
Two minutes later

Draco Malfoy still stood naked in his bedroom, mind replaying the evening's events. He remembered Hermione's sobs and tightly shut his eyes in a vain effort to forget the image. How had he let this get so far? So out of control? Hermione Weasley had never harmed him; it wasn't her fault he had a stupid crush on her when they were in Hogwarts. It wasn't her fault that he targeted her with cruel words in a bid to get her attention for even a few moments.

When she'd walked into his office last month she'd worn the same look of apprehension that she had on her face anytime she caught sight of him in Hogwarts. He'd snapped and all his old anger and jealously came rushing back. He'd invited her to dinner in some crazy notion that he could show her that he was a changed man but when she'd arrived with that stubborn look on her face, he did what he always did. Used any means possible to make her spend time in his company regardless of whether she wanted to be there or not. He'd had his fair share of women and not once had he resorted to blackmail in order to get them into his bed.

During his time away in France, the shame over the way he'd treated her had grown. He'd decided that the moment he returned to England, he would owl her and apologize. Instead he had waited, expecting her to contact him with an answer along the lines of how she would never do such a thing.

Then one afternoon when he'd been in Diagon Alley, he'd seen her having lunch with her son and the want to have her returned, so he'd sent the note asking her for an answer to his proposition. He never expected her to agree.

He'd had plenty of chances to renege his demands but he hadn't. Why in Merlin's beard hadn't he called the whole thing off? The answer hit him powerfully in the chest. He no longer had a crush on Hermione Weasley; he was in love with her. When it had happened he didn't know, only that it had.

Draco dropped his head into his hand and let out a growl. How had things got so messy? When he had heard the news that Longbottom was selling SS Potions, he had immediately put in his bid for the company. The chance to be in control of the company that had once rejected and humiliated him was something that amused him.

Setting up the rumour that he was going to close the company down had only enhanced this feeling. For once, he was in control of their lives, not the other way around. He knew how childish his actions were but that didn't stop them being any less satisfying. For once he wanted to be the evil man they all assumed he was.

Only tonight, he truly had become that man. He'd made the wizarding world's most respectable woman feel like a whore. He knew what he had to do; first thing tomorrow he would go and beg for her forgiveness. There was no way she would ever forgive him but if she allowed him, he vowed to win Hermione Weasley's affection in the right way.


Fourteen hours later

Hermione stared at the man on her doorstep. What on Earth was he doing here? Hadn't he caused her enough pain?

"What are you doing here?" she asked him blandly.

"I want to apologise for what happened yesterday night. Can I come in?"

"No." Hermione answered sharply.

"Please…it will only take a few minutes and then I'll leave you alone."

Hermione looked coldly into his eyes and watched as they begged her. Her polite manners kicked in and she opened the door a fraction more. "Two minutes." She said warningly.

Draco nodded his head and walked in. Hermione closed the door and led him into the kitchen before turning around and facing him head on, arms crossed stiffly in front of her.

"Yesterday…yesterday should never have gone that far. I didn't mean for that to happen-." He stopped when he heard her scoff at his words.

"Well it did go that far and you certainly meant for it to happen, so spare me the lies."

He looked at her beseechingly, "Please, I know what it looks like but I never expected you to agree with it. When you did, it completely surprised me. I thought it was what you wanted."

Hermione shifted uncomfortably at his words. As soon she had apparated home, she had instantly walked into the shower. Despite everything she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about what they had done. When she had stepped out of the shower she had seen his robe on the bathroom floor and arousal had flooded shamelessly through her again.

She couldn't stop thinking about it. She shouldn't but she couldn't stop. Even her dreams had betrayed her by producing constant images of the two of them joined together on his bed.

Was he right? Had she wanted it?

"I've arranged for a press meeting this afternoon to announce my decision to keep the company open and that I'll be continuing the donations for the orphanage."

Hermione nodded her head but said nothing.

"I'd like you to be there."

Hermione stiffened. "What time?" she asked.

"You'll come?" Draco asked surprised.

Hermione looked him dead in the eye. "Those were your conditions weren't they? You decided when and where you want me and I come along like a dog."

Draco sighed loudly. "I want you to come because you want to be there. Not because you feel forced. I meant what I said. I never meant for this to go this far. The press meeting is at twelve. I hope to see you there."

Before Hermione could reply he apparated out of her house.


Two hours later

Hermione and Lisa sat down in the seats that had been placed in front of SS Potions. As Draco began his speech Hermione couldn't believe the symbolism of the situation. The last time she had listened to him giving a speech had been the day he had invited her to dinner. Had it really been over a month ago?

