All characters From Final Fantasy VIII

Belong to Square Ennix

Final Fantasy VIII


Remastered Edition

By Chendzeea' Li

Chapter 16


Selphie was a passionate woman. Loyal, smart, and energetic. What she was not however was patient. Rinoa sat across from her with wary expression. Nicole watched the two quietly by nibbling on her meal.

"You suck." Selphie announced simply, while giving Rinoa the stink eye.

"Pardon me?" Rinoa blinked.

"You suck!" Selphie proclaimed once more.

"That's not nice..." Nicole sighed, glancing between the two.

"I don't know what to say to that." Rinoa huffed indignantly and resumed her meal.

Selphie leaned on her elbows to peer inquisitively at her. "Is that all you're going to say?"

"What do you want me to say? We did some shopping and hung out."

"Your eyes are bloodshot and you're being quiet." Selphie retorted, pointing a slender finger in her direction.

"I didn't get any sleep and there's nothing to talk about."

Nicole cut her a look then said to Selphie with keen understanding. "Okay you're right, something is going on."

Rinoa hung her head.

"You're barely eating... and you're kind of a mess." Nicole added to the examination.

"Oh wow! Thank you so very much!" Rinoa snapped irritably. "Aren't you two supposed to be my friends?"

"Not to mention cranky..." Selphie noted.

"You have a hangover don't you?" Nicole said with a hint of disappointment.

"Shopping indeed! You are such a liar!" Selphie screeched with a broad grin.

Nicole groaned. "While on a field trip... I swear, Quistis just lets you guys get away with anything."

"Xu's going to pop a fuse." Selphie giggled tauntingly.

"She will not, stop stirring the pot..." Rinoa growled, swiping at her.

"So, what else happened. Something must have got you riled up for you to come back like this? Wow, I wonder what Squall will say?"

"Oh stop..." Nicole blushed.

"Fujin showed up." Rinoa blurted, deciding to get it over with.

Selphie's face screwed up into a wild mix of expressions and noises before settling into a all encompassing look of bewilderment and a simple... "What?"

"Oh wow, so she did survive..." Nicole smiled. "What happened?"

"Lost at sea or something, Quistis doesn't want us pestering her about it."

"What?" Selphie mumbled again, the look of confusion only intensifying.

"See what you did, you broke her head..." Nicole smirked before pressing for more information. "How did she find you guys? Did she fly here? Take a boat, what?"

"I don't know... Quistis ran into her apparently. Honestly, it's kinda shady."

"Excuse me." Selphie announced politely.

"Oh dear..." Nicole whispered.

"Selphie, now hold on!" Rinoa babbled.

"I'll see you guys later!" Selphie responded before skipping away in a bizarrely eager manner.

"Oh that's not good..." Nicole observed casually before resuming her meal.

Quistis sat quietly in Cid's waiting room. His secretary sat nearby thumbing through a magazine. Quistis regarded the woman curiously then leaned forward.

"You're new, I don't think we've met?"

"Rebecca." The young woman smiled blandly from behind, generic black framed spectacles. She was fairly plump woman, with plain features, a crisp uniform and a overall air of quiet, if not stellar competence.

"Quistis Trepe, a pleasure."

"I know who are Miss Trepe." Again, the bland smile.

Quistis had the notion that the woman had little interest in conversation and quickly left her be. "Oh... very well then..." She said, easing back into her chair.

Xu finally arrived, saving her from more awkward silences.

"Rebecca, is he here?" She asked sternly.

"The headmaster is waiting Ma'am."

"Trepe, you're with me. We have to talk." Xu ordered, thumbing towards the door.

"That's why I'm here." Quistis responded pleasantly enough but showed clear disdain for the other woman's tone.

The two made their way into Cid's office and found the headmaster staring at a digital map of Northern Esthar.

"Ladies." He nodded.

"Sir." Both women replies graciously.

Edea drifted from the corner. Unseen by the two women, Xu jumped slightly, while Quistis gave a warm smile.

"Matron, I'm glad you're here, I wanted to talk to you at some point today."

"Of course child." Edea smiled broadly, a rare gesture that was not lost upon Cid or Xu who exchanged glances.

Ignoring them, she took Quistis hands in hers and peered into her eyes curiously. Satisfied with what she found, she nodded.

"You seem well rested, I dare say you look better than you have in months."

"The trip did me good."

"Of that I'm certain. Though I imagine finding Miss Kazeno alive and well helped considerably."

"Well, truthfully, that is a weight I'm glad to have off my shoulders."

"Where is she? I'd love to talk to her." Xu scowled.

"Calm yourself." Edea scolded. Cid too seemed put off by her demeanor and made his way around the table to join them.

