Alrighty's another update! Thanks so much to all you faithful reviewers and readers who have kept up with this story and been patient.

Disclaimer don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

"Well? What'll it be?" Yami asked. I cursed under my breath and released the boy,

"I-I can't Yami, look, you know why I can't host any parties and I can't leave my castle for more than a few hours at a time!" I protested,

"It's because of her isn't it?" Yami asked as a small smile appeared on his lips, I scowled at him. "Something didn't go quite right with her transformation and until you fix it you can't risk leaving for too long."

"Perhaps." I admitted my eyes hardening, just my luck that this pompous jerk would know my secret.

"Something must be done about this Bakura."

"I know darn it! I KNOW!" I screamed. Yami blinked and sighed

"What will you do?" he asked.

"What I can do Yami. Fix it, and when I do I'll attend any party you want me to. Just leave me alone for a few months," I pleaded. I hated pleading but I couldn't risk her. Not now, I may have a small dislike for her but I had a small dislike for everybody. Yami smiled.

"Alright. I'll hold you on this. Swear it?" Yami asked.

"What are we? Five? I'm a man of my word," I growled at the former Pharaoh. Yami's grin turned sheepish.

"You better." Was all he said as I flung my cloak back on and stepped up on his window sill and jumped.


I walked about the dark castle sort of fascinated by my quiet footsteps and the fact I could see in the dark. My eyes weren't well accustomed to the dark but they were beginning to. I turned a corner to see an empty hallway and broken mirrors. Tilting my head curiously I started forward but suddenly a hand gripped my arm.

Jumping I whirled around to see Malik.

"Malik, gosh, you startled me." I said in a surprised voice. Malik chuckled,

"What are you doing around here?" he asked, I shrugged

"You know…checking the castle-mansion-thing out." I replied. Malik sighed

"You're not allowed around here Alice." He said quietly gazing at the dark hall. I turned to follow his gaze but nothing out of the ordinary appeared.

"Why?" I asked,

"Bakura's orders."

"Oh….c-can you show me where your rooms are?" I asked looking at him hopefully, by meaning yours I meant his and Marik's. Malik hesitated before his face warmed into a smile

"Of course, come follow me." He instructed and turned starting to drag me down the hallway.

Unbeknownst to him I dropped a pen on the floor and examined the plain walls so I could remember which way to come. Malik talked a little on his way to his room, apparently he had a room not too far from mine and his was much larger. The room had two couches, a coffee table, a wardrobe and dressers, a fireplace, and lots of bookshelves. Malik explained the bookshelves kept his own books and movies, and some random stuff that couldn't be fitted in the library. Their room was mainly covered in purple, purple drapes, purple plush chairs, and purple rugs. He and Marik had also put a Nintendo, playstation 2, xbox 360, and a wii in there, plus boxes of games piled near their tv. The two brothers also had collected games and puzzles to keep them entertained.

"Wow, books, games, video games, jeez you guys go all out." I complimented looking about their room. Malik laughed

"Well we have centuries to live and not much to do so why not?" he asked, "Here." He added thrusting a controller into my hands "I challenge you to a round of Mario kart."

"Bring it on!" I replied plopping down on his plush game chair.

We played Mario Kart for nearly a half hour before Marik came in, finding us there he joined in and then we played not only Mario kart but guitar hero and Mario Party. Finally I made an excuse to go back to my room. Malik let me off on my own as he and Marik started an intense boxing wii round. Smiling at their childishness I walked out their room and made a mad dash to the hallway I had been at before Malik interrupted me.

The hallway seemed much more eerie and scarier now that I knew it was forbidden, but after chewing on my lip for a few moments I stepped forward and began my journey down the long hallway.

My feet crunched over glass, canvases that were torn lay on the ground, I picked one up hesitantly and the painting showed a small house ablaze in fire. Swallowing I wondered what drove Bakura to draw something like that. Half the piece was missing so I turned over several other ripped pieces. All of them were disturbing and I didn't know which one could have been the other half, they were all separated in the same angle and shape and each had a dark background. Sighing I set the torn papers and canvases down and continued down the hall.

I finally came to a door at the end, there was a sign on the door and I had a creepy sensation it was written in blood that said "Do Not Enter" pretty straight forward if you ask me yet I found my hand reaching out before I paused.

What if Malik saw me here again? No, Malik was playing a video game with Marik and knowing boys they would be at it for a long time. My trembling hand landed on the knob but again my "good voice" spoke again.

But what if Bakura saw me here? I thought to myself, the idea of what he would do and his anger frightened me, but I hadn't seen Bakura all day, he could be out on a business trip or errand, or hunting even. "I'll open the door and take a quick look around," I compromised to myself. Squaring my shoulders I twisted the knob and opened the heavy door.

The room startled me; while the rest of the manor was neat and organized hardly a speck of dust this room was incredibly messy. It was much larger than both the Ishtar brothers and mine combined. Furniture was overturned, spider webs in a corner or two, ripped curtains draped over walls and furniture, more ripped paintings and books lay on the floor. And who knows what else was about the room. I had half a mind to turn around and never come back, but I was also curious, I was sure this was the tower or room that Bakura did not want me in here, and I wanted to know why.

I navigated around the room careful not to step on anything (or anyone, you never know he could have carcasses here) or trip. To be honest other than the huge mess I wasn't finding much that interested me.