From where she sat near the back she could vaguely see Draco's eyes moving from side to side as he spoke. Was it her imagination or was he scanning the crowd looking for her? Hermione immediately shook her head to dispel the idea. She mentally berated herself for the wishful thinking. What was wrong with her? She had loved Ron when he was alive and for the last fifteen years since his death. One night with Draco Malfoy would not change that. She would remain faithful to her husband. The only reason she was here was because of their arrangement.

Lisa jabbed her in the side and Hermione snapped back in time to hear Draco's pledge to the orphanage. She knew he was doing it for her. After all, no-one else present cared about the orphanage when a multi-million Galleon company was on the line.

His speech ended to the sound of rapturous applaud as everyone stood from their seats. Hermione joined them, feeling as if she was currently dreaming and wasn't really here. She watched as Draco stepped off his podium and with one last sweep of the crowd he walked back inside SS Potions. Hermione watched him disappear in the throng and her heart fell.

"Well I guess we better get back. The kids will be wanting lunch since it's half past." Lisa said.

Hermione turned to her and smiled at the routine before the two apparated away.


Two Months Later

Hermione's heart violently thudded in her chest. She felt as if she'd just been caught in the act of adultery and she knew Hugo would never forgive her for this. The evening had been going pleasantly enough. Over the last two months she and Draco, whilst having no more physical contact apart from innocent kisses goodnight on the cheek, had been regularly meeting up whether it was at business dinners or whenever he wanted company. Hermione had been playing the reluctant hostage, as though the fate of the company was still in her hands even though it wasn't and Draco let her get away with it because he cared for her. She wasn't ready to face the truth yet. She constantly lied to herself saying that if there wasn't any physical contact she wasn't betraying Ron.

That illusion was being shattered right this moment. Dinner was over and they had been getting ready to leave when Hugo and his date had entered the same restaurant that she and Draco had just finished dining in. Hermione had frozen in her steps, the word guilty practically flashing on her face. Hugo had taken one glimpse of Draco and turned his eyes back to her. The look of betrayal and hurt broke her heart.

"Hello." Hermione had managed to get out.

Hugo's date had replied but Hugo hadn't.

Hermione made the unnecessary introductions mainly in a vain effort to break the condemning silence.

"I was meeting a business associate for drinks when I saw your mother eating dinner alone, I persuaded her to let me join her but I really must be getting back." Draco said. He turned to face Hermione and held out his hand for her to shake. She did so woodenly, feeling the familiar heat from his fingers. "It was good to see you Mrs Weasley. Nice to meet you all." He gave a final nod and left.

"Well I best be leaving too." Hermione said. Hugo's gaze was still piercing her heart. She hurried out of the restaurant and turned the corner in the opposite direction she had seen Draco walk.

As she walked down the road she felt tears beginning to threaten her eyes. Quickly searching for a safe place to apparate from, she turned into a dingy alley and closed her eyes tightly. When she opened them she was in Draco's drawing room.

His face was set in the same way it had been when she had first met him and she almost expected a scathing comment. Instead he walked over to her and drew her into his arms. "Are you alright?"

Hermione sagged against him and for a small moment she allowed herself to rest her cheek against his soft shirt but even that felt like a betrayal to Ron. She drew back slightly, "I didn't think he would be there. It was just so unexpected."

"If you could have seen your face when we were standing there…" he trailed off. Hermione stood where she was and watched him walk over to the large window. "I don't think he believed my story. I wasn't very convincing. I'm sorry."

Hermione still didn't speak. She had a feeling of what was about to come and she both welcomed the words and dreaded them.

"I want to be with you Hermione. And not in secret. I want to be able to take you out to dinner and introduce you as more than my friend." He turned to look at her with a scorching gaze, "I want to be able to touch you." He saw the look on her face, "I have to let you go."

Hermione knew that this was the end but she wanted whatever was between them to carry on. Anger at him for wanting more and changing the dynamic they had, flooded her.

"So you've gotten your use out me then have you?" she asked bitterly. Even to her own ears the words sounded unfair but she couldn't stop them.

"Hermione…" he said coming back towards her again.

"I'm glad you're putting an end to it." She declared fiercely, "I never wanted this to happen in the first place. I want to forget about all of this and pretend that I never walked into your office."

"I don't. I was incredibly lonely before you came into my life." He came to a stop in front of her but he didn't touch her. Why didn't he touch her? If he did then she could put the blame of touching him in return on him. "Hermione, you've been a widow for fifteen years! What's stopping you?"

There was silence.

"You know that I never intended to close SS Potions."

Hermione closed her eyes and turned her face to the side willing him to stop.