"Miss Xian, Fujin is presently in Kadowaki's care. I'm sure she'll be happy to answer any questions once she rested up. I won't have anyone pestering her until then. Do you understand."

"Yes Sir." Xu bowed politely.

"Let's get down business." Cid continued. Using a laser pointer, he gestured to a section of ocean on the map.

"That is last location of the ERS Rikamaru." Edea explained.

"A cruise ship, it's presently adrift, with no radio contact." Cid added.

"What does that have to do with us?" Quistis wondered, echoing the look on Xu's face.

"The last radio communication mentioned an encounter with strange creatures. We've been asked to investigate, since we're in the area."

"That's a job for Esthar's Coastal Defense Ministry isn't it?" Xu complained.

"Normally yes, but they are not as capable of countering Etheric threats as we are. Every since the last Lunar Cry, monster incursions have been up globally. This is part of job ladies, I shouldn't have to tell you that." Cid responded, with a firm look over his glasses.

"I was merely curious Sir, have you settled the payment options or shall I?"

"It won't be necessary Miss Xian, we're doing this as a courtesy to President Loire."

"Very well then." Xu responded simply, then studied the map.

"That's awfully far from the coast... When was the last time the ship was seen?" Quistis asked.

"Four hours ago..." By a fishing ship returning to port. Edea explained.

"We'll be within scanning range of the area within the hour." Cid added then returned to his seat.

"Who's going?" Xu asked.

"Miss Trepe is due for a field operation. Also, her bond to Leviathan may be useful at sea." Edea interjected.

"Matron I don't know... I thought we were going to review her status..." Xu countered awkwardly.

Quistis looked insulted and stepped forward. "I'm ready to go, who am I taking?"

Cid noted the exchange with interest. Edea was making a move of some sort that he was not privy to. Trusting her judgment he looked thoughtfully at Quistis.

"Your call, Sub Commander."

"Excellent." Quistis nodded confidently. Something she hadn't felt in a long time.

Facing Xu, she looked her over with a chilling clarity.

"Xu, you're one of the most qualified for infiltration and stealth operations. With the tight quarters aboard the ship, that will be useful."

Xu looked briefly taken aback. While perfectly capable, she'd not been in the field for a long time. Glancing to Cid and Edea she stood straight and nodded briskly.

"Yes Ma'am, I'll gather the gear and meet you in the Jaeger Bay. Who's our third?"

"Miss Tilmitt will do nicely, kindly inform her that we'll be leaving within the hour. Also, I'm leaving it to you to have everything prepped and ready to go when I arrive. Now if you'll excuse I wish to speak to Matron Edea in private."

"Affirmative." Xu bowed, then hurried away.

"You remind me of Miss Kazeno." Cid chuckled at her. "Godspeed Ladies."

Edea bowed curiously to her husband then gestured to her study. "After you Miss Trepe."

Edea's study was a unexpectedly warm and welcoming place. Ancient tomes lined the walls, with topics covering everything from arts, history, epics and the arcane. Everything within had a natural and old world feel that was a pleasant change of pace to Balamb's future chic style. Strange wooden masks lined the wall, hailing from some ancient culture she could only guess at, while a suit oh ornate laminar armor stood watch on the other.

Settling herself on a broad leather couch. Edea bid Quistis to join her. Quistis cut her a suspicious look.

"Trouble child?" Edea asked with a wary eye.

"What is this about a review?" Quistis grumbled, somewhat on guard.

"Xu is merely concerned about you and thus your capacity to function."

"When is she not...?"

"You have to admit, you've been... at odds of late. In fact, the last time we spoke, you were in a all together different place..."

"I was, and that is partially why I want to talk to you."


"I think, something may be wrong with me..."

"I see..." Edea responded carefully. "You should have mentioned this before you accepted the mission."

"I feel fine now, better than I have in a while honestly."


Holding Edea's attention with a firm gaze, Quistis spoke her next words evenly and without shame.

"The other night I was prepared to leave Balamb for good... I even boarded a train out of town."

"I know..."

"That doesn't surprise me..."

"It shouldn't... it's clear to everyone you've been on edge..."

"That's putting it mildly. I've been struggling... second guessing myself..."

"That's always been your burden child, it's nothing new. You're a perfectionist. So. what has changed, it's not simply the war. I don't believe that alone would break you, wound yes, but you were recovering."

"It changed after Sarimonte..."

"Understandable, that was a dire affair, Tobias, still has nightmares I hear, he had to identify his cousin's remains. It took him over and hour to figure it out and yet, he's coping. So I'm thinking you believe it has something to do with Wendigo?"

"I'm starting to get the impression you know what I'm talking about."

"In a manner of speaking. That creature is truly vile. During the brief time I was in possession of it, it tried its level best to pollute my mind with thoughts and desires so foul that I dare not speak them in polite company."

