-I own none of this, that right and privilege lies with J.K. Rowling-

-I write because I enjoy it, please no nasty comments. Constructive criticism and random "hi"s are welcome-

The Path He Chose

Chapter 1: Three Words and One Vision

'I regret it,' said Voldemort coldly.
He turned away; there was no sadness in him, no remorse. It was time to leave this shack and take charge, with a wand that would now do his full bidding. He pointed it at the starry cage holding the snake, which drifted upwards, off Snape, who fell sideways on to the floor, blood gushing from the wounds in his neck. Voldemort swept from the room without a backwards glance, and the great serpent floated after him in its huge protective sphere.
Snape lay there on the cold, dusty floor, his life's blood flowing from him. I couldn't save either of them; he thought She Did die in vain. Then suddenly there was Harry Potter looking down at him with his mother's eyes. His mother's beautiful eyes.
"Take...it....Take.... it" Snape rasped, desperately doing all he could to tell Harry of Dumbledor's plan. Take the memories boy, he thought take them, and destroy The Dark Lord, the man who killed My Lily. The Granger girl handed him a flask and he took all of Snape's memories.
"Look...at...me" He whispered, the green eyes found the black and after a second it all went dark.


Severus shook himself out of the trance. He was back in the dimly lit divination room; the old witch was still at the front babbling about clearing the mind and seeing with the third eye.
Shortly after term started Severus had realised that divination was quite a pointless subject, and not worth his time, but seeing as he couldn't get out of it he usually just made up his prediction. But that day for some reason, staring blankly into the crystal ball Severus had seen something. He'd seen his whole life, he'd lived it. He'd seen all the mistakes and all the pain. He'd seen what he'd become. That bitter, cynical, lonely man had been him. He had caused her death, joined someone who hated her for the simple act of living. He had ruined everything. He'd lost the only woman he would ever love, because he couldn't tell her how he felt. And to James Potter none the less. She married the "Arrogant toe-rag" He thought bitterly I have to tell her, I have to try, to see if she'll even forgive me for all this mess I've let my life become. For calling her a mudblood.


That night Severus waited out side the entrance to Gryphindor tower, just as he had done in that strange vision, it gave him an odd sense of deja-vue. The difference was in that this time he would say it, the three little words he never could before. He thought they're ruin there friendship. But seeing as I've already done that, He thought sadly I can't hurt to finally tell her.
Suddenly Lily came out of the portrait hole in her dressing gown. Severus was very nearly tongue tied at the sight of her.
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not interested."
"I'm sorry."
"Save your breath. I only came out here because Mary told me you were threatening to sleep out here"
"I was, I would've done. I never meant to call you Mudblood, it just....."
"Slipped out?" Lily said pitilessly "It's too late, I've maid excuses for you for years. None of my friends can understand why I even talk to you. You and your pressious little Death Eater friends. You see? You don't even deny it. You don't deny that's what you're all aiming to be, you can't wait to join You Know Who can you?"
Severus tried to speak but coudn't
"I can't pretend anymore, you've chosen your way and I'vechosen mine"
"No listen" This is where Severus had chosen to change his corse, to say the words he never could before. "Lily, I love you. I....I.. I'm not like that Lily, not anymore"
Lily started to blush "Sev what's so different now that's made you change?"
"Lily... You may think I'm crazy but.... I saw my life, where I'd end up if I didn't change. Lily I don't want to end up like that, alone and bitter. Lily I'm beggging you to forgive me. Though I don't deserve your forgivness."
"Oh Sev!" Lily said throwing herself into his arms, Severus just hugged her, holding her close. Then tentitively he spoke.
"Does this mean you've forgiven me?" Lily could only nod. She kissed him on the cheek.
"Now Sev you'd better go quickly befor you're caught. I don't want Filch giving you detention for the next month because of me."
"Lil?" Severus cleared his throught. "Lily, would you go out with me?" He asked quietly.
"Of corse Sev," she said kissing him again"I thought you'd never ask." She smiled up at him.
Severus could have skipped back to the dungeons but he help himsefl to a brisk walk not wanting to attract attentin. "She'd been waiting for me to ask. I've been so stupid." He could have bashed his head on agaisnt a wall. There's one part of my life I Won't change. Voldemort killed My Lily, he's do it again without a second thought. I can't do nothing. He mulled over his options. I'll go see Proffessor Dumblerdor tomorow, he's the one I need to talk to.


-Thank you all for reading the first chapter of my story-

-Love Always-