"When you walked into my office I was reminded of everything they and everyone else in my life had said. I felt unworthy again."

"And you punished me for it."

"I didn't mean to. I just wanted you so much."

"You forced me!" Hermione shouted out. Merlin, when had she become such a coward? Someone who was unwilling to take responsibility for her actions?

Draco looked at her with pained eyes, "You're right. It was my fault. I forced you."

She forced herself to keep silent but her honour rebelled. "All I had to do was say no."

"Why didn't you?" he asked.

"Because it felt…so good." She finally admitted.

"You know I love you don't you?"

Hermione's head flew up and tears fell freely as she shook her head, "Don't say that. It isn't true."

"I fell in love with you the moment I saw you again."

"Ron was my life. I can't do this. I can't betray him like this. Or Rose and Hugo."

"You've been a widow for fifteen years Hermione," Draco responded angrily, "Just because he died doesn't mean you have to live as if you did too. I know you care about me…just not enough to be with me." He finished bitterly at seeing her shaking head.

"I'm so sorry Draco. I-I can't. I'm sorry."

"Well then, there's nothing more to be said is there? I won't cause you shame."


"Our agreement is over." And without giving her a chance to say anything else he walked out of the room. Hermione told herself that her nightmare was finally over. Eventually she would forgive herself and move on. Alone.


Ten days later

Hugo watched his mother. He wished he knew what was wrong with her. For the last ten days, he'd tried to talk to her several times on what had happened at the restaurant but she had skilfully deflected every conversation he initiated.

Even before they had come to this orphanage function tonight, she'd faked a smile and told him everything was fine. As he felt a gust of wind come through the open door his head turned to see Draco Malfoy step into the hall. His gaze swept the hall before they unexpectedly landed on him and he stepped forward.


Hugo knew that if his mother wasn't willing to tell him what was wrong he would inevitably have to confront Malfoy but he wouldn't have thought tonight was the best night to do it. However now that he had a chance to see how this man was connected to his mother's sadness he intended to make the most of it.

"What can I do for you?" he asked coldly.

"I wanted to talk to you about your mother."

Hugo felt himself bristle even though that was the topic he wanted to discuss with the man. "There's nothing to say. You just stay away from her."

"I have been staying away from her. Did it make everything better? Is she happy now?"

"Of course she's happy."

"You're lying."

Hugo heard the trace of uncertainty in his voice and took advantage. "She's been excited about a holiday she's been planning to Prague and the refurbishment of the kids' bedrooms in the orphanage."

Hugo watched Malfoy's shoulder slump by a small fraction but he didn't relent. This man had somehow hurt his mother. "She doesn't have a care in the world."

Malfoy nodded his head before hesitating, "she misses your father very much."

"You think I don't know that?"

"You look like him."

"That's what people say."

"I knew him when we were in Hogwarts. I hated him."

"I've heard he wasn't too fond of you either."

"He, your mother and your uncle saved me. Did they tell you that?" Malfoy asked.

Hugo shook his head. This was news to him.

"It was during the final battle. We were in the room of requirement and there was a fire threatening to kill us all. Your uncle came back to save me and your mother and father saved one of my friends."

Hugo felt a sense of pride before a devastating sense of loss came over him. He hid it. "But you still hated him."

"Envy will do that to you. He had everything I wanted for my own life. The friendship my father had pressed me to obtain with your uncle, the relationship with your mother."

"That is what all this has been about isn't it, my mother?" he asked.

"I guess it always has been." Hugo watched Malfoy's eyes cloud over, "She always intrigued me in school. I used to purposefully make her angry so she would fight with me. One day I was cutting class and she came across me in the hallway. I gave her my hardest look and it didn't even faze her. She just looked at me and said, "Malfoy, if you want to graduate next year, you'd better get yourself to class right this minute." He laughed.

Hugo felt something in him soften at the expression on the man's face but forced himself to be strong. "What did you do to her?" he asked angrily.

Malfoy took in a deep breath and closed his eyes, "I let her believe that I would close SS Potions unless she became my mistress."

Something in Hugo exploded and he flung himself forward, hands coming to land on the scruff of Malfoy's robes. Malfoy grabbed his wrists, "Hear me out, please."

Hugo pushed the man towards the door and as soon as they were out of the hall and alone he turned on him, "Start talking. Did you rape her?" he asked angrily.

"No!" Malfoy said angrily, "People believe me to have done a lot of things but I won't have anyone thinking I've raped a woman in my life. Whatever happened between us, there was no physical force involved."