Quistis nodded in agreement.

"I can relate to that... The brief time it was with me was something I'll take to the grave. In fact, I'd never wish that on another soul. That said, I think it affected me more than I realized.."

"You should have gotten help child... What were you thinking...?"

"I thought it was just my own failings... It never occurred to me that the thing could have warped my mind in a literal sense."

"It shames me Quistis, I should have suspected... Though admittedly you are so distant when it comes to your personal life. I simply thought you needed time especially after the events with Miss Kazeno..."

"Fujin helped me actually. Saved my life to be honest..."

"You saved each other child..."

"What do you mean?"

"Come now..." Edea smiled cryptically.

Quistis stared at her, she sensed there was more to this, but time was short, it was something for another day.

"Wendigo twisted me up on the inside when it left... I think my Guardian's realized it and were trying to warn me?"

"Leviathan and Shiva? You do share a particularity strong bond with them so it doesn't surprise me. Shall we have look?"

"That's why I'm here..."

"I see... close your eyes Dear, this may be disorienting..." Edea smiled as she gently ran her fingers along Quistis' temples.

Quistis could feel her Guardian's stirring curiously within her. Leviathan bristled at the intruder with an intensity that made her flinch causing Edea smirk.

"Oh! He is very protective, that's good. He genuinely likes you."

"That's good I suppose..." Quistis whispered proudly.

Shiva's annoyance while not aggressive was obvious and evasive. Edea nodded in understanding as she continued her search.

"This one too, she doesn't like strangers. It's a wonder the two get along at all."

"They tolerate each other." Quistis chuckled.

"Indeed... I'm feeling a hunger here... it's making them irritable. If what you say is true they almost certainly spent a lot of energy repairing whatever Wendigo did to you..."

"Fujin found me in a... state of some sort."

"I beg your pardon?"

"I was hallucinating apparently... a fever dream perhaps. I've been having nightmares for a while now."

"A side effect of your Guardian's trying to repair the damage?"

"More than that... Fujin said I was burning off a lot of Etheric energy."

"Hmm..." Edea murmured as she broadened her exam. Immediately her look of concerned turned grim. Pausing, she grew quiet until Quistis opened her eyes to find her staring darkly at her.

"What is it?" Quistis mouthed, feeling more than a little unnerved by the woman's expression.

"You should have died." Edea answered simply, her eyes cold and unblinking.

"What?" Quistis paled.

"Whatever the Guardian's did resulted in burning them burning off your life force and restoring it with their own reserves..."

Quistis expression took on a fine mix of horror and dread.

"What?" Was all she could manage.

"They burned you out while healing you. Much akin to the body burning with fever but on a greater scale. However, such a feat would have to happen instantly. In fact, I dare say they worked in unison. One alone could never pull it off without leaving you a withered husk. Assuming it didn't just kill you outright in the attempt."

"That's absurd... I don't recall loosing control to that degree."

"You must have, for a moment at least. It would explain the hole in your memory. If a guardian can gain control of their host, they can perform amazing feats of regeneration, strength and power that a normal bond can not attain. Though, as you know, such a thing can have adverse effects."

"True..." Quistis admitted. "In fact I'm fairly certain that's what happened to Fujin..."

"Agreed... but lets focus on your situation... You are very lucky to be alive... much less in control..."

"I feel fine though..."

"I'm sure you do, your aura is strong, very strong. Though it's not your own. It's clearly been augmented by your Guardians."

"Will I recover?"

"Yes, eventually... Your Guardians however, are in a greatly weakened state and will be of little use until they can recover... It will take you days to regain your balance if left to your own devices."

"Well that's not good. I can't go on a mission like this..."

"True enough, however, energy, etheric or not, is energy nonetheless and can be transferred."

"Well yes, but...?" Quistis started then yelped when Edea grabbed her firmly by face and drew close.

"This will hurt child..." She said evenly as her eyes flared.

Waiting in his office, Cid was scouring information on the Rikamaru when a sharp cry of pain rang out of Edea's study. Startled, he nearly fell out of his chair. Rushing to the door, he knocked warily.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked worriedly while poking his head inside.

What he found left him confused and concerned. Quistis stood holding her face and staggering about, while Edea picked herself up off the floor.

"Heavens..." Cid blurted. "What happened?"

"Hyne... that hurt... I think I'm blind!" Quisits complained as she gingerly fluttered her eyes.

"Apparently..." Edea gasped. "They needed more than I suspected..."

"Well... okay... whatever that means..." Quistis stammered. "They're definitely awake now... I'm literally seeing stars here..."

"It'll fade, you've echoes of my memories flooding your mind."

Rubbing her temples, Quistis looked worried. "I'm not going to start having false memories am I?"

"No, it would be little more than static to you, if anything. Though you may have feelings of Déjà vu for a short while."