Until I reached about halfway across the room, there sat a desk covered with papers and photographs. Upon reaching it I was startled to see that they were pictures of people. Mainly girls about my age, most of them very pretty and a wide variety of them. There were blondes, brunettes, red heads, Asian, Hispanic, American, dark skinned and light skinned. Athletic, skinny, plump, average figures, and many more. I rummaged through the photographs until I saw a picture of my sister. Victoria.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened, what did Bakura have a picture of her for? I turned the photo around to see a check mark in a corner. Frowning I tucked it into my jeans pocket, I looked around and saw another one of my sister in our front lawn talking to some of her friends. And in the corner there was me lying down in our hammock and I was reading the sixth Harry Potter book. I froze; my face was circled in red. Did that mean something?

A quick to the other scattered photographs told me it had to be important, nobody else had their faces circled in red. I flipped over other pictures and found some more check marks on the back but nothing more.

I stepped away as a thousand thoughts and questions came to mind, my world swirled uncontrollably until a loud crash hit my ears which brought me back to reality.

(Bakura POV)

I thought about my chat with Yami as I flew through the sky, I was still pissed that he found out about Alice. Not only did I create her technically illegally, but her transformation didn't work completely! Alice still felt tired and she was sickened by blood-which explained her lack of appetite-and I'm pretty sure she still dreams, even as a newborn when she would be sleeping a couple hours a day she wouldn't have dreams. Malik and Marik didn't. I didn't, but she did.

While her body temperature and nerves didn't work completely her heart had tremors. In the vampire world the hearts aren't supposed to beat at all but once in a while something could go wrong and the heart would beat twice every few days or so, I've only encountered three in my vampire lifetime and it shocked me to know that the immortal I had created wasn't one of us, and unfortunately I'm not completely sure how I can change it. Which is why I wanted to be left alone for a few months so I could have time to research properly and fix it if I could.

If I didn't Alice would die after a year the human part of her body wouldn't be able to go on with the lack of heartbeats and her vampire body could only keep it going for so long. It was too complicated to explain and very complicated to fix. But I knew that I had both the knowledge, the resources to figure out how to save her.

A part of me was in her and if she died then it would greatly affect my moods, my behavior, and my health. Vampires are very possessive over their property and even if I had been staked Alice would be affected much more than I would be affected by her death.

Smiling I finally landed on the roof of my castle and started downwards and then climbed through Alice's' window hoping to find her there sulking or asleep, but she wasn't there. Shrugging I headed over to the library, I knew she had to be there because she seemed more at peace and relaxed there, honestly that girl read more than any other girl I had seen, I should have just made the library her room.

But upon arriving at the library I was quick to note she wasn't there, I bit my lip and hurried towards the Ishtar's room. Where the hell was she?

"Malik!" I called banging into the room to see the two brothers holding a controller and pounding their fingers on the buttons, no Alice, although her half human scent lingered about. Growing angry that my creations were ignoring me for a silly game I yelled their names. Both looked up and stood quickly,

"Bakura." Malik said giving me a small smile. I scowled at him.

"Have you seen Alice?" I asked

"Uh, yeah, she was in here only a half hour ago playing games with us, she left claiming to be tired and she was going to her room." Malik explained looking a little nervous.

"Did she? Well she's not there." I snarled. Malik's lavender eyes widened and his mouth dropped.

"Oh no." he whimpered. I stepped forward and placed my hands on his shoulders squeezing tightly.

"What do you mean 'oh no'" I demanded.

"I-I uh, well, you see…I found…Alice in your hallway earlier." He mumbled looking down. I stiffened.


"I told her she wasn't allowed and brought her here, but then she left….please forgive me master, I should have escorted her or made her stay here." He said in a rush.

"Damn right you should have. Damn it! I leave for a few hours and you let her loose!" I screamed. Malik chewed on his lip.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. Marik stepped forward.

"Please let my brother go, he's sorry." He begged,

"Fortunately for you all my anger is now directly at her." I hissed then released the younger boy and ran down the hallway. At a corner I saw a pen with a faint scent on it and then I heard a crash.

(Alice POV)

Whirling around I saw a small table with only three legs had fallen. I winced at the sound and how much more broken it was.

"I gotta get out of here." I mumbled to myself but then something caught my eye, on the other end of the room there was a portrait, it was propped against a mirror with candles burning around it, the candles smelled of vanilla. Coming closer I saw it was a boy, a boy with white hair and warm brown eyes, he was pale and sick looking but he looked happy, his smile brightened the little bit of space I was in.

"I know him from somewhere." I whispered reaching out and touching the portrait, he was handsome and child like, I couldn't decide on his age so I figured he had to be at least fourteen, maybe older. He looked a lot like Bakura, and then my eyes widened.

He's the boy from my dream, but who is he?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a flicker of movement, I turned only to be greeted by the scariest thing I had ever seen in my life.

Tall with pale skin, white hair, covered in black clothes and a cloak he was already intimidating but it was the eyes that held me frozen in terror. His ruby eyes glinted and sparkled in anger his mouth set in a scowl and I heard a small growl in his chest.


Wow this chapter appeared to be much longer than I thought it would be, woohoo! Now you all know what Bakura's hiding. Um yeah please review.