For those of you who read Weisman, Kiss and like it, thankyou! I took it down after a concerned reviewer pointed some things out that just didn't make any sense timeline wise, and I just couldn't bear to see something that bad floating around the internet. Hopefully, this will be better. I have been reading alot about WW2 lately, and came across a very interesting Member of the SS... but thats for later. Feel free to point out anything that doesn't make sense to you, or anything that seems OOC. I'm still trying to find a good voice for the Basterds! Thanks for reading! ONWARD TO THE STORY.

She watched them from the edge of trees, crouched inside the forest, glancing behind her every couple of seconds. These men were the first people she had seen, beside her traveling companions, in months, and it was unnerving her. She glanced behind her again, making sure the men who she was with were still asleep. She knew that if she ran away they wouldn't come looking for her, but how could she fend for herself? Of course she could claim a new identity- but they were hauling jews and gypsies away by the truckload, and she would have to leave what little protection they offered. She glanced behind her again, sensing movement in the forest. When she turned back to the men, she noticed things had gotten unnaturally quiet. It was cold, and she could see her breathe out in front of her. Her breathing quickened, and a pair of arms seized her shoulders. She felt something cold against the skin of her neck, and recognized it as a knife.

"You spyin'?" Said her captor. He had an accent she had never heard before, and she couldn't place it.

Her english was not very good, but she knew enough to blurt out, "Please, no kill me."

He looked down at her, and must have seen the fear in her wide eyes. He lowered the knife, but didn't put it away. "What're you doin out here by yerself?"

"My camp, We..." She paused. "Hunting. In the woods."

"In these woods, you were huntin?"

"Yes. For rabbits."

"Mhhmm." He said, pressing his lips into a tight line. "Now, call me crazy, but you look a little like a Roma too me."

"A what?" She said, her voice cracking slightly. She could hear branches cracking from the direction of the tent. She prayed the men wouldn't come and kill the strange accented man. He had spared her, and he wasn't a german. She tried to slow her breathing, but failed. The man grinned.

"A gypsy? Long dark hair, bells and whatnot."

"No, I, uh, italian."

"Well, Bonjourno."

If she wasn't so scared, she may have laughed at how ridiculous he sounded. She was about to ask him to let her go when she heard her name being called from inside the forest.


"Rahat." She said under her breathe. The man with the knife stepped back, lowering the knife to his side.

"You in some kinda trouble?"

"Treci in pula mea incoace!"

"What is he saying?" The man asked. Sirena glanced into the forest, then back at the man.

"He saying, Get over here."


"I am small girl, he probably thinks I lost in the woods."

Just as she finished the sentence, she heard twigs cracking behind her. One of the men from camp, Andras, was laying a hand on her shoulder and throwing her to the ground. He was yelling in romanian and paying no attention to the man. He leaned down, slapping Sirena across the face. She raised a hand to her cheek, "Futui gura!" She yelled, and he was about to advance on her again when he froze.

He fell to his knees, and she saw the man sliding the knife out of his back. "Come on now, stand up." He said. She followed his instructions. "I do not take kindly to men hitting women. Now, can you tell me why you are out here watching me and my men have dinner?"

She stuttered. "I told you, we hunting."

"Don't give me that bullshit." The bull was elongated, and Sirena supposed he was talking about a false truth. They did not have that swear in her homeland.

"I was to run away from them." She said, under her breathe.

"Where were you gonna go?" He asked, wiping the knife off on his pants. Sirena had only now become aware of the three men behind him, safely hidden by the forest and the trees.

"I don't know. Somewhere there are no germans." Her accent was soft, and she laid the disgust on thick at the last word.

He grinned. The man on the floor grunted, and he kicked him in the back. "Sirena? Is that how you say it?"

She smiled slightly, his accent made her name sound ridiculous like seeraynah. "Yes. Do you have name?"

"Aldo the apache."

"Okay, Aldo." She glanced behind her again. "There is another man, bigger than the first." Her eyes were wide with fear, but Aldo just kept on grinning.

"Dont you worry about that, girl. Come over by the fire, we got some rice left."

