Hey GUYS! Its Been awhile hasn't it? Well, I'm Happy to present to you the 4th chapter of Partner's Till the End!~ I hope you enjoy the chapter!

DISCLAIMER!: I Do not own any of the Naruto character's used so far and until the end! That right belongs to Masashi Kishimoto~

A/N: SO you don't get confused!: Zetsu black/Zetsu White

Sasori advanced through the cave. Nothing but the sound of footsteps were heard.

Sasori stopped. He could no longer hear another pair a footsteps following him. He then heard chuckling and two different voices.

"Should we eat him? He looks quite delicious smothered in blood,"said one voice.

"He does look good, doesn't he? But, Leader-sama will get angry if we do,"came another voice.

Sasori went back down the cave, only to find Zetsu hovering over Deidara.

Zetsu perked up at the sound of footsteps. He turned around to see Hiruko.

"It seems he passed out from blood loss,"stated White Zetsu with a grin.

"I can clearly see that, obviously, since he's laying in his blood." Hiruko picked up the bloody blond and carried him down the dimly lit tunnel.

"Bring him to Konan. She'll help you, Sasori."

"Tell us if you don't want him. We'll gladly take him"

With that, Sasori entered the lair.


There was a slight groan that erupted from the person on a white bed.

He could hear muffled voices, catching bits of what they were saying.

"... Dead yet?" Said a not too deep voice.

'Am I dead?'Thought Deidara.

"Brought him any later, Sa..."

Everything went silent, and he blacked out once again.


Sasori had brought Deidara to Konan in the Medical room. He laid him on a white bed, so Konan could attend to his wounds.

Sasori finally got out of Hiruko and put him back in his scroll.

"God Sasori. We told you to recruit him, not beat him up first," Konan told Sasori as she unwrapped the bloody bandages from his waist.

"Is he dead yet?" Sasori asked.

"Brought him an later, Sasori, and he would've died."

She gasped. The gash on his stomach was serious. She looked at the poor blond on the table, wondering what the cut had come from. She disinfected the large gash and wrapped it properly. She then mended it a bit with her chakra, so he would heal faster.

She looked as his whole body. He had dirty bandages and gauze on his limbs. She decided to replace them. She took them all off. Her eyes widened at what she saw. Cuts, bruises and small gashes covered his arms and legs.

She stared at Sasori, who's muddy browned eyes scanned the blond. His expression remained unfazed by the sight. He couldn't care less.

"Call Kakuzu. He needs a full body check."


After awhile, Kakuzu entered with Hidan. Kakuzu looked clearly pissed off.

"Why did you bring Hidan? I specifically asked for you."

"He just followed me, the heathen." Hidan just grinned

Kakuzu looked down at the bed.

"You actually interrupted my counting just to check this brat? Why don't you do it yourself?" he hissed.

"I would, but I'm obviously a girl."

Kakuzu became quiet, as Hidan started to laugh at his obvious mistake.

"She got you there, bitch!" he uttered between laughs.

Kakuzu glared at Hidan, making him lower his laughs to slight chuckles.

"Let's, just get this stupid matter over with. Everyone get out."

"Why the hell do we have to?" questioned Hidan.

Kakuzu didn't answer and just slammed the door in his face.


After what seemed like an hour, Kakuzu finally exited the Medical room. He called Konan in.

"I finished checking his body."


"The mark on his chest seems to be a curse mark, but it's origin is unknown. He also has mouth's on his palms.

"Did you find anything else?"

Kakuzu looked hesitant. He sighed.

"It seems that he was abused, but.."

"But what?"

"As I checked his body, it seemed apparent that he was... raped."

Konan looked at him with shock.

"Are you positive about that?"

Kakuzu nodded.

Konan looked at the boy with pity. Just what the hell happened in that village?

"Keep this a secret between the two of us, okay? Don't even let Sasori know."

They both heard stirring on the bed, followed by a groan. They turned around to see the blonde start to get up, then fall back down, crying out in pain.

Konan walked over to the boy, only to have him look at her.

"Where is he, un?" He slowly stood up.

"Who are you talking about?" asked Konan.

"The hunchback man, un. He was with me, wasn't he?" Deidara looked around the place. It smelled like a hospital.

