So this is me, starting a new story.:P I know I said I would be on hiatus until graduation but school isn't as busy as I expected it to be. So YAY! :D

I may not be able to update this every single day like I did with my last full-length. But if you did read that one, you'll know it had been written for two years already and I was just editing and posting. This one's more...real-time.:P

And this one's not so serious either. Because it just came to me randomly. And I want to have fun too, that's why. Who doesn't, right? And this one's AU...But then again, none of my stories have really been Camp Rock dead on! :P So pretend Cosmo, Elle, Vogue don't exist. Lush is number 1 in this world. :P

This is for my two favorite people in the fan fiction universe who inspire me to keep on writing:

1-Hannah (xxstrawberry16xx) Now she may not get to read this AT ALL because she's not with us anymore. On fanfiction-dot-net, that is. She's very much alive! LOL! She's awesome and I love her sooooo much. :D

2-Tina (Jemi Obsessed) who's my favorite 13-year-old ever! I think she shouldn't be reading this story but I'll make her decide for herself.:P Thanks for everything (mostly for the laughter. Haha!) and I love you!

Thanks for being my friends!

And of course it's for all of you!:D

Don't own Camp Rock and its characters. Don't own Glee's Kurt Hummel either but I love him and I just had to put him here.:)

So this was a long author's note! But it was necessary!

Anyway, here goes! I hope you like it! :)

Chapter 1

"Ugh…Can't you go any faster?" Mitchie sighed before clicking her tongue in exasperation.

"Miss, the car is barely moving. We are really stuck in traffic." Amit replied, rolling his eyes as he stated the obvious.

Mitchie rolled her eyes, annoyed at the cab driver, Amit. And at the stupid early morning New York traffic.

"Miss Torres?"

"What?!" she snapped.

"I think you can walk to your office from here if you don't want to be late." Amit said, in his thick Indian accent. "It's just a few more blocks away." he added.

Mitchie's eyes widened. "Oh no, he didn't!" She scooted forward from her seat at the back and put her hand on Amit's shoulder. "Just shut up and make the car move, okay?!" she whispered harshly in his ear.

"Okay…Sorry." he mumbled.

Mitchie sat back again and crossed her arms. This was not happening to her! Of all the other days of the week, why did she choose to wake up late today?!

Being the editor-in-chief, she had been holding meetings at the publication office of Lush magazine for almost a month now in preparation for its twenty fifth year anniversary issue. Today, she was supposed to look at the drafts prepared by the writers. And most importantly, meet up with the photographers and models. What good was a magazine without pictures? Just thinking about the ton of work she had waiting for her made her feel exhausted already.

No, she definitely could not afford to be late today.

"What do you mean he's not coming?!" Ella yelled.

"It means exactly what it means." Kurt, her assistant, replied matter-of-factly, looking at his newly manicured nails.

"Where is he?" Caitlyn whispered, pulling Kurt closer, afraid other people might hear them. And then it would reach Mitchie. They just lost their cover boy – hunk Liam Dixon. Then, what would she do? She had been working for Lush as art director/stylist/fashion editor for almost a year now and she knew when it was going to be a bad day at the office – when models didn't show up!

"He's in L.A....He said something about getting a better deal." Kurt whispered back.

Ella cursed herself under her breath. "I should have stopped slacking and got him to sign those contracts when I had the chance!"

"The tyrant just called!" Caitlyn, the managing editor, yelled. "She's stuck in traffic so she's going to be a little late. But I'm sure all hell will break loose later. She didn't sound so nice over the phone. But then again, when did she ever? You guys better be ready!"

"I'm officially dead." Ella stated in a monotone voice, looking into space.

"Just be thankful she's not here yet. Let's get out there and look for 'the one!'" Kurt grabbed Ella's arm and pulled her out of the office.


"It goes 'clink clink bang.'"
"Okay…" Shane nodded. "Where exactly do you hear that, Mrs. Dale?"

Mrs. Dale, his landlady, knocked on his door for the eighth time this month complaining of car troubles.

"Somewhere in the hood…" the little old lady replied.

"Where in the hood?"