"Do I even want to know...?" Cid asked, helping his wife to her feet.

Edea nearly swooned. "Gracious... that took more than I thought possibly."

"So you said... What happens now?"

"You're fine dear... that should put you back in balance and then some until you have time to recover naturally."

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, I was just caught off guard. I'm fine, assure you."

Cid looked unconvinced. "You shouldn't push yourself so." He frowned.

Snapping slightly, Edea pulled free of him and smoothed her gown. "I said I'm fine, I'll not have you two worrying over me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself. Miss Trepe, you have a job to do, I think you're better off focusing your attention on the Rikamaru and her crew."

Quistis flinched at the acidity in her voice. "Yes Matron, understood. Headmaster, I'll report in as soon as we find something."

"Good Girl, I'll await your report. Godspeed..."

With that, Quistis rushed to rendezvous with her teammates.

Selphie sat outside Balamb's medical wing in a alternating mood. Part of her wanted to go inside and sling insults like a child, Another part of her simply desired answers.

Quistis was a subtle but functional wreck eve since the war. That much she knew and understood, she felt the same way at times. If not for Irvine, she could only guess as to where he mind would be now.

Fujin represented something she wanted to put out of her mind. A reminder of the war and what she lost. Edea was bad enough, every time she looked at the woman she felt herself growing disgusted. She reconciled those feelings with the knowledge that Edea was in no control of her actions.

Seifer, too, in a way was held sway by the Witch's machinations. Though it was hard to discern what was truly her influence versus Seifer's own misguided dream. She hated him nonetheless, but knew she could never be certain. Fujin however, followed the fool of of her own free will.

The woman simply could not be trusted. It was bad enough that she was allowed to return, but now she seemed to have some measure of influence over Quistis, who was clearly in need of help.

Bristling, she sat cross legged on the edge of the fountain running along Balamb's promenade, her gaze fixated on the clinic's entrance. When finally Fujin exited the building Selphie intercepted her immediately.

"Liar!" She snarled, getting in Fujin's face and earning her immediate ire.

"DEPART." Fujin huffed as she simply walked around her.

Selphie was not so easily dismissed and quickly got back in her face. Shoving her back she scowled bitterly.

"You depart... Where were you... Huh? Answer me?"


"It is when Quistis is involved."


"She barely talks to us anymore..."

"ANY WONDER...?" Fujin droned.

"Does she talk to you?"


"You need to leave! You don't belong here anymore!"


"I put in my time, sweat and blood for this place, far more than you or your asshole friend. Where is he by the way hmm?"


"Sure, I bet, it that where you've been? You guys planning something?"


"Not really, I bet it burns that we kicked his ass, I can only imagine he wants payback. Especially since he can never return..."


"No one would allow that? The only reason they let you stay is because Cid felt sorry for you. Did you know we had a vote?"


"Yup, we did. Personally I you suggested that we round you and your little posse up and put you on trial for war crimes!"

Fujin pushed past her and went on her way.

"Oh, you're mad now, I must have struck a nerve."


"Oh, so your occupation of Zell's home town was lawful?"

Fujin didn't respond. Selphie smiled, she knew she had her.

"I know what you're thinking. Sure, it was war, anything goes. Well guess what, you were on the wrong side. You were a traitor, you attacked us. What did you just say, this place was your home. You're a fucking liar!"

Fujin stiffened, and turned to face her. She deserved this and bore the brunt of the young woman's aggression stoically. Building to a full roar, Selphie put a finger into her chest.

"Quistis was the one who took you down. I find it funny that all of a sudden, of all people, you cozy up to her. What's the goal here, what's your end game?"

Fujin glared but kept silent. The girl was clearly concerned for her friend, that much she respected.

"FRIENDS..." Was all she could say.

"That's bullshit, I'm thinking you've been playing her, and making her second guess herself out and all of this..." She gestured wildly. "Is some petty revenge nonsense."


"Negative... you're like a damn robot. Do you even have heart? Quistis tore herself apart when she thought you died. She's a good woman, she doesn't need you coming in here doing this us!"




"Don't you dare!"


Selphie shoved her with a snarl. "No, I don't accept that. You're not allowed!"

Fujin looked her sternly in the eyes. "BETRAYED, YES... FOLLOWED FOOL."

"He more than that, he's a monster!"


"Quistis doesn't need this crap, so help me... if you hurt her."

Fujin seemed genuinely wounded by the notion. "never..."

Selphie studied her, something changed. The look on Fujin's face was honest, horrified and nearly distraught. Taken aback, Selphie couldn't help but feel she'd perhaps went to far.

"Well look at you, human after all..." She sniffed

"admit... cannot undo..." Fujin whispered.

"Damn right!"

