"Ok, thats the last of the boxes, we're officially moved in" Alex said as he collapsed on the sofa next to Addison.

"Lets have that dinner thing next week, so we have the house ready"

"Sure, I can't believe the Chief let you take the week off"

"He's just happy to see me smiling I think"

"Good, I'm glad your smiling too"

"I smile because of you Lex, and Lucy of course"

"Of course, how could we forget our gorgeous girl" he smiled, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on his, they watched as Lucy played with her toys, she crawled quickly over to them she touched Alex's knee and pulled herself up to a standing position, Addison reached out her arms and pulled her up onto her lap.

"Mama" she babbled as she kissed Addison on the cheek, "Dada" she squealed as she leant over and kissed Alex on the cheek, she then put a hand on each of their faces and pushed them into each other.

"I think she wants me to kiss you" Alex smirked.

"Then kiss me" Addison smiled, Alex leaned in and gave Addison a soft lingering kiss which he broke when Lucy smacked him playfully on the head.

"Are you sure she likes me?" Alex laughed.

"I'm sure" she smiled.

"Maybe she'll wrestle like her dad"

"My daughter is not going to wrestle, if she does anything it will be dance or gymnastics or something"

"Don't you think thats a bit sexist?"

"No! I just don't want our little girl to get hurt"

"Aww, she won't, I'll always be there to protect her, when she scrapes her knee in the playground, when she first gets her heart broken, when she falls out with her best friend, I'll always be there"

"I love you y'know that?"

"Yeah, I know, I love you too"

"You're just, amazing, you've just took on the responsibility of a child who you didn't even know existed"

"Yeah because now I know she exists and thats all that matters, I can't say I like the fact that I've missed out on things like her first tooth or her first word but I'm going to be here for a long time to see a lot of other things"

"What did I do to deserve you?"

"What can I say, I'm a catch" he laughed.

1 week later….

"Karev ETA on the dinner?" Addison shouted from the dining room.

"40 minutes Montgomery and will you stop messing around with the place settings, everythings perfect"

"I just want to make a good impression" she said as she walked into the kitchen.

"Addison they're our friends, our best friends, our best friends who sit on the floor eating pizza from the box and wash it down with tequila, chill out dude"

"Did you just call me dude?"

"I did, dude" he smirked "Come here and try this" he said holding out a spoon of bolognese sauce.

"God Lex that's amazing, where have you been hiding these cooking skills of yours"

"They stay locked away until completely necessary"

"Izzie's bringing dessert, she insisted"

"Good, Izzie's great at desserts, she bakes, a lot, when Denny….when Denny died she made enough muffins to feed the whole hospital for a month"

"I know, I hate a whole basket"

"To yourself?!"

"Hey, I'd just found Meredith Grey's underwear in my husbands tux, I was drunk and I wanted to get fat so yeah, I ate a whole basket"

"Y'know I really wish you hadn't have had that day off, her face when she saw them on the bulletin board, priceless, Dr Bailey's face, even better"

"Well thats what you get when you do the dirty with someone else's husband at prom, anyway I'm over it, we're actually becoming really good friends which is good right?"

"Yeah its good, I'm glad you get a long with everyone, I wouldn't have cared if you didn't but I'm glad"

"Me too, oh there's the door, be back in a sec" she said pecking him quickly on the lips.

"Hey guys" she smiled as she opened the door to see Derek, Meredith and Izzie huddled together on the step "Come in" she said stepping to the side.

"Wow, this is nice" Meredith smiled as they stepped into the hallway.

"I see motherhood hasn't affected your taste" nodded Derek.

"Shut up Derek!" she laughed "Come on through to the kitchen, Lex is cooking, dinner should be ready in 30 minutes"

"Hey guys" Alex smiled as they entered the kitchen.

"Addison I didn't know you knew Martha Stewart" Derek laughed as he watched Alex move around the kitchen with ease.

"Shut up" Alex smirked "So what, I can cook, big deal, you think I'm going to live on take-out?"

