Kay my lovely AluxSeras shippers, here's some fluff for you all to enjoy! Well there will be soon, this is just the prologue. This is going to be a little different mmkay loves? All of the chapters will be very short (which means I can update quicker) a little too long to be drabbles but too short for regular chapters, so I have dubbed them drab-chaps. Anyways I don't own Hellsing, I'm a high school student who has too much homework to go to court. Kay now, ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!

"Police-Girl," Alucard drawled, "you really should be more aware of your surroundings. Falling on one's rump is unbecoming for a vampire."

"That was an accident, Master," Seras defended herself from the ground after tripping down the stairs.

"Which only goes towards proving my point," he smirked. "I bet I could surprise you at least ten times in one night without trying."

"Oh yea?" Seras growled her vampiric pride over ruling her better judgment. "I'd take that bet any day." The sadistic smirk spreading across Alucard's face made her realize what had just happened. "What do you get if you win?" she asked warily.

Alucard chuckled. "Oh I'm sure your little 'surprises' will be reward enough," he sniggered.

Oh God if you're listening, please help me Seras prayed. "I want rules for this little game of ours," she said, making Alucard pout. He had really wanted a no-rules challenge. "Number one, all 'surprises' will take place during the night, and not during any missions."

"Well of course, my dear," he purred mock bowing which earned him a blush from Seras and a smack over the head from the self same Draculina.

"Rule number two." she plowed on, "all of the 'surprises' have to be different."

"I wouldn't be shocked if the same trick worked ten times on you," he teased, his reward being same as before. "If that is all, I'm going to bed. It is after all nearly dawn." He yawned and began to sink through the floor.

"HOLD ON!" Seras shouted at the only part of him remaining, his hat. "What do I get if I win?"

I don't plan on letting that become an issue Alucard said in her head. With that he phased the rest of the way through the floor, leaving a rather irritable Seras two floors up.

You all know your job REVIEW! or I will think nobody loves my story and I'll quit wasting my plot bunnies' energy. So if you like tell me PLEASE! BUT I wouldn't flame if I were you, because my bunnies are very proud of this and I can't control it if they decide to go rabid and attack. THANK YOU ALL! I LOVE YOU EVER SO MUCH MY LOVELY READERS!!!!