"Selphie that's enough..." Xu said quietly, announcing her presence.

"Xu? What are you doing here?" Selphie flinched, startled at her arrival.

"Fujin wasn't responsible for what happened in Trabia, leave her alone."

"We can't trust her... you know that."

"I don't think we need to worry." Xu chuckled, any misgivings she had about the woman were quickly vanished. "Look at her, she can barely stand, I was told she she nearly died trying to come back..."

Selphie huffed, her anger abating.

"Let it go, Quistis is a big girl, she can handle herself. Look, we've no time for this, you need to get your gear and head down to the Jaeger bay. We're being called away on a mission."

Stunned, Selphie blinked in confusion. "We, you mean you to, that's new? Who else is going?"

"Quistis actually, she's leading."

"UNACCEPTABLE!" Fujin stammered. Quistis was in no condition for such a thing.

"That's what I thought. But she says she's up to it." Xu shrugged.

Selphie however had far less faith.

"And you trust her, have you seen how she's been acting lately? She's on the verge of loosing it, you know that, we all see it."

"She seems fine now. I don't know what to say..." Xu sighed, then nodded to Fujin. "I think we've you to thank for that..."

"This stinks, something is going on..." Selphie snapped.

Xu was sick of the bickering and launched into a tirade.

"Okay, enough, Selphie, shut up. Look, when this over, you guys. Rinoa, Quistis, You, Fujin, all of you need to work this out. It's not helping anyone, especially Trepe. Did you ever stop to think that perhaps it's all the bickering and backbiting that has the woman rattled? Quistis has a lot on her plate. The last thing she needs to worry about is people butting into her business and her friends attacking each other."

Selphie slumped visibly while Fujin seemed completely drained. Folding her arms, Xu let it sink in a moment before speaking again.

"Fujin, get out of here, rest up. Cid wants to see you in the morning. Selphie, you're with me. I'll fill you along on the way."

With that, she spun on her heel and left forcing Selphie to jog to keep up.

Fujin watched as the two women departed leaving her alone to puzzle through her emotions. The encounter left her weary both physically and emotionally.

Making her way to the central elevators, she was eager to return home. Sitting quietly with her thoughts as the elevator descended, she took a deep breath of the familiar. When finally the doors opened to unmarked floor leading to her home she found it waiting for her like an old friend.

Padding inside, she drifted through the gossamer folds surrounding her chamber. Pausing, she took comfort in trailing her fingers along the cool fabric. A content sigh escaped her lips... she was finally home.

Moving towards the makeshift kitchen she suddenly frowned upon the realization that any food she had was very likely a time bomb of putrefaction. To her surprise she found everything in order, with no sign of perishables. With an arched brow she surveyed her quarters for anything else amiss.

Her bed was made, though not in the manner she prepared. Sliding atop the blankets she reached for her stuffed mog and lay in thought a moment before catching a scent. Soft, perfumed, one she knew well.

Quistis she realized warmly. The thought made her smile as she nuzzled the Mog's worn features. How she'd made her way here Fujin could only guess, though she surmised Edea or Cid had something to do with it. A startled realization washed over her causing her to blush profusely. Looking to her nightstand she took notice of the swiped picture of Quistis smiling at her.

Did she notice, she wondered. What would she think if she had. It was a minor thing, a memento of a fledgling friendship and new possibilities. The silliness of it made her giggle in embarrassment and she buried her face in the mog.

Sprawling on her back she closed her eye and very nearly fell asleep until she forced herself to sit up. There were things to do before she could shower and rest. Concentrating, she let herself slip into a trance. There were newcomers in her mind, guests who'd she'd neglected during her trials.

She could feel Pandemona poking at her, curious as to what she was up to. Allowing her access, she sought out Yuriko's guardian's who had long since barricaded themselves in the depths of her mind.

Reaching out to them, she offered a warm and inviting presence. Vega was first to acknowledge the attempt. In her minds eye she envisioned her as a ghostly figure in a elegant kimono made from the very heavens and aglow with a fiery nimbus of blue white light.

The guardian seemed pleasant enough, welcoming and warm, yet timid to the point of elusiveness. Fujin could sense a fear within her, shrouded by longing and loneliness. She could only imagine what sad fate had befallen the spirit while alive. With that in mind she allowed the Guardian to tip toe around her thoughts like a wary animal drawn to a campfire.

Pandemona hovered protectively. Far more powerful, it kept the new guests in check. Fujin appreciated gesture, as she was still uncertain if she wanted the added complexity more Guardian's would bring. While it would certainly increase her options and potential, it could also lessen her bond with Pandemona.

Vega, stirred, glowing brighter as it finally felt more welcome in its new host. As everyone relaxed, Pandemona interacted more with her new ally in a fairly neutral but curious way. A good sign, as neither seemed opposed to each other.

