Duo is Viagra

a gundam wing ff

by leejeeg

Summary: Heero returns from a long engagement of having been both bodyguard and engaged to Relena. Why? Among other things he seems to be having problems related to sex.

Heero POV -This is for the readers who let me know that they liked the way I write Heero. I have to admit, I rather like this one, Heero's voice channels through me well.

OOC somewhat-or what I'd like to think of as what they'd be like in peace.

Usual pairings-don't let the Relena-thing scare you.

Lemon? Just a little citrus.


The flight is almost at an end and I can't help but feel profound relief. I hopped on the next available shuttle out of Sanq, with only my war battered duffle and the clothes on my back. There were a few people, shall we say, not entirely thrilled with me right now (the caterer, florist, tuxedo rental store,etc.), first on the list, Her Highness. She would scowl and tell me not to call her that. She was no longer the Queen of the world. But Relena Peacecraft was the Foreign Vice Minister and entitled to the respect of her office. And I do respect her. In my way I love her too. I guess I was drawn to her by her warmth and willingness to reach out to a teenaged terrorist. Okay, maybe not so much drawn as coerced. Well, maybe not-but she is rather pushy when she wants something; relentless too. She also reminded me of someone whom I stupidly destroyed, an innocent. It was an accident, and my remorse was great. Nissan are you lost? I still shudder at the memory. It took a long time for the nightmares to dissipate and they haven't completely disappeared. I doubt they ever will.

That is something that Relena does not seem to understand. It is as if she believes that her love could cure all that ailed in me. She loves me, blindly, to the point where I have to question whether it is love or obsession, but she does not understand me. It's not her fault-after all there were bound to be significant cultural and philosophical differences between an ex-teenage terrorist and a naive idealist raised with a silver spoon in her mouth.

In March of last year we were having dinner in an intimate French restaurant when Relena suggested rather strongly that we make our relationship official. I hadn't a clue as to what she was getting at but she just giggled and called me silly. But I did not refuse or protest her marriage proposal. I don't know why-I suppose it was those big, blue eyes that threatened to rain tears if I rebuffed her. God, I cannot abide crying females. Honestly I don't think many men can; tearful females ought to be deployed during war, a more effective weapon than bombs, though bombs I daresay are less destructive.

When the news of our engagement was leaked-and I have no doubt it was leaked by Relena herself, we received many notes, letters and calls of varying degrees of congratulations.

Duo called me from L2 to offer his congratulations. I accepted sheepishly, having not been in communication with him for several months and I felt pretty guilty about it. It wasn't that I hadn't wanted to talk to the baka; Relena kept me ridiculously busy-and Duo was busy himself, what with working at the salvage yard on L2.........and Hilde.

It had been a strained conversation. I know what you're thinking: any conversation I'm party to is apt to be strained. Not so. After peace broke out I let a lot of my barriers down. True, I might never let go of my caution-especially amid crowds, and I do lock my door and my car at night, but I also joke, laugh and smile now. No, really.

Anyway, have you ever had a talk with someone and you tell them something that you expect a really enthusiastic response to, only to get a "wow, uh-that's really great, I guess?" That's what happened with Duo. I don't know what it was but I could hear a hint of....regret? In his voice. It confused me and I hung up feeling out of sorts. He was about the best friend I had ever had and I knew he wanted me to be happy, but something just seemed off.

That was now about six months ago. After breaking it off with Relena I traveled a bit, free to do what I wished for the first time, ever. At first I was fascinated by all the diversity in the world. I made friends here and there, took a few university level classes; I completed my engineering degree. But wandering got old fast. I was faced with the strong desire for permanency, I wanted to put down roots.

As luck would have it Wufei contacted me hoping that I would accept Une's invitation to become a Preventer agent. I left for earth right away.


I'm in the waiting room outside the office of the Preventer mental health officer (read:psychiatrist), Danni Rodgers. There is a benign Muzak cover of When Doves Cry playing from a ceiling speaker. It almost makes me laugh, because I can just see Duo's face grimacing as he complains about how after all this time one of the worst things about BC music survived.

I look around. There are magazines on a plastic coffee table and a few generic holoprints of landscapes on the wall. My posture is rigidly straight in the leatherette chair I'm seated in. There are some things about my soldier training that I will never lose. I don't show it but I'm nervous. I've had psych evals before, but today I am here to address something of a more personal nature.

I have been waiting nearly twenty minutes past my appointment time and I nearly get up to leave when the door to the office opens. A petite, slender woman rushes out. My keen observational abilities tell me she is distraught. Her eyes are rimmed red and swollen, her small fist clutches her Kleenex and holds it firmly to her nose. She breezes past me so fast I nearly miss that I am acquainted with her: she is Une's latest secretary. Poor girl. I suddenly wonder if any of Une's previous secretaries had to seek counseling. I laugh involuntarily.

"Agent Yuy? Please come in. I apologize-I have been running late today."

Doctor Rodgers smiles warmly. I rise from my seat and enter her office. She closes the door behind us and gestures for me to sit.

I glance around while she takes a moment to organize herself. Her office is cozy, there are personal effects throughout the room: photos of her with family, little knick knacks; including a tiny rubber chicken on her desk. This odd touch of whimsy reminds me of Duo.

She looks me in the eye when she is ready. "What can I help you with, agent Yuy?"

"I'm not sure how to say this."

"Take your time."

"I just......it's embarrassing."

She shrugs amiably. "I've always known you to be direct, agent. Take the direct approach."

I did.

Her eyebrows raised in slight surprise.