone else to eat it. Would it be passé to pay someone to eat something for you?"

"Don't bother, just walk about, everyone eats fairy floss at carnivals. And besides, how creepy would that be? Someone just comes up to you and says 'hey, I'll pay you twenty bucks to eat this fairy floss for me'. It wouldn't go down well."

"I thought humans were supposed to like candy floss?"

"They do. But it's just weird. The whole, accepting candy from stranger's thing. What did you do to this thing?"

"What? I didn't do anything! It just went funny like that."

"The whole thing's malfunctioning! I close a window, and a new one pops up!"

"Well, that's what happened to me at first. One window asked me if I wanted the ringtone. Then another asked me if I wanted to play internet poker. And then I got one from the online census company."

"Oh god."

"Then all these naughty windows popped up, and one said that it was selling illegal overseas Russian brides. I thought that was funny, so I sent it on to Marius's computer account."

"Please tell me you didn't."

"Why not? It's just a joke. I found it funny."

Daniel groaned and banged his head on the edge of the computer.

"Hey Daniel!" Daniel looked up at his grinning maker.

"What?" He replied in a bleak voice.

Armand's smile twisted into a smirk. "Gently, Danny. Gently."

This was why Danny hated technology.