Author's note: Alright, I may of played this game to the point where I nearly memorized every piece of dialogue, but all I remember about the merchants/dealers was that for the most part they were either human or rodian. I do not remember any that had names, or if there was a single Rodian who HAD a name in this game. Or how the format for when something spoke something other than basic.

Also for the anyone who is wondering on chapter 3, everything is written in Aurebesh, the easiest way to read it is, that each word represents a letter, and the *pause* means new word.

MOST IMPORTANTLY, this is my first try and story writing, reviews, tips, anything really would be hugely appreciated.

Try and find the Dr Who reference, there are two at least

The Lull before the Storm Part III: Dantooine Part II

When I had finished rebooting, and came online, most of the crew had already left the ship that morning. As I went through the security footage of this morning, I found only a bit of interesting tidbits, both relating back to Padawan Shan and Specialist Venis's dream last night.

0:0:14:26:23:96 Padawan Shan had left before anyone else had even woken up that morning. She seemed…..quite concerned as far as human expressions go.

0:0:17:24:04:29 Other crew members started to wake up one at a time over the next few hours.

0:0:19:19:02:72 Specialist Venis wakes up, and starts to walk to the female bunk room on the starboard side of the ship. I could tell he was in a hurry or otherwise concerned, because he had not changed from his sleeping clothes, and from what I know on human etiquette, that is rather "improper" or "impolite" to be in an improper state in the presence of a member of the opposite gender. However that would suggest some familiarity with said member if it was proper. After knocking on her door and calling "Bastila? You in there?" rather quietly and politely. He then noticed that he was in a rather improper state of clothing, he left and was rather red in the cheeks. From my understanding of human expressions that would imply embarrassment.

0:0:20:01:19:73 After dressing himself properly, specialist Venis left the Ebon Hawk and waked into, quite literally mind, Captain Onasi as he was exiting a nearby Teloiasn dinner. Captain Onasi looked as if he was about repriamd specialist Venis but the look in his eyes changed fast.

0:0:20:01:24:53 Outside the Ebon Hawk: Captain Onasi to Specialist Venis: "The morning is getting stranger by the minute. First Bastila comes out looking like she saw a ghost and now you. (after a moment's pause) Well, Bastila did mention that you should go to the Council chambers before she left. It is no doubt urgent (sarcasm), so you shouldn't keep them waiting…you okay?"

0:0:20:01:31:09 Outside the Ebon Hawk: Specialist Venis to Captain Onasi (as if coming out of a daze): "I had a rough night…"

0:0:20:01:33:23 Outside the Ebon Hawk: Captain Onasi to Specialist Venis (in a understanding tone): "Well, I can't say I blame you I… I haven't exactly been sleeping well myself. (in contemplative mood) Here I thought things would get better once we escaped Taris.."

0:0:20:01:49:02 Outside the Ebon Hawk: Specialist Venis to Captain Onasi: "Did she say anything else?"

0:0:20:01:52:39 Outside the Ebon Hawk: Captain Onasi to Specialist Venis: "No she didn't. She didn't seem well, as I recall… (takes a second look at Specialist Venis) and for that matter neither do you. Are you alright?"

0:0:20:01:57:21 Outside the Ebon Hawk: Specialist Venis to Captain Onasi (rather quickly): "Rough night, that's all, let's go."

Specialist Venis and Captain Onasi, headed over to the main building in the Jedi enclave. They barely got more than three meters before Specialist Venis spotted Canderous and then motioned him to follow.

As they left the range of the Ebon Hawk's security cameras, I was disconnected? What the? Then I felt a horribly familiar and still unwelcome tap on my photoreceptor. I would give my left wheel to bet it was most likely Miss Vao, the blue skinned underage terror. While I admit I may have a certain affinity for twi'leks given that a very skilled one created me, my equivalent of patience was wearing thin for this one.

"Sooooo…whatca ya up to little guy?" asked Miss Vao in a rather bored tone.

"Dwoo-beep-boop" *translation: Ship stuff.* I replied in a curt fashion much to Miss Vao's amusement.

"Uh-huh…how about we go shopping for some new parts for you?" she smirked at the thought and added "I mean I have the credits, and I can't find anyone but you or big Z, and all he wants to buy is more food".

Blue twi'leks are amazing, and I take back everything I may of or may not of added to my database's entry on blue skinned twi'lek female youths and their innate tendencies that suggest moderate psychosis as defined by Courscant Medical University.

"Woo" *translation: Yes, please* I answered trying to keep the response from not sounding eager.

