This takes place the morning after Breaking Dawn. It is in Bella's PoV. Please Review or comment telling me what you think. Thanks.

The sun shone brightly through the east window. Beams of light glistened down onto our skin as we lay intertwined on the floor. Edwards skin sparkled gracefully against mine, throwing rainbows against the pale walls of our room. We lay in silence, the atmosphere peaceful. All the stress and anxiety we had built up in the past month had all been released since the Volturi had left. It was like all fear had evaporated into thin air.

The room was still and serene. Outside the cottage birds sung and chirped as trees whistled, their leaves swaying elegantly in the breeze. Underneath the silence I could hear Renesmee's heartbeat flutter in her bedroom as she slept, her deep breaths gently echoing around our cottage.

I smiled against Edward's chest in bliss. Finally all those who I loved were safe. "What are you thinking?" Edward asked, stroking my cheek. I was pleased that this did not cause me to blush the way it would have when I was human.

I smiled again, thinking about how well everything had turned out- I had a daughter I never knew could have happened…Jacob could stay around (and we were finally able to love each other the right way)…my family were safe…Alice and Jasper were back, filling in the whole in my heart that ripped open when they left…I could have Charlie as part of my life again…we no longer had to live in fear of what Renesmee's future would bring…and I had Edward with me, forever.

I looked up at Edward's curiously beautiful face. "Would you like me to tell you or show you?" I teased him, knowing he would choose the second option. We had been mostly silent throughout the night, content with the quiet, though when we had spoken, it was Edward asking me if I could try and lift my shield again.

Of course, I agreed, remembering the abundance of elation and love in his eyes when I had first forced my shield out of my own mind, revealing my thoughts to him. I would push the guard out of my head, bringing up all the memories I had for him, showing all the love I could. I was only able to keep it out of my head for a few seconds though, Edward's lips breaking my concentration, not that I minded at all.

Edward chuckled "Could you show me?" his face was full of hope and delight, dazzling smile lighting up his features. "Sure" I laughed at the excitement he didn't even try to contain "But if you would like it to last for more than a few seconds, you can't distract me, again" I teased him, placing my hands on his face a he pinned his arms behind his back like he was handcuffed.

It was becoming easier to open up my mind, I noticed, while using all my mental strength to push the recoiling layer out of my head. I concentrated on Edward's eyes, watching them open wider in amazement, so I knew he could hear me. I brought forward the thought I was having before about how lucky I was. Showing him our daughter, family, Charlie and Jacob. I brought up the thoughts of him last…thinking what I had done to deserve someone as wonderful as him.

My shield snapped back into my head like releasing the pressure on a rubber band as Edward's mouth crashed against mine. "When will you ever see yourself clearly" he mumbled as our lips moved in sync with each other. The sun was now higher in the sky; Nessie would be waking up soon. I sighed; although I loved spending the day with my daughter and family, the nights were far too short to satisfy my need for Edward.

Edward, knowing what I was thinking even though I had my shield protecting my own head, chuckled, moving his lips to my ear. "We have tomorrow night and the night after that and the night after that…" he trailed off as we reluctantly detangled ourselves.

Walking into the closet no longer gave us that spasm of sadness that it had in the past month while Alice and Jasper were gone. I walked past the rows of garment bags holding silk and satin dresses I hadn't even looked at towards the dresser at the back of the room. I didn't want to be lectured by Alice on the importance of fashion, so I settled on wearing a pair of designer jeans by someone I had never heard of and a deep blue blouse skin-hugging blouse.

As soon as I had done up the last button Edward was right beside me, his white shirt rolled up to his elbows. "How do I look?" I asked him, hoping that Alice wouldn't need to dress me again. "Gorgeous. Like Always" Edward smiled, taking my hand to lead me out of the closet. I rolled my eyes; even though I did have the unnaturally beauty of a vampire, Edward was still one of the most stunning things I have ever seen.

We wandered down to Nessie's room, hand in hand. Lying in the wrought iron crib, Renesmee lay sleeping peacefully, smiling even in unconsciousness. Her heart continued to flicker like a birds wings. I couldn't help but smile, and apparently Edward couldn't either. "She looks rather like you did when sleeping" he mused allowed "So peaceful…"

We watched her for a few minutes before Edward reached into Nessie's crib and lifted her sleeping body up into his arms, cradling her to his chest. Seeing Edward look so lovingly and adoringly at our daughter made me smile; of course Edward is good at being a parent as well everything else he is perfect at. My smile grew bigger knowing they are both mine forever.

Edward looked at me curiously, but I just shock my head and walked to Renesmee's closet. There was really no point in bringing some clothes for her; we had plenty at the house and I'm sure Alice would love to dress her hundreds of times this morning to make up for not being able to dress her like a doll these past four weeks. I pulled a light pink blanket with white and yellow flower patterns Esme had sewed for her a few months ago.

Edward held Nessie while I wrapped the blanket around her; luckily Esme had thought to make the blanket really large anticipating Renesmee would grow a lot. As soon as she was all wrapped up and cradled into Edward's chest we ran out of our cottage and headed for the house.

I would never get bored of running. I loved the feel of the wind in my hair as it blew out behind me, the swish of trees as we blew past like bullets from a gun and most of all the soft gentle sound of Edward running alongside me. The sun was now high in the sky, causing our skin to sparkle wildly as we flew past the bush on the way to the rest of the family. Within minutes we jumped the river beside the house and darted up the stairs, our fingers still interlocked.

I am working on the second part of this, and I don't usually say this but if you would like me to add more and continue, please leave a review. I only have a brief outline of what happens throughout the day and I welcome suggestions.