Finally, Durga stirred. Alien in motion, the female guardian was regal and ancient. So much so that Fujin struggled to properly visual her. A golden figure, in ornate regalia, her face shifted as if distorted by water, making it impossible to focus on it. What was more mesmerizing however, was the dazzling tangle of arms the Guardian possessed, with limbs that numbered a score or more. Ethereal, they moved sensually amongst each other with a unfathomable grace.

Durga, Fujin realized held a deep and potent reserve of power, that nearly rivaled Pademona. Unlike her favored Guardian however, Durga seemed aloof and arrogant. She'd be difficult to work with, though she seemed content with the other Guardians presence. There was something to be seen within the feisty spirit. A protective and serene demeanor that had potential.

Fully immersed, the four of them explored each other, testing boundaries, learning limits and finally finding a balance acceptable to all. Opening her eye, Fujin smiled faintly as the new Guardians were given the freedom to settle properly in her mind while under the watchful eye of Pandemona.

The surge of power was immediate and noticeable leaving Fujin exhilarated. Now all she had to do was heal and recover her lost strength. Then, and only then could she explore the new heights of her powers. Glancing at the clock she looked stunned, her mediation had lasted over four hours.

It was well into the evening now and her stomach complained angrily. Hauling herself off the bed, she stripped then showered before heading out to eat.

Balamb Garden was quiet for the most part, the hour was growing late and people were winding down. Fujin was thankful for that. Since her return, the looks and stares were worse than before. It couldn't be helped, she'd always be an outsider wherever she went.

Dismissing it, she made her way to one of the student lounges for a bite to eat. Quistis had saw fit to dispose of her food, and the cafeteria was closed. Left with no recourse she now found herself staring glumly at row of vending machines.

Packaged candies, chocolates, stale pastries, and questionable sandwiches sat waiting. Each machine a dull cornucopia of unhealthy food products. Fishing in her pocket for her account card, she flipped it idly between her fingers in thought when familiar voices caught her attention.

"Holy crap!" Zell blurted loudly. Fujin shriveled, she was in no mood.

Rushing to her, the young SeeD grabbed her roughly by the shoulders and spun her around to face him.

"DINCHT!" She blurted as found Zell beaming brightly at her.

"Told ya." Irvine chuckled from off to the side.

"Whoa, like holy shit dude you're alive! We thought you were dead!"

"Some of us anyway..." Irvine noted quietly, still standing in the hallway.

"FINE..." Fujin snorted, weathering his attention with grace.

"Jeeze what happened to you, you look like crap." Zell rambled wildly. "I mean, not like crap, but still, you're like all small now..."

"Nice one..." Irvine chuckled, shaking his head.

Wincing, Zell looked at him then back at Fujin who simply glared quietly.

"Whoa, not like that. I mean you were never fat, you were like kinda buff... I mean not like in a scary clench way, but like..."

"Stop... just stop..." Irvine hissed low, sensing Fujin's growing ire.

"Aw come on, you know what I mean..." Zell whined, his expression growing desperate.

Brushing his hands off her shoulders, Fujin regarded him with benign look and waved it away.

"IS FINE..."

Looking to Irvine, Zell motioned his friend to go on without him. "Dude I'll talk to you tomorrow, have a good night!"

Irvine laughed and tilted his hat. "Sure thing, you two behave."

"Oh dude come on it's not like that!"


"It's just Fujin man, I want to find out what happened!"


"Screw you dude, not cool!" Zell growled at him as he vanished up the hall. Turning back to face Fujin he found her resuming her search for something edible.

"So, like, we heard on the way back that Miss Trepe found you! I bet she's happy, she's been beating herself up pretty bad ever since... you know..."

"hmm..." Fujin mumbled.

"Man, oh man it's been nuts since you left... I was really sad ya know. I mean you and I never where like friends or anything but I respected you. Even though you totally invaded my hometown... and attacked me... oh and threw me into a tornado... that wasn't cool. But hey it was a crazy time, shit happens, I totally kicked you in the face if I recall..."

"DINCHT..." Fujin sighed.

"You can call me Zell." He chuckled, oblivious to his raving.


"Oh..." He slumped, blushing somewhat. "Sorry dude, it's just... this is big. It's a sign man. Things are looking up! You're back, Miss Trepe is on a mission again. Yeah I totally heard about that too, she and Xu. What the hell is that about? I didn't even know Xu was cleared for combat."

Fujin made a noncommittal noise.

Shifting gears, Zell abruptly jumped as if remembering something important, the motion caused Fujin to flinch in spite of herself.

"Oh you totally have to come see something!"


"Don't be like that, come on!" Zell chirped, grabbing her wrist and hauling her out of the lounge.

"DESIST!" Fujin sputtered in disbelief.