She smiled and advanced forward, but stopped. "How do I know I trust you?"

"Because I know you are not an italian and I could have slit your throat when I had the chance."

She nodded. "Right." She walked forward, but slower this time. When she was in front of him he stepped aside.

"After you." And she smiled slightly and walked into the small clearing together. The three men who followed Aldo into the forest were only a few feet behind them, and when she approached the other four, all became silent, and let their eyes fall on her.

"Men, tonight we have a guest for dinner. I would like you to all be on your best behavior." He looked at one burly man in particular.

"What? I didn't do nothin!" He said in another thick accent she could not recognize.

"I didn't say you did, Donowitz. Have a seat, Sirena." She smiled and placed herself on the opposite side of the man named 'Donowitz'.

Aldo handed her a small mug of rice, and she ate hastily. It seemed all of the men were too focused on her to do the same, and began to ask her questions.

"Where are you from?" Asked a man she had learned was called Utivich.


"Why are you in france?" Another man spoke up.

"I was on train headed to a camp in Poland. I manage to escape, and when I was in Germany, the two men I was with convinced me France was the safest place to be. Stupidly, I believe them. What you doing in France?"

"Killin' Natzi's." Aldo said from his spot beside her. He was running the large knife along a thick piece of leather.

"So, they were really taking you to one of those camps?" Utivich asked. He was full of questions, she noticed.

She nodded. "I was living in ghetto with many jewish families, and member of the SS saw me, he saw my eyes. He told me there was doctor who would be interested in my... deformity, at one of the camps."

"Your, uh, deformity?" Said the man with the accent, Donowitz.

"My eyes, they are not same color. Very unusual, I guess. I manage to get away from train, so I will never know what they wanted with me. What this nazi doctor wanted. They put me in a empty cattle car, I am assuming I was to be gift for doctor."

The men seemed enthralled in her story. A large man, with a thick german accent spoke up next. "I know of this doctor. His name is Mengele- you are lucky to have escaped."

She nodded. "I agree."

And then they all went quiet for a little while. Sirena wondered if these men were going to kill her, maybe even rape her. She glanced around at the faces, and decided that it was better than with the other two men. They didn't usually hit her in the face, but her ribs and thighs were full of bruises. She should have left earlier, she knew that. But France was a bad place for a Romanian girl on the run. How long would she be able to stay with these men? She had no idea. She still couldn't even understand what they were doing in France. They weren't soldiers, from what she could see anyway.

She was chewing on her lip and looked up to see the burly man Aldo had yelled at before, Donowitz, staring at her. After a while, two of the men began talking to one another in German, and Aldo turned to face her.

"Have you decided where you're goin'?" He said, and she turned to look at him, confused.

"No, I don't even know part of France I am in. I know nothing about this country, or any one surrounding it. I can't go home, my family is dead, and I... I..." Tears sprung her eyes, and she began to cry softly. "I have no place to go. And I don't even know where I go if I wanted to."

Aldo pressed his lips together in a line and patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. "You can travel with us, as long as you stay out of the way."

Her eyes lit up."I will, promise. And I can cook, and sew and... uh... sing!"

He frowned, patting her on the shoulder again. "That's all very nice, but I especially need to know one thing?"

"What?" She asked eagerly.

"Can you keep quiet while watching a man's scalp bein' removed?" He said this with the utmost seriousness.

She looked from side to side, apprehensive. What kind of people were these? "Yes. I can."

And that's how a young romanian gypsy ended up with the Basterds. She imagined this year with them would be the most exciting one she had ever had, and she was banking on it, because in her heart she knew it would be her last.

Good? bad? Leave a review and let me know.

That certain, horribly creepy, member of the SS I was talking about was Yosef Mengele, or the angel of death. He was a doctor at Auschwitz obsessed with genetics and deformities. Especially twins. Look him up if you don't know who he is, but just a warning, it comes with a pricetag of some pretty graphic stuff. His experiments are not for the light of heart, and frankly, what he did to some of those children was just horrific.

Thanks for reading!