This is it.
Thank you, LyricalKris.
Bernstein, ILY married woman!

And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain,
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders.
-Hey Jude, The Beatles

I have a lot to be bitter about. But this here? Even I can find the joy in this situation.

Sure, I'm bitter that she's getting her happily ever after. But she deserves it.

Today, Bella's christening her son.

Jude Dexter Cullen loudly protested his entrance in to the world on July 1. He was very much welcomed by his loving parents. I was present for the birth, but they didn't know that.

I glance around the room and smile sadly when I see my mother. Ah, Sandy.

If I allow myself to have only one regret, it's that Mom still mourns the boy she wanted, not the son she had. I hate the way she's treated Bella when she was so much like her own daughter for more than twenty years. To see the grief she's given Bella over Edward . . . well, let's just say I shouldn't think such negative thoughts about the woman who gave me life.

Bella is thrilled. Alice and Jasper are the baby's godparents, and Alice is as calm as ever, despite the unseasonably hot weather in the only church in Forks.

I have every faith that Edward and Bella are going to be fantastic parents.

They moved to a new apartment in Seattle when Bella was five months pregnant, and I'm still laughing over the way Jake glared when Edward insisted she not lift a finger. It frustrated her, but I know she's secretly glad someone thought of and took care of her.

Rest in peace. It's what you say when someone dies. And now, I can. Bella's taken care of. She's with her true soul mate - eventually, she'd have realized it wasn't me - and now she has a beautiful son. I find peace in knowing Bella won't repeat the mistakes of the ones who loved us, but loved themselves more. Jude will grow to be a dreamer, a wanderer. But he'll always know, no matter who he is or where life takes him, he is loved unconditionally.

Thank you, amazing people, for sticking with me for a year and a half.