"I don't really know, honey." Mrs. Dale replied, propping her glasses back on the bridge of her nose. "I don't really know them car parts…and I'm deaf in my left ear." she added, pointing to her right ear.

Shane wondered if she should still be driving at all.

"Okay, Mrs. Dale. No worries. You let me figure it out." Shane said, leading the old lady back into the apartment building.

"Oooh! Thank you, Shane!" Mrs. Dale exclaimed, clasping her hands together.

"No problemo, Mrs. Dale." Shane said, smiling at her. He considered her his other mother. Or grandmother, considering her age.

"You tell your mother you don't have to pay rent this month." Mrs. Dale said, cupping Shane's hands in her wrinkly and bony hands.

Shane's face lightened up even more. "You don't really have to do that Mrs. Dale…But thank you very much!" He really needed to hear that. He was out of a job yet again and he and his mother were running low in the money department. She was working in a cafeteria on weekdays and babysitting on weekends and he was fixing cars to make ends meet. Sometimes, he even walked dogs.

"No problem, dearie. It's the least I can do. Now get started with my car. I'm going bowling tonight." she said, closing the door behind her.

Shane opened the hood of the car and examined the insides. There seemed to be nothing wrong. It pretty much looked the same the last seven times he checked. There was nothing wrong with Mrs. Dale's car. But he decided to double check just to make sure. He lay on his neighbor's beat-up skateboard so that he could check under the car. But before he could, a random lady on the street yelled at him.

Ella and Kurt had been eyeing this…stud…for the past fifteen minutes.

"Awww…isn't that sweet. He's helping his grandma with her car!" Kurt sighed.

But Ella wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing. Ella observed him – his face, his eyes, his lips, his hair. And how his greasy, white undershirt hugged his body in all the right parts. "This could work." she thought to herself. He wasn't even "glammed up" yet but he already looked cover-worthy. Centerfold-worthy!

"Kurtie, he's our guy!" Ella said, pulling Kurt as she walked towards 'the one.'

"Excuse me! Sir!" she yelled, waving at the guy who was about to get under his grandma's car.

Shane stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans.

"Hi!" the little young lady said, panting as she came to a stop right in front of him. "I'm Ella Pador." she said, holding out her hand.

Shane was going to take it, but his hand was dirty so he didn't.

"And this is my assistant, Kurt Hummel." Kurt batted his eyelashes at Shane.

"We're from Lush." Ella added.

Shane's eyebrows furrowed. Where on earth was this Lush place she was talking about?

"You know…the magazine." Ella clarified, noticing the confused look on his face. "And you are…?"


"Shane…Okay…Wow…Okay, so this might sound really odd."

"You being here! That's what's odd!" Shane thought to himself.

"But, by any chance, would you like to become a model? Like be on the cover of Lush or something?" Ella continued.

Shane was taken aback, looked at her and then at her assistant. Boy, their faces looked dead serious. Almost pleading.

"Uhh…no." Shane replied looking at her like she was crazy.

"Please!" Ella said, ready to bow down and kiss his old filthy sneakers.

"Please, please!" Kurt said with his palms together like he was praying to the good Lord.

"I don't know, lady. I ain't the guy for that job." Shane said, about to get back to fixing Mrs. Dale's car again.

"But you are! We're sure you're perfect for this!" Ella exclaimed.

Kurt nodded like a bobble head.


"We're paying five grand." Ella blurted out, hoping bribery would work.

Shane stopped.

"Or more!" Kurt added.

"Five grand?" Shane asked.

"Or more!" Kurt said, again.

"What do I have to do?" Shane said, crossing his arms, contemplating.

"Just meet up with our boss today and then get glammed up and pose for a few pictures the next couple of days." Ella explained.

"That's it?"

"That's it."

"And I get five thousand dollars?"

"Or more!" Kurt chirped in again.

"Hmmm…" Shane stroked his stubbly chin. "Five thousand dollars?!"

"Please?" Ella asked, yet again.


"Okay, let's go!" Ella said, grabbing his hand and tugging him to Heaven knows where but Shane didn't really care.

"Five thousand freaking dollars!"

Thanks for reading!

Now tell me what you think! :P

Good night! :D