"Follow me!" He cheered, all but bounding up the hall.

Taking a deep breath, Fujin hung her head then followed, knowing full well she'd never get any peace otherwise. As they walked, Zell was chattering on erratically, obviously still energized by whatever mission he'd been on. To her credit she tried her best to follow his inane chatter and respond appropriately.

When finally they entered Balamb's courtyard she'd about had her fill of her companion and was about to insist on going their separate ways. Undettered, Zell led her to the wall surrounding the yard and she was surprised to find him taking her to her favorite perch.

"So..." He began cheerfully. "This is kinda embarrassing but I figured I'd best show you before you stumbled upon it."

Fujin's expression grew wary but intrigued as he pulled himself atop the wall. Standing above her, he knelt to offer a hand up and was surprised when she simply conjured a focused wind to carry her up and over.

"Awesome that's too cool!" Zell laughed approvingly then joined her in the underbrush beyond.

Fujin had bad memories of the area, remembering her encounter with Luccian and his troupe. Glancing at Zell, she put her hand on her hip and waited.

"WELL?" She grumbled.

"Calm down." He laughed, gesturing her to follow.

"DARK..." She complained as they picked through the tangle of vines and brush.

"I got it." He responded, calling forth a gaudy emerald ball of electricity, a courtesy of his guardian, Quezacotl.

Bathed in its glow, the two entered a clearing a few feet from the edge of the wall. Fujin stopped a moment to take in what she was seeing.

"So... yeah..." Zell mumbled, feeling somewhat foolish.

A simple pile of smooth stones sat in the clearing. Painted in stormy shades of blue, the stones were decorated with a playful mix of flowers and small personal items. Dominating the small shrine however was Fujin's chakram, which lay against it as if waiting for her return.

"We... um... wanted to do something..." Zell explained, unsure how best to proceed.

Fujin stood quietly, taking it in.

"Yeah... I guess this would be kind awkward... It's funny, Aeka painted the rocks, Quistis found your pinwheel thingy. We all left some stuff... so um... you wouldn't be lonely...I guess...yeah..."

"ZELL..." Fujin whispered harshly.


"SHUT UP..."

"Oh... sorry."

Walking to small memorial, Fujin knelt warily, part of her didn't want to touch it out of some unspoken taboo. The items left with her Chakram were personal and unique to their owners. A well worn pair of fighting gloves, which could only belong to Zell. A hair pin clipped onto a photo of Quistis, and a variety of items she puzzled out to belong to Aeka, Nei and a few others.

She sat there a moment as Zell shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, unsure what to say or do. Finally after a long moment, Fujin rose and walked towards him. Running nervous hand through his hair he gave her a goofy grin.

"So yeah, pretty silly in retrospect." He chuckled, blushing profusely. "We didn't know where Raijin was, but Cid was looking. Lucky thing we didn't find him... I guess. That would have been all manner of bad..."

Reaching out, Fujin put a hand on his shoulder and gave it a warm and companionable squeeze.

"THANK YOU..." She nodded graciously while trying to retain her cool exterior.

"Oh hey, not a problem... I know it's morbid, but... we wanted to show our respect, you're family... I mean, you're kind of the black sheep... or white sheep... I mean, albino sheep... I don't know..."

Fujin put a hand over his mouth and shook her head. "RUINING IT." She snorted then walked past him

"Yeah... I do that..." He groaned then followed. "So... I saw ya in the lounge. You hungry? I was heading home, I bet Nikki has something awesome prepared, you're welcome to join us."


"Oh sure, hey that's cool." Zell shrugged. "Just offering."

"ZELL..." Fujin sighed, just wishing he'd shut up.

"Yeah!? Oh hey you called me Zell, Awesome!"

Fujin flinched... "DINCHT SHUT UP..."

"No, no no, you can't take it back." He cheered as they cleared the wall. "It's official, you're like my friend now!"

Exasperated, Fujin snapped at him.


"We're totally bros!" He cheered in success as they made their way inside.

It was early in the morning hours by the time Quistis returned from her mission aboard the Rikamaru. The ship had been infested with giant sea parasites, all in all it was a disgusting horror show.

Clearing the ship was a straight forward if not disturbing affair, and they were surprised to find survivors barricaded within the engine room. After it was over, it was revealed that it was only through the sacrifices made by the captain and crew that the passengers survived long enough for a rescue. In the end, it was victory, bittersweet perhaps but a victory nonetheless.

With all that behind her, she now headed home, desiring nothing more than a shower and soft bed. Still clad in her wetsuit, she walked barefoot up the halls, having rid herself of her crud encrusted boots before leaving the ship.