Miss Vao smiled, pleased with finally finding something to do. As we left the Ebon Hawk, Miss Vao in the lead, with myself staying slightly behind her on the left, being a good, obedient droid. When we arrived at the Droid dealer, I was able to get a look at the stock...there was a few decent parts as I scrolled down the list, they even had a rather highly illegal plasma cutter. Well, illegal for anything that is not a class IV droid, and under Republic military control. Not that you would find it on the official list, it was in the shipment list the port authorities had gotten from the Dealer's usual supplier, Crezka. It, the shipment of highly dangerous weaponry, was pending installation on several mark IV droids. The shipment containing the mark IVs are severely overdue, according to the Jedi Enclave's mainframe, meaning the droids are never coming, got to love backdoors into security systems.

I went further down the list and found a 'sonic' screwdriver…a newly designed device, with origins based in Xim's War droids. Apparently it's a self repairing device, designed to repair broken circuitry in a battle droid, so the droid can survive a direct hit by most military grade blasters and still function in the midst of a battle.

Miss Vao looked at the stock and frowned, "Looks like they don't have anything even vaguely dangerous, y'know for the kind of stuff we've been in y'know".

"Woooop-beeep" *translation: Ask for the sonic screwdriver*. I requested after thoroughly looking through the list.

"A what?" Asked Miss Vao, thoroughly confused.

"Doowooo-beep-boop-beep" *translation: Ask for the sonic screwdriver, it is in the back storage room, in the crate labeled Dorn-resh Wesh-herf-osk.* I said in a rather irritated tone.

"Hey, you got a sonic driver, its in a crate labeled Dorn-resh Wesh-her…."

"Quiet!" The Dealer interrupts Miss Vao, then looks around fugitively "I'll show you" He whispers, then he spots me "your droid stays here".


I waited in the store room, as the Rodian dealer and Miss Vao went out back. After about five minutes, she came storming back and repeating under her breath "17,000 credits? I could buy four landspeeders for that amount!" Seething with anger she spots me "You were not even worth that price! No new parts for you that are more than 3,000 credits, and no combat droid parts, they are unnecessary y'know".

I take back everything I said concerning blue skinned female youths, the centric blue credit grubbing hoarders.

After watching Miss Vao storm off, the dealer started to eye me. He slowly moved back against his tool selves, all the while starting at me, and groped about before grab a restraining bolt. I am concerned now.

I swivel my head to focus on the restraining bolt, and then promptly started to roll backwards. Fast.

As I leave the store I find myself moving an unattainable speed forwards. A T3 unit should not be able to out run any full grown healthy humanoid. Yet I found myself going from my max speed of one meter per second, to fifteen meters a second, at a acceleration of thirty nine meters per second squared.

I may have gotten out of the shop fast but my acceleration did not stop until I hit the Ebon Hawk's forward right landing strut. Perfect use for a sonic screwdriver right here, y'know, just a droid who has been smashed into a large unmoving object who can repair a starship but not itself..

The damage to me was not good, I could barely move. My wheels' treads were completely sheared off, but of higher priority, my left support leg being nearly sheared off. Shopping is not a safe thing to do.

I was barely able to get myself moving again. I got up the boarding ramp and into the navigational room aboard the Ebon Hawk and plugged in.

0:0:21:52:42:19: Plugged into the mainframe. Cycling the security cameras. Nothing has happened worth of note recently. Finding the closest local repair shop on the holonet.

0:0:21:52:45:41 Closest is…..the droid dealer..and the only one within one hundred kilometers. Kark. Maybe one of the crew members of the Ebon Hawk knows basic droid repair…

Several hours later, nothing interesting had happen other than a screaming match since I returned to the Ebon Hawk, entirely one sided between Miss Vao and Zaalbar, over that Zaalbar was spoiling his dinner, and that he had eaten all the food on the Ebon Hawk, for the second time. Padawan Shan, Specialist Venis, Captain Onasi, and Canderous had returned after four hours. Padawan Shan looked rather unconcerned, Specialist Venis was in a daze. Both Canderous and Captain Onasi were staring at Specialist Venis oddly. Specialist Venis had headed straight to his bunk. Canderous went to the starboard cargo hold and Captain Onasi to the cockpit with Padawan Shan. I decided to check on the back door to the Jedi Enclave's mainframe I had installed the previous night.

After several hours of nothing of interest or really anything vaguely intelligent, other than Jedi mediating, I found a meeting of the Jedi Council, Specialist Venis, Padawan Shan, Canderous and Captain Onasi.

"Bastila has told us of a most unusual development" greeted Master Vandar, "she claims you and she have shared a dream, a vision of Malak and Revan in the ancient ruins here on Dantooine."

These ruins have long been known to us, but we have believed them to be merely burial mounds." continued Master Dorak "Perhaps they are more than we first suspected, if Revan and Malak found something there".

