Kyouya sat up in the living room, cup of coffee in hand, on the sagging couch with Ranka standing before him, who was smirking. "So, how goes it?" she smirked, arms crossed across her chest.

Kyouya took a sip from his coffee. It was early, much earlier than Haruhi gets up, especially on a Saturday morning. And he honestly wanted nothing more to climb back into her bed next to her, but with Ranka here, that wasn't going to happen. Kyouya however smiled, "well, I think she's catching on, to be honest."

"Good, good. You'll be good for her, Kyouya. Better than that scatter brained Tamaki," they two of them chuckled, but silenced when Haruhi's door cracked open.

"Dad...? Kyou..ya?"

"Here, Haruhi," said her dad, watching as she walked down the hall, wrapped in a blanket and sleepy faced. "Can't sleep?"

She shook her head, looking to Kyouya and then back to her dad. "Too cold."

Kyouya smiled on the inside, knowing what she meant. Her father chuckled. "Oh, Haruhi. Don't you have your heater on?"

"I do... but... it's just not enough." she said, yawning.

Kyouya stood, "shall I take her back to bed, Ranka?"

"I think you should, Kyouya. You two have a good night," said Ranka, who sat down heavily on the couch, pulling off her pumps.

Kyouya put an arm around Haruhi's shoulders, steering her back towards her bed room. She climbed back in and Kyouya tucked her in before climbing in beside her and pulled her to him, wrapping his arms around her.

Kyouya was woken later that morning by the soft ringing of his phone, he grabbed for it, where it would usually be when in his own bed room, but found it not there. He cracked open his eyes, finding it open on the floor, and Tamaki's face on the caller id. He snapped the phone shut, successfully ignoring the call, turned over and buried his face into Haruhi's shoulder. She sighed in her sleep, snugging closer to him. "...Kyouya?"

"Hmm?" he hummed into her ear.

"You do realize your in my house... and my bed, right?"


"Okay. Just checking." She giggled lightly, which caused Kyouya to crack open an eye.

"Why do you laugh?"

"Because I thought it was a dream, and finding it's not... is kinda... unreal." She shrugged gently, and turned over in his arms, to snuggle against his chest. He hugged her close.

"Ah, it does feel like that, doesn't it?"

"Just a little. Kyouya?"


"What does this mean for the club?" Haruhi asked, looking up at him.

He kissed her forehead, "the club, save for Tamaki – who is clueless as usual – knows. Most of them actually helped me." Kyouya murmured into her hair, inhaling it's sent.

"Helped you, really?" she remembered Honey, who had out spoken against Tamaki the day with the kotatsu. "Seriously?"

Kyouya laughed softly. "Seriously. Now, sleep. It's too early."

"Yes, Kyoya-senpai."

And with that, they fell into a deep sleep.

His phone was ringing again. And it was Tamaki's ringtone again. He groped for his phone, picked it up off the floor, sat up slowly and flipped the phone open. "Yes?" he asked sharply, acid lacing his voice.

"Kyouya? Where are you? I went by your house and they said you weren't there! Hadn't been there all night, and then you didn't answer this morning–"

Kyouya pulled the phone away from his ear, his eyes flashing to Haruhi who was snuggled up against his side. "Will you hush, Haruhi is sleeping."

"Oh. Sorry." Tamaki said, and a long, pregnant pause befell them. "Haruhi?"

"Yes, Haruhi. I spent the night again because of the storm."

"Oh." There was another pause. "Haruhi is sleeping and you're in the same room?"

Oh. Here we go. I think he's actually figuring it out. "Yes," said Kyouya, slowly. Wondering what would happen next.

There was a click.

Kyouya, surprised, looked at his phone, seeing that Tamaki, had actually hung up on him! Probably in shock. He put his phone back down, swinging his legs off the bed, and stood. Walking out of the bedroom. He tiptoed quietly down the hall, as if not to disturb Ranka who was sound asleep on a futon in the living room, to the bath room. Where he looked at himself in the mirror. What change was coming over him? Not caring about his best friend's feelings. Going after the girl his best friend liked. He himself was certainly happier, but at what expense? His best friend's happiness.

Kyouya splashed water on his face. Maybe Tamaki would be accepting. But what if he wasn't? Would he be as cold as he usually was? Only focusing on what he wanted? He made his way back to the bedroom, seeing Haruhi curled up within her blankets, and he leaned against the door frame.

It was worth it.

He hoped.

And such, my update. Sorry it's been so long. ;;
I'm still with the facebook group! And we're fangirling over the Live Action right now. But if you would like to join, please look us up on facebook as Ouran Live-Redux. :D