Everyone split up as soon as the car had left to search for a quiet spot or their friends. Alfred walked at a faster pace than normal looking around frantically, as if searching for something or someone important. Seemingly out of nowhere, a tall Russian boy with pale blond hair and vividly deep violet eyes appeared behind him. "Privet, comrade!" he said happily in Alfred's ear with a shockingly child-like voice. Alfred jumped at the suddenness of it. Turning to see the person behind him, he slipped on the wet grass and fell painfully on his butt with a grimace. The boy laughed light-heartedly at the clumsiness displayed by the American. Alfred wiped his eyes quickly to erase any trace of the tears that had come out earlier, as to not to worry Ivan.

He muttered curses under his breath at having been surprised like that then falling. Getting up he said "Ivan stop doing that, man. Ah, that hurt." while smacking Ivan's shoulder. Ivan then leaned in getting closer to Alfred's face seeming as if studying his soul, concentrating intently. "Is everything okay? You seem upset." Ivan questioned wiping away the tears that had been missed earlier in the hasty removal of them. A strange look entered Ivan's face as he did this one of concern and one that can't be described but none the less looked dangerous. "Y-yeah, everything's a-okay. Anyways I'm the hero, why wouldn't I be fine?" he responded striking what he thought was a hero pose and gave Ivan a thumbs up.

Ivan smiled slightly at Alfred's miserable attempt to convince him everything was great and pulled him into a comforting hug. Alfred wrapped his arms around Ivan's torso and buried his face into his coat. Alfred took a relaxing breath, the smell of Ivan hitting him full force, relaxing him further. Ivan whispered "What happened?" in his ear, trying to coax some information out of him. Alfred shook his head minutely not wanting to tell him that Matthew's words had hurt him.

"Ve~! Fratello, fratello, I found him! I found him!" a small cute Italian boy with brunette hair and a curly strand sticking out yelled, bouncing up and down. He ran up to them and looked at them curiously. "Group hug?" he said and quickly joined in hugging Alfred from behind, still a little wary of Ivan he tried not to get to close to him. "Oi, what are you idiots doing? Get away from them Feli. What are you doing near to frozen bastard? And help me out over here. Leaving me with all the stupid pasta." a brunette similar to the first but with a grumpier attitude yelled. "Oh, sorry fratello." Feli quickly let go of Al and bounded back to help out his brother.

"Um, thanks for uh comforting me." Alfred said sheepishly, head turned away, and faint blush dusting his cheeks. "No problem, anything for my comrade." Ivan responded patting Al's head. Acting annoyed Al swatted the hand away, while Ivan chuckled to himself. Feli came running up to them again this time with multiple giant containers. "Look, look we brought what you wanted. Here's the pasta. I can't wait; he's going to love it. I made it with the best ingredients and Lovi made the sauce, too. He said handed the pasta and tomato sauce to Alfred while he ranted about the food. Looking at the containers Alfred was amazed by the size and magnitude of the containers. "Woah, you sure we have enough here? This looks like enough to feed the partiers for days. Now we have to drop this off and get the rest of the things from everyone else. We're gonna make this the best party ever!"