"How come you didn't cook for us before?" asked Izzie.

"Because you cooked everything and this is a special occasion so I'm cooking"

"Oh Derek can I have the car keys I left the dessert in the trunk" smiled Izzie.

"Sure" he said throwing them at her.

A few minutes later Izzie re-entered, she somehow managed to hook to baskets of muffins on one arm and she carried a cake in the other.

"Jesus Iz, you've got enough muffins for 40 people there" Alex laughed.

"Well I made one batch and then I got carried away"

"Just keep them away from Addison, she ate a whole basket of those things once"


"What! Its a compliment to Izzie right?"

"Yeah but not to me!"

"When did you eat my muffins?" Izzie asked "Oh get your mind out of the gutter Alex" she said as she saw him laughing quietly to himself "Anyway, when did you Addison?"

"Day after prom, I took the day off work got insanely drunk, you dropped off baskets at Joe's and I ate them all"

"All of them?! Addison there were tons of muffins in those baskets"

"I was depressed and drunk and my goal in life was to get fat, really really fat and I did that by drinking my weight in vodka and eating a ton of muffins"

"Why were you so depressed?" asked Izzie.

"Because I was a slutty whore and slept with her husband at prom" said Meredith.

"Ah, sorry guys" said Izzie sheepishly.

"Its fine really, my only regret was not sticking around to see Meredith's face when she saw the panties on the bulletin board" Addison laughed.

"I had a feeling that was you"

"Well it certainly wasn't Derek"

"Can we stop talking about this now? I feel like we're entering dangerous territory" said Derek.

"Saved by the bell, that must be the others, excuse me"

10 minutes later and they were all sat around the dinner table drinking wine and eating food.

"Alex how could you have kept this food from us for so long? Its amazing" Izzie smiled as she shoveled in another fork full.

"It's just spaghetti Iz" he said, slightly blushing from all the compliments he received.

After they had finished Alex cleared up the plates with help from Derek and rejoined the table.

"Guys I just want to thank you all for coming tonight, you've been such a great support to me and Addison over the past month or so and we really appreciate it, we don't really have any family other than Lucy but you guys, your our family now"

"We'll always be here for you, all 3 of you" Meredith smiled.

"We should probably get going soon, early surgery in the morning" Derek said holding Meredith's hand.

"Wait, there's just one more thing I have to say" Alex said, he slipped of his chair and onto one knee in front of Addison.

"Wha, what are you doing there Lex?" Addison stuttered as he took her hand.

"Addison, Add, I know we technically haven't been a couple for very long but I love you with all my heart, we have already been through so much together, I thought that all the things I said to you two years ago ruined my chances of ever being with you and maybe if you hadn't have had Lucy we wouldn't be here today but we did, she brought us back together, to each other because Addie we belong together, this is our time, we can have our happy ending, I will love you everyday, even when you shout at me for doing something stupid because I'll probably do something stupid, I will love you and I want you to marry me, I want us to be a proper family, so Addison, will you marry me?" he smiled pulling out a small box from his pocket and showing her a ring.

Addison blinked a few times as she stared at the ring in front of her, her heart was racing, she could feel everyones eyes boring into her, she averted her eyes from the ring to Alex's eyes, the same eyes that she saw everyday in her daughter, she reached out her hand and stroked his cheek softly "Yes" she said a small smiled creeping across her face.


"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes" she squealed throwing herself at him kissing him hard on the lips, she leant back as he took the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger "I love you" she smiled.

"I love you too"

"Hate to interrupt the moment guys but we're sorting of wanting to say congratulations here" Callie laughed.

"Right, sorry" Addison said pulling away from Alex "Go ahead" she gestured, with that everyone was out of there seats giving both Alex and Addison hugs.

"You ok with this man?" Alex said as Derek shook his hand.

"You make her happy, that's all that matters to me now, just don't break her heart ok?"

"I promise" Alex smiled as he looked over to his now fiancee being squeezed to death by Izzie who was jumping around the room squealing happily "I'm not letting her go again"

The End.