One of my first memories is of my mom when she was pregnant with Dean. She would walk around the house with a dreamy smile on her face while rubbing her stomach. I could tell that she was so happy about this new baby. I was happy too; I would have someone to play with when my parents were busy with work.

I still remember the day he was born, that was the first and last time that I wanted to hurt him. I didn't like the look of pain on my mom's face leading up to his birth. I also didn't like that my mom had to stay in the hospital a few extra days because of complications. The baby had ruined everything.

I didn't feel that way long…because Dean showed a streak of stubbornness even at that young age. But I'll never forget that day that he turned six months old. It was one of the worst days of my life. I'm glad Dean was too young to remember it.

It started like any other day. Dad went to his job at the garage a couple miles down the road. Mom stayed home with Dean and me. We just fooled around in the living-room at first. When she put Dean for his nap, we made cookies. I don't remember what kind though…It doesn't really matter.

I knew Dad was going to be home when I was supposed to be in bed. It didn't matter. I helped mom put Dean to bed as he came in. he scooped me up in his arms and took me to my own room.

The next thing I know, I hear my mom scream in terror. I heard my dad yell her name and run up the stairs. I climbed out of my bed and raced towards Dean's room. I could hear him crying and my dad screaming my mom's name.

My dad came out of the room and handed me Dean and told me to go outside. Dean was still crying. I made it outside and stood transfixed up at the window. Then my dad has his arms around Dean and me and is running away from the house. I kept my eyes on it for as long as I could.

The fire department showed up about 10 minutes later and the ambulance followed. They checked us all over to make sure that there were no serious injuries. We must've satisfied them because they left us alone after that.

My dad took Dean and held him as soon as they were done. I wanted to protest but stopped when I saw the look on his face. He needed Dean because he looked so much like mom. I wanted to feel that closeness too but I could and did wait.

We had been a normal family up until that point. Soon after, my dad discovered hunting and all our lives became a huge chase after the demon that killed Mom. I hated it from the beginning but I never would've left if I had known what was going to happen to Dean once I did.