Hugo felt sick. He knew his mother still loved his father so the thought of her willingly giving herself to another man. It made bile rise in his throat. "What about emotional?" he asked hardly.

Malfoy sighed. "It was too soon for her. She still loves your father very much…but he isn't here. I am. She's lonely- I know she cares about me but she won't be with me."

"That's not my problem." Hugo said stubbornly.

"She won't be with me because of you."

Hugo grit his teeth together, "You don't know that." He said.

"She told me that she wouldn't do anything to hurt you and she thinks being with me will hurt you."

"She was using me as an excuse to get you to leave her alone."

"Your mother's a good woman. If she didn't want to be with me she wouldn't use her children as an excuse. She would tell me the truth, straight to my face. You know that as well as I do."

Hugo said nothing; instead he stood there staring into the eyes of his father's old enemy.

"Without your approval we don't stand a chance." Malfoy said.

Hugo instantly grew angry, "You want my fucking blessing? To stomp all over my Dad's memory? You aren't getting it. Leave my mother alone, you hear me. You stay away from her."

"You're the only one who can take away her guilt."

"Too bad, because I'm not doing it. You even look in her direction and I will make sure you regret it. She deserves better than you."

He walked out of the room ignoring the hard unflinching eyes of Draco Malfoy burning into his back.


Three minutes later

Out of the corner of his eye Hugo saw Malfoy walk back into the hall and make his way directly towards his mother. He turned his head to see if his mother had spotted him and his stomach hollowed when he saw the sadness and longing in her eyes. He watched as Malfoy reached her and Hugo took in the tense and panicked look that was now taking over her features. He stiffened when he saw Malfoy place a hand on her shoulder.

Hugo straightened and started walking in their direction, ready to intervene. He'd just told Malfoy to stay away and yet three minutes later he was going up to her and touching her. He froze in his steps with what he saw next.

His mother had relaxed under his touch and for a few seconds she made to lean into his body. Hugo felt his stomach turn over and was never more grateful when his mother seemed to come to her senses and snapped out of her daze before quickly walking away.

Malfoy stood there watching her and when he turned to make his way to the exit, Hugo saw such raw despair on his face he knew he would never forget it. Hugo shook his head to clear the image but it was no use.

He watched his mother walk to the other side of the hall, determinedly not looking over her shoulder once. Was Malfoy right? Did his mother actually want to be with him? Was he the reason for the sadness in her eyes?


The next day

Hermione sat at her kitchen table and drank her morning coffee. In ten minutes she would apparate to the orphanage and her day would begin. But for now, she took the time to think about last night.

It had been the first time she'd seen Draco since the day he'd called off their arrangement. He had been true to his words; she hadn't received one owl or floo call asking her to join him for whatever reason. That hurt as much as seeing him yesterday evening. Such an innocent touch as his hand resting on her shoulder had caused her whole body to relax and if she hadn't walked away when she had, Hermione was sure her legs would have buckled out from under her.

She had long since given up trying to not think about him. The sting of betrayal in her chest was present either way so what was the point. She startled slightly as she saw the floo light up. Not bothering to greet her incoming guest she waited until they stepped through the fireplace.

"Hugo." She said when she saw her son step through. Hermione glanced at her watch to see if she had the right time. Hugo was never up at this time, let alone out and about.

"Is everything okay?" she asked worriedly.

"No it isn't." he said morosely, "We need to talk about what's happening with you and this time I'm not going to let you put me off my talking about Prague or the orphanage."

Hermione stiffened at his tone and with new eyes she saw that the person in front of her wasn't just her son. He was a man now.

"There's nothing to talk about." She said dismissively.

Hugo rolled his eyes and joined her at the table. "You know that I miss him too right." he said quietly.

Hermione's expression softened and she moved a hand to cover one of Hugo's. "I know. He loved you so much."

Hugo nodded his head, "And he loved you too."

Hermione swallowed the lump in her throat. "I know." She said hoarsely.

"And you loved him too."

"I love him." Hermione replied, emphasising the word love.

Hugo nodded again before taking in a deep breath through his nose, "Mum, we have to talk about this thing between you and Malfoy."

"His name is Draco and there is no thing to talk about." She said, standing up from the table to put her glass in the sink.

"That isn't what he told me."

Hermione froze before she whirled around. "Did he talk to you? He had no right." She said with flashing eyes.

"It wasn't the most pleasant conversation since we seem to rub each other off in the wrong way but since I'm not the one in love with him, I guess that doesn't matter."

"He had no right to involve you." Hermione said.

"What if you were the one who died Mum? And what if after fifteen years of being faithful Dad finally found someone who stopped him feeling lonely? But he pushed them away because he felt guilty. What would you want me to say to him?" Hugo asked her.