"Oh, you mean Sasori. Well, before I do tell you where he is, I want to welcome you to the Akatsuki. He's your new partner, by the way."

Deidara didn't like the idea of having a monster as a partner.

Konan led him into the hall where Sasori stood waiting impatiently.

"Well, is he okay or not? If he isn't, he'll be a hindrance to my missions," stated Sasori.

"Who are you?" questioned Deidara.

He took in his features.

Muddy brown eyes, tan skin, blood red hair. He also had teal nail polish on his fingers. He stood a bit taller than himself.

"Sasori, and sadly your partner."

Deidara's eyes looked surprised. "But you can't be! You're that ugly looking monster, un?"

Sasori could feel his blood boiling. "He is not ugly, as you claim him to be. He is a magnificent work of art, which of course is eternal." He could feel himself smirk.

"No, art is fleeting, un! Art is something that can be seen for a moment, and is gone like an explosion!"

Sasori frowned. "Come on, I'll show you our room." He began walking away, with Deidara following after.


They entered a room in the base. Inside the room was a workshop stand with big pieces of wood and carving tools on top. Along the wall hung many different puppets.

Across the room, was a large king size bed, and through a door on the left was the bathroom.

"As you can see, there is only one bed. The left side is mine. The right side is yours. Do not touch or hug me when you are sleeping, or I will cut your hands off."

Sasori could see the boy tense up with fear as he finished his sentence.

Deidara was told to stay put, as his new partner left the room.

Deidara studied his new room.

He touched his chest to see that there was no t-shirt.

"No wonder I felt cold." He inspected the new bandages around his body.

He would have to thank that blue haired lady later.

Then it dawned on him that they had seen all the abuse marks. But they couldn't tell he'd been raped, right?

He started to get nervous. 'What if they did? Will they do the same?'

The door slammed opened, causing Deidara to jump.

In came Sasori holding some stuff.

"First and foremost, here is your Akatsuki Robe. You will wear this at all times when you are on a mission. I also got some clothes for you from Konan - you know, the blue haired woman from earlier"

Deidara looked at the things.

The robe was pitch black with red lining and red clouds. He also received some fish net shirts, and a pair of purple and gray sweat pants. His shoes looked similar to those of his partner.

"This is the only time I'm doing this. Don't expect any more favors, brat."

Deidara nodded. He examined the stack of apparel given to him and found black nail polish wedged into one of the shirts.

"Nail polish?" He cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"Yes, have you not seen some before? You are to apply it to your finger and toe nails." He looked clearly agitated with the fact that he had to explain and teach the child. He felt insulted that the leader was forcing him to do this.

"Also, you will call me Sasori no Danna, or Danna for short. Got it?"

"Yes, un." Deidara took his clothes and laid them on his side of the bed.

"Why do you always say un, brat? I find it quite irritating."

Deidara paused for a moment and gulped.

"I-i can't help it, un. " Deidara waited for a response, but all he got was a scoff.

Sasori went to his desk and started working on his puppets.

Deidara applied the nail polish and went to sleep.


It had a been a few hours since Deidara had fallen asleep.

Sasori, as usual, was working on his puppets, finally noticing that the moon had already risen.

He continued to work in the dark, using a candle and the moon as light.

From behind him, he heard the sound of groans and constant stirring.

He turned around in his chair to see Deidara squirming in the bed.

Sighing in annoyance, he walked over to the blond.

Looking at the boy, he could see beads of sweat and fear etched into his face.

Unconsciously, Sasori's hand headed towards Deidara's head, and he started petting the blonde's hair.

This calmed the blond down, reducing him to slight shivers.

He took in his features.

Soft blond hair and peach skin.

He was about to touch his face when he abruptly stopped.

'What am I doing?' He asked himself.

He had actually soothed the kid, let alone even tried to touch his face.

Sasori shook his head in disbelief and walked over to his side of the bed, actually closing his eyes for the first time in a long time.

And there you have it!~ Deidara has finally met some one the Akatsuki and his Partner Sasori!

PLease R&R! I Really hope I can see comments on what you guys think of the story so far! It would make me really happy if you do :D