Things happened so quickly over the next few weeks Vicki wasn't sure if she was coming or going, well, she knew when she was coming, that was apparent and it was quite pleasurable! Mike was ass deep in the "Full Moon Murderer" as it was known because of the recent attacks centered only around full moon and Vicki's mind wandered to that dream she seemed to have at least once a week. True to his word, Henry's friend found a place for her. An office with a small apartment attached to it and Suite 206 was plastered on the milky glass part of the door. Henry thought it would be less expensive for Vicki to live in her office until her business was up and running. He, however, offered to let her stay with him anytime. Vicki set up a help wanted sign surveyed her new situation.

"Well," she sighed out loud, "it's do or die," and she dusted her hands off. As she started to clean up, she twisted her wrists over and looked at her new markings. Using her index finger, she traced the outline and frowned. Since being marked, nothing remarkable had happened and she wasn't even sure they meant anything at all but Henry was damned convinced. He warned her to be cautious and watch her back, literally. He told her she needed to be careful during the day when he was not around to feel the evil as he put it.

"Pffft…" Vicki shook her head and went back to work. She was deep in thought and as she heard a voice behind her and instinctively, she turned and swung.

"For fucks sake Coreen," Vicki stopped short of punching Coreen in the side of the head.

"Sorry," Coreen grinned sheepishly, "I..uh, I saw this and thought I'd come in," she handed Vicki the help wanted sign.

"Huh," Vicki looked at the sign then back at Coreen, "how'd you find me?"

Coreen shrugged, "Just passing through the neighborhood."

"Uh huh," Vicki crossed her arms and leaned against the desk that had been delivered earlier in the day.

Coreen rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay," her lip trembled slightly and she pouted somewhat, "I've been trying to find a new apartment. I just can't…" her voice trailed off.

Vicki was unsure as to what to do so she said, "I get it, new life, new apartment, and new job. So, you lookin' for one around here?" she asked trying to change the subject.

Coreen sniffed and nodded, "Yeah."

She thought a moment then asked, "What are your qualifications? I thought you worked at the university diner." Vicki picked up the broom and continued to sweep.

"Well.." Coreen thought a moment then said, "I am very well versed in all things freaky."

Vicki stopped and stared at her, "Do you think that I'm only taking strange cases?"

Coreen's eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers, "No case too strange."

Vicki's mouth fell open, she shook her head and said, "Wait..what?"

"That's your slogan," Coreen waved her hands in front of her as if she were running them over a sign, "Vicki Nelson Investigations," then lowered her hands as if they were under what she'd just said, " No case too strange."

Coreen seemed bouncy and very proud of herself, "What do you think?" she nodded and smiled. Her kohl lined eyes smiled and sparkled, Vicki groaned.

"Alright, you can work here but," she pointed her finger at her, "the pay is not great and the hours will probably be shitty and I'm not sold on that slogan."

Coreen nodded and added, "Yet! Okay, I'll just go start cleaning in the front office," and off she went.

Vicki stared behind her and called out, "No one likes a perky Goth, Coreen."

"That girl is gonna make me crazy," Vicki muttered and shook her head. After cleaning for a bit, she took stock of what she'd accomplished. Wiping her hair away from her forehead, she flopped down on the bumpy couch she'd found at a thrift store.

"Not bad," she half-smiled.

"Not bad at all," she heard a familiar voice and stiffened. Standing, she glared at him and asked what the hell he was doing there.

"Came by to offer my congrats," Mike said and waved his hands as he made a semi circle in her new office.

"No thanks to you," Vicki growled, "you can go now."

Vicki's moment of happiness was shattered when he walked into the room. She was still royally pissed at him and hurt too.

"Vic, come on, you can't still be mad," Mike stated then added, "well, yeah, you can. I forget just how long you can hold a grudge."

"Fine," he sighed and made himself comfortable in one of her 'client' chairs, "Excuse me? I said you could go."

"I know but listen, here's the deal," Mike started but Vicki stopped him.

"If you think that I'm going to help your traitorous sorry ass, you're out of your rabbit ass mind!"

"Tell me how you really feel," Mike shook his head.

"Damn Mike, what do you expect? I'm not a cop anymore, do you know how that makes me feel? That was my life, my goal to become detective and it's a mere memory, and it's your fault."

"MY fault? I'M not the one always bucking authority and disobeying orders, Vicki, you chose that path, you made your bed and you don't want to lie in it unless that bloodsucker's in there huh?" Mike and Vicki were less than three inches apart. The tension was so thick Coreen could barely breath.

"Eh hem," Coreen cleared her throat and they both turned and screamed "WHAT?" at her. It startled her and she jumped back.

"Uh, there's a guy on the phone for you," Coreen pointed at her phone.

" the hell do they know I'm here already?" Vicki started for the phone and Mike grabbed her hand.

"For the love of..Mike get your fucking hand off of me," Vicki told him through gritted teeth.

"That's why I'm here, you stubborn woman, I gave this man your number," Mike sighed.

"YOU gave him my number, why?"

Mike tilted his head and told her, "Because I figured with the story he had and you're new parade of freak friends, "he turned to Coreen and said, "No offense," then turned back to Vicki, "you'd believe him. He's a friend of Claire's." Vicki frowned but turned back to the phone and started to pick it up.

Vicki sighed and said, "This oughta be good…"