Hermione closed her eyes tightly and sniffed to keep the tears behind her eyelids. "It's not the same thing."

Hugo must have known he was upsetting her but he continued. "It's exactly the same thing. If your positions were the other way around then wouldn't you want me to tell him that he shouldn't feel guilty? That it was okay to be with this other person."

"I don't understand why you're pressing me on this. You don't even like Draco." She yelled.

"I don't have to like him. As long as he treats you right that's all I need. A part of me wanted to keep you locked up forever so you could mourn Dad for the rest of your life because he was my Dad and I loved him."

"Oh sweetheart…" Hermione moved towards her son and instead of wrapping him up in her arms, he ended up wrapping her up in his.

"Look, are your feelings for Malfoy going to change the way you feel about Dad?" He asked.

"Oh, no, never."

Hermione felt Hugo's arms tighten around her and she pressed her face into his chest.

"Then I don't see what the problem is, do you?" he asked.

Hermione let out a teary laugh before shaking her head.

"How about we have dinner tonight? The five of us." Hugo suggested.

"The five?" she asked.

"Me, you, Malfoy, Rosie and her new boyfriend."

"Rosie's seeing someone?" Hermione asked, shocked that she hadn't known the information herself.

"She met him a few weeks back but apparently this one's "serious". He's an Auror in America but that's all she'd tell me."

Something flicked through Hermione's mind but her mind was to busy buzzing to finish the thought. "That sounds good. I haven't seen Rosie in a long time."

"Good, now go and see Malfoy. I'll go to the orphanage and tell Lisa you'll be late."

Hermione suddenly felt incredibly nervous. She felt like the naïve young girl Draco had accused her being not too long ago.

"It'll be fine." Hugo reassured her.

Hermione looked up at him and saw Ron looking back at her through his blue eyes.

"Go." Hugo laughingly pushed her away.

Hermione smiled and made her way to her bedroom. If she was potentially going to make a complete fool of herself she wasn't going to do it looking she'd been drowned before going to see him.


Twenty three minutes later

Hermione took in one last calming breath before the lift doors open. As usual Hilda's head snapped up at the noise and the familiar smile beamed at Hermione.

"Hello Hilda. Is he free?" she asked pointing to the closed door.

Hilda's smile stretched and she looked at Hermione knowingly, causing her to blush. Is this what she had been reduced too? Blushing at the age of forty-three?

"If you take a seat Mrs Weasley I'll check if he's free."

Hermione nodded her head before taking a seat. "This is it Ron. Are you with me?" she whispered to the ceiling.

Not ten seconds later the door opened and Hilda told her to go straight in. Butterflies dancing in her stomach Hermione stepped into his office. He was once again sitting in his chair behind his desk, but unlike the last time she had visited him, this time his eyes were fixed directly on her as soon as she walked in.

Hermione gave him a tentative smile and that was all it needed. The last twenty minutes she had spent worrying over what she should say was a waste of time. A smile was all she needed for him to stand, walk round his desk and stride towards her. Hermione waited where she was, seemingly rooted to the spot.

A mere heartbeat later and she was being lifted and hugged in his arms as he kissed her fiercely. She felt his hand pull the blouse she was wearing out of her skirt and his hand splayed across her back causing her to gasp and him to growl at the contact.

"I love you Hermione Weasley." She heard him whisper hotly in her ear.

Her heart jump started. "I love you too." She whispered the words out loud for the first time.

Another kiss. "What about Hugo? What about your marriage?" he asked her.

"I'll always love Ron. But Hugo made me see that he would want this for me."

Draco stroked her cheek. "Hugo hates me Hermione but I promise you I will do anything I can to change that."

Hermione smiled. "Well you can start tonight. He suggested having dinner tonight. The five of us. You, me, him, Rose and her boyfriend."

Draco nodded his head in agreement before his lips fell back onto hers and his hands started to move to inappropriate areas of her body considering the fact that they were still in his office.

"We need to get out of here." He said as he brushed the underside of her breast.

"Hey, Hugo told me you would treat me with the respect I deserve." She teased him.

"I am going to treat you with respect. I plan to respect your body all day long."

Hermione pretended to think it over and Draco kissed her exasperatedly. She laughed under his lips which in turn causing him to laugh. The sound was wonderful.


At dinner that night Draco not only gained an additional son and daughter but he was also given the chance to reconnect with his own son.

Draco Malfoy, the evilest boy in Hogwarts had finally won the heart of the prettiest, smartest girl in the year.


Author's Note: The End.