Hello and welcome to Paradise Getaway 2. You will now see Twenty-Nine of everyone's characters will fight to win cash and an all paid expensive trip to the most gorgeous paradise they may ever see. Now we must now resume the last time we were on Paradise Getaway and I like to thank everyone for waiting and submitting their Oc's.

Ch.1: Welcome back to Hell

The vehicle drove as it starts jumping up and down making the hostages jumping and slamming to the hard metal as some scream in pain. Some were trying to hang on to something found it didn't work as they kept on jumping. As the vehicle hit a bump the contenders went up again as Disco slam his face on the roof and slams hard on the ground as he groans in pain. "Damn it!" Disco Said as then a file show up on the camera screen as it does a 360 spin of Disco as it show information of him next to him as he smiles and does his trademark smile and growl.

Disco Bear

The King of Funk

Status: Alive

Then Spotty started moving her body next to him as to see if he was ok. "Yo Disco you ok?" Spotty said as Disco Looks at her and nods. Then Spotty's info comes up as it shows her with her information next to her as she was spun around in a 360 as she had her arms crossed and then kicking someone in the nuts and then winks as then it disappears as then it goes to where it shows The Host looking at a list with all of the contenders as he looks up and gives his evil smile. "Hi and welcome back to Paradise Getaway your favorite show or story as last season you have seen Twenty-Four of our awesome contenders went out and fought to where only one is now remained and that was Fan Favorite Flaky the shy porcupine. Well now she's back with some other fan favorites and now with a bunch of new contenders. As you know you the old contenders that you saw were…" The Host said as it goes into a flashback with all of the contenders in Season 1.

















Disco Bear




Dark Hollow/Hollow



And Rhyme

"After all that brutal how about start a new season with now thirty contenders. And yes I decided to have the number up a few as some didn't get the role but now they did. Now the new contenders in there you might know them. Like…" The Host said as he looks away from the clipboard.




The Mole


Evil Flippy




And Mouse Ka-Boom

"These ten contenders will join our other four as they will be getting to see the new Oc's" The Host said as the vehicle moves in all sorts of directions as the host was almost flung out of the vehicle as he got angry. "Watch the damn road! What do you think I'm paying you for!?" The Host screams as the worker apologizes and continues driving. "Now these Oc's have signed up to where they are tricked to where they are competiting in a mansion. Anyway they think they might last long then last Season. Well let's see what happens right about now?" The Host said as the vehicle stops in front of an abandon hardware store as a group of animals were looking at each other as they stop talking as they look at the vehicle as the Host, The Pilot, and two workers come out from the vehicle to where the host stood in front of the group as a hyperactive squirrel jump around and went up to the host and shake his hand rapidly as the host looked at her like if she was on something.

"Um can I help you with something?" The Host said as the squirrel smiled as she opened her mouth. "I can't believe I finally get to meet you. Like I'm so excited to meet the others. So this where we are staying at or the cool mansion that we saw?" The squirrel said as the Host looks at the camera and smiled as he turns back as then Flaky is thrown out as she was looking at the others as the others jump out and was untied except Evil Flippy who growled at the pilot who growled back. "These are the people you'll be working with for the next twenty days before this place will be destroyed by me and my workers." The Host said as the group was shocked to hear what the host said as the group backed up only to get shocked and backed up. "What the hell is going on here?!" a fox said with three arrows on the back of his head that were black as he had a black stomach and has bark blue-ish fur as he looks at the host and others who now were worried.

"He's just joking with us…you know how hosts are…right?" The squirrel said as The Host was serious along with the other group. "Then he wasn't kidding then." The squirrel said as she backed up. Then a tiger with a grey cape as he had a grey sergeant attire filled with badges, a cap and black gloves and boots as he looked and studied the group as then he saw Evil who was trying to break out from the rope and escape the pilot as The Tiger then growls as he remembers what happened to his father as he saw his own father killed by Flippy as he soon vowed to get his revenge. The Tiger stood there as he didn't want to do anything as to ruin his look. Then Lifty and Shifty walked up to another raccoon that was wearing a black jacket, and a necklace around his neck of a family as he turns to where Lifty and Shifty who snickered at each other as they walked toward the raccoon. "Well look who it is… it's our younger brother Beat how you been lately?" Lifty said as Shifty kept looking at him as his hat was covering part of his face.

"Well…it's still been the same since you guys…left me and all…" Beat said as Lifty and Shifty then looked around as the Host was on the phone and others were talking about what might happen. "So Beat do you want to rob someone for good old sake?" Shifty said as Beat looked at him then sweat a bit. "Sure…why not?" Beat said as they went and look around to see what they can steal as a pine marten was walking around smiling as he passed a few of the girls as he places his hand on a cat's ass as she gasped and then got angry suddenly as he backs up in backwards and smiles. "Whoa! Don't go all crazy on me. Do that at another time when we meet again." The marten said as he turns around and looks around as then the cat crossed her arms as she had brown fur with white tips on her tail, ears, and also the belly of her stomach. "Damn pervert" The cat said as then a big cart came as it had sections of where seats of five as the worker stopped and turned to look at the group. Then Sparky ran and grabbed the edge of the cart door and jumps over it as the squirrel did it along after her as an weasel with spikes on his face as three spikes for his hair as he had a shark tooth necklace around his neck as he opened the door and came in and sat down next to the squirrel as then a piece from the vehicle came off as it smash on top of Toothy's head as he gain a big bump on his head as he falls to the ground twitching.