Everything was good, her spirits were high and she found herself smiling and feeling satisfied. Even Xu could sense it and was surprisingly cheerful on the way back. Only Selphie seemed downcast. Something was troubling her friend, what it was she couldn't say, and it was only until Xu informed her of the altercation with Fujin did things fall into place.

Something to deal with on another day she reasoned, putting it out of her mind. If Selphie couldn't get over her misplaced animosity that was her problem. All she could was be a friend and try not to judge her. Padding up the hall towards her apartment she noted Fujin sitting asleep in a nearby student lounge.

"What in the world?" She murmured quietly to herself.

Resting her head in her arms, Fujin as fast asleep. Smiling down at her, Quistis knelt and ran a comforting hand across her back. Fujin stirred at the touch and raised her head blearily.

"Hey you..." Quistis whispered.

"QUISTIS." Fujin mumbled, sitting upright. "TIME?"

"It's like 4am... What are you doing here?"


"Silly girl, you waited all this time?"


"You're so weird, come on, I'll make you breakfast."

"STINK." Fujin winced.

"Shut up, I'm going to shower first."


"Be nice... You wouldn't believe the mess we had to clean up..."

Fujin looked mildly disgusted then reached out to pick an errant bit of goop from Quistis' hair.


Quistis gagged slightly. "Yeah, lets hurry please. I'm going to burn this wet suit."

Hurrying along, they made their way the apartment. True to her word, Quistis all but ran to the bathroom to clean herself up.

"Make yourself at home." She called out as she began her shower.

Fujin yawned and twisted causing her back to pop audibly. She regretted falling asleep in the lounge it left her sore.

Making her way to the kitchen she rooted through the refrigerator for ingredients for a proper breakfast. Working purposeful and at speed, she soon had a hearty meal under way and by the time Quistis returned from her shower she was already finishing up.

"Oh wow." Quistis smiled approvingly. "You didn't have to do that."

"NONSENSE." Fujin huffed.

"Well I won't say I don't appreciate it." She said while drying her hair with a fluffy towel.


"Oh well, yes Ma'am" Quistis laughed as she took a seat. "This is the second time I've been run out of my own kitchen."


"Yes, Scylla cooked for Aeka and I few days ago."


"Yes it was..."

Fujin grumbled inwardly but kept it to herself as she brought Quistis a plate. Heaped with eggs, toast, sausage and some fruit, it was standard fare but well presented and prepared.

Quistis waited politely for her guest to join her before digging in and the two ate quietly but companionably. Finally, nearing the end of her meal, Quistis spoke.

"This is nice..." She murmured.


"Not just the meal..."


"The company."

Fujin felt herself blush faintly at the compliment.

"I like that we can sit quietly and not feel the need to prattle on. It's nice."

"EVER CONVERSATIONALIST..." Fujin countered, recalling Quistis' comment that night on the balcony. It seemed so long ago, the memory of it made her smirk.

"Cute..." Quistis flushed red as she recalled the encounter.

"TEASING." Fujin admitted with a quiet smile.

"Feeling better? I assume Kadowaki gave you clean bill of health?"


"Stop that..." Quistis laughed.

"YES." Fujin tried again, it was difficult breaking the habit.

"Xu told me you had a run in with Selphie."


"Don't let her get under your skin."


"A bit perhaps, but she needs to realize it's not fair putting it all on you."


"No it's not..."


"Perhaps... I guess that's all it takes. I just hate seeing her bent out of shape."

"HOW ARE YOU?" Fujin shifted, wishing to change the subject.

"Me? I'm fine, peachy I guess. It's still there, I mean, I didn't forget anything that's happened. It's just, the pain is in the background, it's just part of me now. You know what I mean?"


"Exactly, whatever I was going through, that wasn't normal. Edea says Wendigo twisted me around somehow. Shiva and Leviathan sorted it out and now? I feel... fine... I guess... I don't really know anymore."


"I'm still going to see Dr. Janardan. See what he thinks..."


"Oh really? So you think I'm crazy?"


"Better safe than sorry then?"


"You know..." Quistis smiled slowly while leaning forward to regard her. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you cared... Is that what's going on here? Fujin, do care about me?"

Blushing brightly, Fujin sat upright in her seat and sputtered. Feeling mildly wicked, Quistis let her squirm while waiting for an answer.

Absurdly nervous, Fujin rubbed her eye with her palm. Finding her words she sputtered awkwardly


"Oh I see."

"FRIENDS..." Fujin added shyly, feeling foolish.

"Mm hmm." Quistis nodded coyly. "I see."

Hunkering down in her seat, Fujin nibbled a piece of fruit. Quistis watched her a moment before resuming her meal. Part of her tingled at the exchange, feeling somewhat giddy she couldn't help but smile.

"AWFUL..." Fujin grumbled, trying her best not to grin.

"I know, it's great..." Quistis chuckled.

To Be continued