Hello, this is not my first story, nor is it my first puppyshipping. But it is the first puppyshipping story I have posted. It was just roaming around in my head. Not my best but eh who cares.

Go ahead and criticize, I thrive off of it. It only makes me a better writer.

There are many things Seto could do well. He could....

Talk to corporate.

like a boss

Approve memos.

like a boss

Promote synergy.

like a boss

Fire people.

like a boss

Get angry.

like a boss

Throw stuff at people.

like a boss

Scream at his secretary.

like a boss

Be an asshole.

like a boss


like a boss

Try hitting on girls.

like a boss

Get rejected.

like a boss

Realize they weren't for him.

like a boss

Go to Joey's door.

like a boss

Try to ask him out.

like a boss

Almost knock on the door.

like a boss

"Oh,fuck shit man can't fucking do it."


Pussy out.

like a boss.

Go to work.

like a boss

Think of nothing but him.

like a boss.

Go back to Joey's house.

like a boss

Tell him he was going on a date with him whether he liked it or not.

like a boss

Start a relationship with Joey.

like a boss

Be in said with relationship for over two years.

like a boss

Ravish him senseless.

like a boss

Go back to work with a bounce in his step and smile on his face.

like a boss

Get pissed at everybody in the Kaiba Corporation.

like a boss.

Breathe fire.

like a boss

Go back home to Joey.

like a boss

Love his puppy.

like a boss