Disclaimer: I don't own. Please don't sue. Katsura Hoshino owns DGM.

Warnings: BoyxBoy love. Sensuality.

A/N: This is very different from what I usually do and you will not see this pairing from me again. This was written as an experiment to see if the universe would implode.

Banana Split

Komui watched from across the table as his young lover enjoyed his dessert. Thoroughly enjoyed. Enjoyed in a way that made Komui's pants just a little (a lot) tighter as he watched the redhead lick the spoon clean.

He groaned quietly to himself, watching Lavi's single eye shut in apparent ecstasy as the Exorcist used his skilled tongue to clean the metal utensil of any and all traces of ice cream. Komui had known he'd be in for it the second he saw the devilish gleam in his lover's eye, but he hadn't realized just how erotic a banana split could be until the dessert had arrived and Lavi had begun eating it.

The cherry had been the first to go, Lavi's lips closing around the fruit and sucking the fleshy part of it into his mouth. The redhead had kept eye contact with the scientist, the redhead's green eye darkened with lust. The pit of the fruit had been slipped out from between Lavi's lips a few moments later and laid beside the stem on the Exorcist's napkin.

Then Lavi had lifted his spoon and begun a world of torture for Komui. The metal head of the spoon would descend into the ice cream and come back up with a generous amount of whipped topping and frozen treat. The redhead would lift the utensil to his mouth and slide it in, sucking lightly until the spoon and confection was entirely in his mouth before withdrawing the spoon and making a show of licking it clean before repeating the process.

Komui swallowed heavily, unable to tear his eyes away from the young man sitting across from him. He shifted uncomfortably, trying to discreetly adjust his pants so his crotch would be less obvious. However, a Bookman's gaze - even a junior Bookman - was observant. Komui could tell that the younger man noticed his discomfort, for the redhead smirked and lowered the spoon into his ice cream once more.

"Do you have somewhere you need to be?" the redhead asked innocently, teasing him as he lifted the spoon again. "You seem awfully anxious to leave, Supervisor."

Komui flushed, again trying to look away as Lavi lifted the spoon to his mouth.

"N-No, Lavi. Are you enjoying your ice cream?" he managed to ask and instantly regretted it when the gleam in Lavi's eye sharpened with satisfaction.

"Yup. I just love sucking it-"

Komui spluttered, nearly choking on his saliva.

"-off the spoon. It seems to taste better that way."

Komui managed to nod, feeling his face heat further as he buried his head in his hands.

This, he vowed privately, was the last time he ever bought his lover a banana split.

The End

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed that, but please do not ask me to write more of this pairing. This is the first, last, and only fic I will do for Lamui. (Though if you liked this, check out SailorLight22's fan fiction!)

Please feel free to leave me any questions/comments you have!