"Yeah! Now search him!" Shifty said as Lifty and Beat went to Toothy's body and started searching through his pockets as they found money and threw Toothy's wallet on the beaver as they left into one of the carts. The Mole who was walking around hit the ground with his walking stick as Sniffles was trying to help him as he got smack a couple of times as Sparky looked at the anteater who got smack once again by The Mole as Sparky got angry and ran toward The Mole as grabbed the stick away as she picks up the anteater. "Are you ok?" Sparky said as Sniffles rubbed his head as he smiles and fix his glasses. "Sure I'm ok." Sniffles said as they got The Mole and brought him in and sat him down as then a fox with pink fur with long white hair and has a white left paw as she wore a forest green t-shirt with old blue jeans. As her right part of the jeans have a huge rip on the bottom. She sat down as the marten from behind smiled and giggled softly as he looked at the fox. "Oh yeah…hot girl alert…" the marten said as he relax his feet to only see Flaky was about to sit there along with Mime. "Hey what's your problem?" Mime said as the marten looked at the deer and gave them a look. "Look you don't know who you're messing with. The name is Spazz and you may know me from A LOT of places since a lot of people know me. So find another seat and leave me the hell alone." Spazz said putting his arms behind his back as an otter sat down next to him.

Evil was pushed inside in one of the carts as one of the workers pushed the heavy ice block as the pilot picked it up and put it in one of the carts as it started bouncing the cart a bit. Luna and Spotty with Disco went and sat Down as Toothy rubbed his head which sat in front of them as a leopard walked into the cart as she went to the back and sat by herself along with the cat who was looking at Spazz who winked at her as she sat next to the leopard who didn't say anything.

A chameleon and a mouse walk toward the carts as they both sat next to each other as they wore army suits as the mouse had a beret on top of his head as he smiles with goggles over his face and then puts them on top of his head as a black wolf with black and grey army clothing goes in as he had a knife cut under his left eye as he sits down and looks at everyone. Lastly Handy walk in and sat down next to Sniffles as then the vehicle starts moving as The Host was in front of everyone with the other workers hanged on to the railings as it started going to the woods as it goes to the back where they saw obstacles and then challenges where they were looking at. "Well this is the challenge arena. This is where you guys will be having your challenges and also around this big local area as only one of you will remain at the end to survive for the prize. Anyway let's continue shall we?" The Host said as the vehicle continues driving as it enters the back entrance of the large building as they saw the place was a disaster as everything was destroyed as most of the things are still hanging around as a plank falls to the ground with lights going on and off.

"Um sir I like to say what happens if we don't want to compete any of these challenges?" Sniffles said as the Host looks at him and smiles. "Well good question my good man you will die immediately and will be giving other people an advantage to win. Anything else you want to say?" The Host said as Sniffles shuts up and continues looks around. Then the vehicle stops suddenly as it shows candles lit and then wrenches on the plate as it showed chairs and benches. "And I like to say that I have changed the rules of the viewers voting off." The Host said as Spotty and Toothy sighed as the large group looked at The Host. "And that every two or three challenges the viewers will vote off a contestant of their choice and watch them suffer though pain and torture of quick pain or now slow pain as we watch you die slowly." The Host said as the contenders gasp. "Wow…" Spazz said as the host looked at him and then back at the whole group.

"And guess what?" The Host said smiling evilly. "And what's that?" Handy said as Sneaky was looking down. "Today is going to be your first ever challenge. And you know what since last season was easy because it was all about catching sharks and piranhas. This season it's time to bring something far more hard than that. Today I will like to do an old challenge from the first season since many of you guys will know what to do." The Host said as some looked at each other. "Thank goodness I have seen all the episodes. I remember everything from the beginning to the end." The squirrel said. "Ok?" The weasel said as the host told them to shut up as he opened his mouth once more. "As you know today since you guys are all new and all I will let you guys not die today." The host said as everyone cheered until he raised his voice. "That is if you can survived the disasters, the air winds of hell, and going through the snow as you guys will be doing a race from three brutal challenges which is the Weather disasters as that was the one where Cuddles first died in, if you survive that then you must suffer through the terrible winds and other weather disaster that killed Spotty, Ruffy, and also which Killed my worker." The Driver said as the pilot started having flashbacks with him and his brother hanging out with each other and having fun.

"And then last but not least it's the blizzard cold challenge. And yes this challenge is the Triple Weather Destruction. And this is where you have to go on a journey in your regular clothing fighting the coldness and fight the yeti in the mountain where you will find your first prize. And now I shall leave you guys to your doom. Pray that no one dies or have more people die to win. Anyway let the games begin and be careful out there." The host said as some of the new contenders didn't know what to say as the doors opened to where powerful winds are blowing as things were flying everywhere. "Oh my…this isn't very good." A short animal that had worn out clothes as most of it was torn as she was next to an animal that was sort of overweight as he looked at the room as he smiles at it and was ready for anything. "This is like one of my video games I played before." The animal said as he walked toward the room as a pipe with fire around almost hits him as he moves back. "Ok but this is way harder than I thought." He said as the whole group went toward the room and then went inside as the doors close behind them as they knew the game has just begun.

To be continued…

Yes now the first chapter is now over! I hope everyone likes it. And I'll start to develop and get into your guy's characters. Sorry about this chapter as it was focus more on the Oc's as most of you guys may want to be known or may have a spot to speak or be in. And you guys may know those three challenges from the first season. So what will happen to the contenders? Is anyone going to die? Why does this tiger want revenge on Flippy? And what is going to happen with the pilot? Find out next time on Paradise Getaway 2!

29/30 Remain.

The last character will debut later in the game.

Read and review and I'll be seeing you guys later.