Yet again I start another story. What is wrong with me?

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Wish I did tho…



Knock. Knock. Knock.

Bang. Bang.



"Pleease? I have cookies!"


Sakura stuck her head out the doorway, her green eyes wide with excitement. "Did someone say cookies?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved her inside her house with Hinata and Ino close behind me. "Duh! See!" I dangled the plastic shopping bag full of oreos in her face. It made a delightful crinkling noise that only bags of cookies can make.

I swear her entire face lit up. She snatched it out of my hands and ran off. Standing near the top of the stairs she hunched over the bag and cackled to herself "My preciousss!"

I rolled my eyes as I removed my sneakers, not caring enough to untie them. I could hear Hinata giggle softly as she untied her own shoes and put them neatly on the shoe rack located right by Sakura's front door. Ino nearly ran me over to retrieve her precious Oreos. Hinata was full out laughing by now as Ino tackled Sakura and in the process crushed the cookies.


I brushed my pink Chinese style top off and ran up the stairs with the agility of an Olympic runner (which technically I am, well at least the state high school Olympics). I separated those two with a few of my awesome kung-fu moves. Okay, what I actually did was roll Sakura down the stairs and pin Ino under my boot. Once Hinata made sure that Sakura was still alive I retrieved the bag of cookies and sexily walked down the stairs.

"Cookies are for everyone." I said in my best 'aren't you a cute little kid?' voice. I threw them on the dining room table, which honestly, was already creaking under the weight of all the books and sports equipment piled on top of it.

"Tenten's right." Hinata piped up "Besides, I only have a f-few minutes before I leave."

The mood changed from spastic to melancholy. I forced myself to smile and guided Hinata into the kitchen. "She's right you know, so let's get this over with."

The other two scampered inside. Ino wore her usual brazen outfit, denim micro shorts and a black tanktop with a sequined butterfly on the low neckline. Sakura chose a more conservative and torn jeans with a purple off the shoulder top. Hinata was elegant in black and white a newsboy cap on her head. Her long blue hair brushed her waist, but it was nowhere near as long as Ino's blonde locks. We all made a promise to grow our hair long after Sakura hacked hers off at age twelve.

A promise is why we are here today.

I nodded at Ino who pulled something out of her back pocket. It was a folded and dingy looking piece of paper. She chuckled nervously and brushed some lint and candy wrappers off it. She unfolded it and read its contents "Today signifies the first day of our being separated from each other. A week ago we graduated from High School and as we removed our caps and gowns we removed a part of our childhood that will never be retrieved again."

"Never be retrieved again?" Sakura mumbled, "That doesn't make sense."

"HEY SHUT UP! This is MY speech!" Ino roared. She cleared her throat and picked up where she left off "We shared so many memories together – broken hearts, whispered secrets, joy and sorrow, -"

"-your boring-ass speech…" Sakura mumbles again, nudging my arm. I start to snicker.

Ino takes a deep breath and I steady myself for the big one "I SAID SHUT UP!" her bellow resonates and rattles the china in the cupboards. She smoothes a few stray strands of platinum behind her ears and continues, "Today is the beginning of a new day. Yesterday we galloped through the plains of childhood, today we walk as women. Today we challenge a world previously unknown. Today we separate and find out who we really are. There will be many trials and temptations, toils and snares, but we will prevail. This world is a harsh place. Money, clothes, and fancy cars are what people seek. But we have love, and that's what really matters." She lowered the paper and smiled angelically, clearly awaiting a round of applause.

I elbowed Sakura in the ribcage and began clapping. She and Hinata quickly followed suit. I was embarrassed to feel tears come to my eyes. The speech sucked. It was probably the worst speech in the history of speeches, but it came from her heart and that is what really mattered.



"-and so!" Ino proclaimed proudly. She clearly took over the place as Mistress of Ceremonies "To commemorate our friendship I bought matching charm bracelets!"

Sakura, Hinata, and I leaned over and oohed appropriately. There was a violin, a soccer ball, a fairy, a purse, a baby bottle, a pony, and a heart. I didn't recognize some of the symbols but I saw the look in Hinata's eyes as she saw the violin.

I took my bracelet and appreciated the soft jingle of the charms bumping into each other. "Pretty." I cooed.

"I know right?" Ino flipped her ponytail flamboyantly "I have awesome taste."

"Not bad." Sakura begrudgingly agreed.

"I l-love it…" Hinata piped up in her soft little voice. "A-and I love you guys."

"Awwww!!!" Sakura, Ino, and I cried in unison, encircling around her for a group hug. Sakura pulled away first and raced inside the kitchen. She nearly slipped on the ceramic tiles but managed to gain her footing. She shuffled inside the cupboards and pulled out four wine glasses. My eyes widened and Hinata paled as a bottle of French wine followed those glasses.

"My Dad considers himself a connoisseur." Sakura smiled mischievously as she popped the fizzing bottle open. Ino yowled in excitement and shoved her glass under the spout "I think we all deserve a toast, don't you?"

"Might as well…" I said a little warily.

Hinata, who is from a super strict family, nearly passed out. She had never even SEEN alcohol before. Her Father kept her from parties and generally anything fun, forcing her into AP classes and giving her all the boring extra curricular activities. I still scowl firmly whenever I see that man and I can't name the many times Ino put her gum in the back of his hair.

We clinked our glasses together as Ino, the queen of cheesiness and attitude, threw back her head and yelled "To us!"

I grinned "To us!"



And that my friend is how I am where I am today, or right now, wherever I am. I think I'm in forever, well at least part of the forever Ino described in her terrible speech. We all had summer plans. Sakura was going to some elite soccer camp where she would play with some elite soccer team in some elite soccer championship. Boring.

Ino, on the other hand, well her story is pretty funny. She is from a long line of Flower Arrangers (I'm not sure if that is an actual profession, but whatever!) and therefore entitled to inherit the shop once her parents die. The problem is, she sucks at flower arrangements. She'd rather text than help customers and treats the flowers like one would treat building blocks. To teach her a lesson her parents sent her away to get a summer job. Epic Fail right? I think so. I'm not sure why, but they sent her to work at their close relative's Day Care somewhere in New Jersey. I'm a little frightened to be honest.

Part of Hinata's Dad's strictness was him forcing her to learn an instrument. She chose the violin. She plays at professional level after years of training and hard work. This summer she will be touring with some super elite Orchestra who will most likely compete in a super elite battle of the bands. I'm not really sure; I wasn't paying attention because some hot guy was on the TV screen.

Me? I don't really have summer plans, at least I didn't until my Mom proclaimed me a lazy bum and decided I needed a job. Ugh, no thanks.

That was all before she threw me, quite literally, out of the house and told me not to return unless I had a job. Well it turns out there is a diner that could use my help. The poor suckers. Either way, they accepted me on the spot and I'll be starting work in two days, which means I have 48 hours to schmuck around before I'm forced to face my doom.

This is our last summer before college. My plans sound like an epic fail, but who knows, maybe something good will come out of it! It's hard to be an optimist like Sakura.



Hark! It is my prologue! Please review and lemme know what you think. I know I'm a lazy bum-ass who keeps pulling stories out and not finishing them, but I made a new year's resolution and plan on sticking to it!

Sakura: yeah right. Just review and send chocolates ok?