Disclaimer: I don't own yugioh, only my character and the plot line... and the rabbit!!!

Arnica: what rabbit?

Monkey: quiet you!

Summery: Seto Kaiba the rich CEO of Kaiba corp. in serious… always- but his cousin Jay couldn't be more different. Based on a RP with my friend, please R&R, rated T just in case and for swearing, flames welcome, silence is annoying… but happens anyway- ENJOY! (Ps. I made in general, but these are the actual subjects: humor/romance/adventure/friendship yeah they wouldn't all fit so I put 'em here instead ^^)

"When you're as low as you can go, and with no one to turn to, you only way to go is up"

She couldn't go home, hadn't been there for years. She couldn't go back, not to that hell whole. She had only one option, and she hated it. Lying on the cold ground in some dark alley way, uncomfortable, Jay Summers slept her days. Her nights were full of unlawful acts of necessity. She was a thief, the lowest member of society, why? She had once been the rich cousin of a well known CEO. But one man, one threat, one gift, one item had changed all that. She had refused to stay in the detention center. Not for something she had no control over, she just wished she didn't have to be here instead.

She picked herself up, thinking of her life, and cursing the object that hung so heavily around her neck. If she had never found it, if she hadn't been chosen, maybe she'd still be laughing her days away pulling tasteful pranks on her rather stubborn cousin… huh, must be a family trait. She walked silently through the park, a mess. Her hair was bedraggled, her face covered in dirt. Seto never would have let me get this way… but Gosaburo… he sent me away without a backwards glance. Maybe Seto would take me in now, after all he IS the new CEO of Kaiba corp. but I can't take the risk, getting out of that place was hard enough the first time, and I won't go back, ever. She wasn't really looking where she was going; lost in thought it was really no wonder that he saw her. He called out to her; his words seemed to stir her.

'Hey, Jay, Jay Summers? Is that really you?' Yugis' voice cut through the stupor of misery that had built up over the years.

'Y... Yugi?' She had met him once at school. But the familiar voice brought tears to her eyes and memories to mind. She was delirious; there was only so much time you could live like that- All alone, scavenging of other humans. Her head spun her legs sore from walking, collapsed underneath her.

'JAY!' He called as she fell, her body crumpling in a heap. Jays head hurt too much, she was seeing red, her mind faded as she slipped into unconsciousness.


'hey you, yeah you… give it to mw!' the mans voice was threatening as he backed her against a wall, pointing to her millennium crystal.

'No!' Jay shouted, scared as he ran towards her, grabbing her by the throat.' give it to me n-' his voice was cut off.. She glared at him and felt something within her as he sank to his knees…

My chapters are really short, hm... Well hopeful the next one will be longer-

Arnica: I don't think so hikari, you just think of to many suspenseful endings

Monkey: I'm going to take that as a compliment…

Arnica: again- please R&R!!!^^

Monkey: and we'll send you a virtual cookie… with choc chips!!!!!!! =)