"What?" exclaimed Specialist Venis in disbelief "How would Bastila know if we shared a dream?"

Master Vandar started to explain gently "She says that she felt your presence within the dream, the presence she has felt within you ever since-"

"Master Vandar!" whisper Master Vrook urgently.

"-ever since Taris. It is not unknown for this to happen between two people strong in the Force. Bastila has described this shared dream to the Council in great detail. We feel it is more than a dream. It is a vision. The Force is acting through you as it acts through Bastila".

Specialist Venis seemed to consider, "I am having visions now?

"You and Bastila share a powerful connection to the Force… and each other." Master Zhar paused considering, "Connection often forms between a Master and student, but rarely does a bond form so quickly".

"Whatever dangers may be ahead, we cannot ignore destiny that has brought you and Bastila here to us. Together" finished Master Vandar.

"Are you saying we are….joined?" asked Specialist Venis, practically spitting out the last word.

"You and she are linked, as is your fate to hers. Together, you may be able to stop Darth Malak and the Sith"

"But do not let your head be filled with visions of glory and power! Such thoughts are the path of the darkside" warned Master Vrook coldly. "The way of the light is long and difficult, as you must learn. Are you ready for such hardships?"

Specialist Venis or rather I should citizen Venis or even Jedi Venis now, stood there in deep thought for several minutes and merely replied "I will try my best".

"Understand that there is little choice in this matter… for you or us." Master Vandar explained, "Across the galaxy the numbers of our Order dwindle. We have sent many Jedi in quest of a way to thwart Malak's advances….many, far too many have not returned. The Sith hunt the Jedi down like animals, ambushing and assassinating our brothers and sisters wherever they are found. We fear it is only a matter of time until they discover even this hidden refuge".

"Other Jedi have fallen, from the light and embraced the dark side, giving their allegiance to the Sith and Malak, their dark lord."

"Jedi are turning to the dark side?" asked Kerc in a disbelieving tone

"The lure of the dark side is not easy to resist" answer Master Vrook, "Malak's power grows as more and more planets fall to his conquering armies."

"If Malak is not stopped, the Republic will fall, and the Jedi will be hunted to extinction" continued Master Zhar in a matter of fact tone, "The galaxy will enter a time of darkness and tryanny not seen for a thousand generations, since the times of the First Great Sith war."

"The Council has decreed that you and Bastila must investigate the ancient ruins you dreamed of….once the Council deems you ready."

"Perhaps there you will find some clue, some explanation of how Revan and Malak were corrupted." Master Dorak said, speaking for the first time "And perhaps you shall find a way to stop them."

Them? That would apply that Darth Revan is still alive. This is interesting, very interesting.

"I don't know if I want to do this…it sounds dangerous" said Kerc, completely missing the 'them' bit. Even Captain Onasi and Canderous missed it and they are not the ones under stress.

"You have a strong affinity with the Force. With such power comes great responsibility… and danger" Master Vandar stressing the last word in a stern but gentle voice "You may wish to deny what you are, but the council cannot turn a blind eye".

"Neither will Darth Malak. Your strength is a threat to him. In time he will learn of you and the Sith will hunt you down." Master Zhar said wearily, and sighed "It is inevitable. Defeating the Sith is the only way to save yourself."

"It seems like I have no choice…" said Venis, giving in to helping the Jedi.

"Before we send you to investigate the ruins, you must be trained in the ways of the Jedi, so that you can resist the darkness within yourself…within all of us. Otherwise you are doomed to fall"

"As you wish Master Vandar" replied Venis, his tone full of resignation.

This seemed to get the Council more…full of energy, as if they weren't guarded as much. Master Vandar was acting about the same, Masters Dorak and Zhar perked up slightly, though Dorak stayed quiet. Master Vrook however was a different manner, it seemed that he was opposed to having anything to do with Kerc Venis.

"We must begin your training at once. You have a destiny upon you that you must be prepared to face" stated Master Zhar, "The entire fate of the galaxy is upon you".

"I can only hope you prove up to the task" Master Vrook said coldly in a disapproving tone.

The meeting was over, Captain Onasi and Canderous were ushered out of the main part of the enclave and off to the visitors quarters, and Padawan Shan or rather Jedi Knight Shan since she was promoted to knighthood following the events on Taris, Master Zhar and Jedi padawan Venis moved to a exercise room.

Before I could I change the camera to follow the Jedi, I felt a tug, or rather a pull as I was pulled out of the dataport in I had jacked into and everything went dark as I was deactivated.

Cliffhanger! Also Dorak ACTUALLY says that...but no one notices the slip up, as much as people notice Vandar's NEAR slip up. Heck its his one line he says in this who 5 minute converstation.