Chapter One: Must... Get... Money...

Mike the cool one was sitting with his feet up at the table while making sure his hair looked alright. Rik was dancing to Young Ones the radio (again). Neil was cooking lentils for supper (again). Vivian crashed through the ceiling and landed on the couch with a letter, he looked rather happy.

'Look!' Vivian yells out. 'I've got great news!'

'Great news?' Rik asks while turning his radio off. 'Would it by any chance be as greater as the last great news you brought us?'

'What was that?'

Rik sighs. 'The news you had that you finally got your aim right into the toilet!'

'Oh that news. No! Well sort of, but this good news is about our jobs.'

Mike suddenly looked interested. 'Ooh. Come on then tell us the great news.'

Vivian started to read the letter in his hands. 'Congratulations you basteds. Such a perfect start. You seem like a decent bunch of girls, so we are going to let you into the police force, if you can go "CCCCCHHHHHHH" into your radio.'

'Now that sounds familiar,' Neil said tensely. 'Like I've done it before.'

'Oh shut up Neil!' Rik winged. 'And hurry up with my supper!'

'Shhhiiiicck?' Mike asked.

'No, no,' Rik said bossily. 'It's like this, Chhhhik! No that's not right either.'

'I know,' Vivian announced. 'Would it be something sort of similar to this? ekki-ekki-ekki-pitang-zoom-boing!?'

'Not even close!' Rik said nastily. 'Should be like Shhhhhhhit.'

'CCCCCHHHHHHH?' Neil asked as he turned away from cooking his lentils. While everyone turned to look at Neil in wonder, Neil quickly turned back to his lentils.

'Oh,' Rik said with his hands on his hips. 'I see. Lentil boy here thinks he knows how it's done does he? Well, I hate to break it to you hippy, but you're wrong.' Rik gets into an acting position. 'Oh hippy, isn't this tricky. Always thinking of your upper, but never thinking of my supper. Oh hippy isn't this tricky.'

'No,' Vivian stated. 'It isn't. It should be more like Chhhhiiiickkk.'

'Now, now lads,' Mike said calmly. 'It's definitely more like this, CCCCCHHHHHHH.'

'Ah,' Rik smiled. ' CCCCCHHHHHHH.'

'That's right,' Mike nodded. 'Neil Vivian?'



'Excellent,' Mike said while standing up. 'That's how it's done. We march to the police station at once, must... get... money...'

They all start marching together to the police station.


Vivian is sitting across from the Police Chief at his desk. They are having a staring competition.

'Now,' The Police Chief snapped while being freaked out by Vivian. 'The ultimate test. Can you go CCCCCHHHHHHH into your radio?'

'Yes I can,' Vivian nodded.

'Great,' the Police Chief smiled. 'err, will you show me?'

'Oh yeah,' Vivian gets out his radio. 'CCCCCHHHHHHH.'

'Excellent, well done! Now the rest of you may come in now!'

Rik, Mike and Neil walk in and sit down on the other chairs next to Vivian.

'Now,' The Police Chief said after biting into his chocolate chip cookie. 'You've all past on the first go. Except for, Rik, who got it on his six hundredth go.' Rik goes bright red. 'Well done, you have all made it into the police force. Welcome to Sun Hill police station.'

'Yeah,' Neil said in his version of enthusiastic. 'We're pigs!'