Hurray! A new first chapter! It might be coming out slowly but it will be coming out! It's really different but the story line is the same… You'll really be able to tell where I changed things if you read this before… but if not it'll be all good! Yay!... oh and those of you who had read the original… it kind of spoils some of it…. Like I've moved a couple scenes waaaay father into the story… heh… well enjoy!

Oh right the disclaimer!

I don't not own D. grayman…. No matter how much I want to force Allen into a miniskirt!

"They took him off life support just now." The words echoed in Kanda's swirling mind. "It was just too painful for him. He's better this way." The third year's science teacher, rested a hand on the teen.

A pained, silver haired face resounded through Kanda's mind. He had never cried for anyone before, but now, tears fell silently from his dark lost eyes. He had just lost his love.

(One year and two days earlier)

Allen's P.O.V.

'Finally, a chance to start a new life at a new school.' Allen thought to himself while pulling one his new school uniform. Black pants, white dress shirt and a long sleeve black cardigan that held the Black Order Academy crest on it.

He sighed, painfully remembering events at his past school. Shaking his head he started for the door. He had a terrible headache which matched the happenings of the night before. "I'm leaving now!" He yelled into the empty apartment. He let of an emotionless sigh as he closed the door behind him.

Kanda's POV

"Che," Kanda gave his signature sound and looked away annoyed. 'When will they learn.'

"No, sempai!" the first year girl blushed, her head down. "Please, please accept my feelings!"

"I don't need anyone's useless feelings." His response was the same to every annoying little girl who had confessed to him. "Who needs this crap" he muttered to himself. He entered the classroom, leaving the brown haired first year sobbing on the ground.

"Yuu-chan!" the orange haired boy leaned back instinctively avoiding Kanda's mugen as it sliced the air, not a centimeter from his throat.

"Don't call me that, baka usagi." Kanda turned sheathing mugen

"Aw, you've done it again." Lavi, the one known to Kanda as baka usagi stared out at the sobbing girl, still on the floor. "She should have known better than to confess to Black Academy's Ice Prince." He smirked.

"Che." Kanda sat down at his desk in the back.

"Time to play rebound boy!" Lavi hopped like the rabbit he was out to the crying girl, grinning madly.

"Geez Kanda, do you have to be so cold to them?" A girl with dark olive pigtails was sitting on top of the desk next to Kanda.

"Che, they're all idiots." His deep voiced answered. Lenalee only sighed and sat in her seat.

"Hey." Lavi came back in and sat down in the seat in front of him. "I heard we're getting' a transfer student today."

"Che, I could care less." Kanda looked away. "Probably another baka girl."

Just as he finished a pale face poked through the open door. The nervous face was topped by messy, snow white hair, it was long but nowhere near as long as Kanda's raven colored ponytail.

"I-Is this room 228?" the pale boy asked nervously.

"Che, just as I thought, another baka girl." Kanda leaned back staring at the strange white hair matching grey eye, the other half of his face had been hidden by hair.

"Oh, you must be the transfer student, Allen Walker." Komui-sensei announced loudly. 'Allen?' Kanda wondered. 'Shit, that's a boy?'

Kanda watched as the boy's thin body appeared in front of the door. "No way that kid's a boy, none the less a third year. The kid looks twelve." Lavi whispered from the desk before him.

"Ah, y-yes." He walked quickly over to the teacher's desk. Bowing to the class, he said, "My name is Allen Walker and I have transferred here after traveling with my guardian." He stood up straight, but still kept his head down nervously.

"Thank you Allen, you can have a seat…." Komui-sensei scanned the room for and empty desk, finding only one. In the back row….next to Kanda.

Allen's POV

Taking a seat Allen turned to the long hair boy. "Hi, my name is Allen." Smiling he held out a gloved right hand to shake the large boy's

"Che, I already know that, baka moyashi." He rolled his eyes ignoring the boys small hand.

"Heh, don't worry 'bout him. He's always pretty grumpy." The bright orange haired boy in front of him had turned his head to face Allen. "The names Lavi Bookman."

"It's very nice to meet you Bookman-san." He slowly raised his right hand to meet Lavi's.

"Aww! You're so cute being so polite." The red head laughed and ruffled the white heads hair. "You can just call me Lavi." He shook Allen's white gloved hand bringing the boy's skinny arm up and down along with it. " Oh, and loooove the hair color. It's sexy on you!" Lavi half growled. Allen only blinked nervously in response.

"Now class, settle down." Komui-sensei stood up, his hands on his desk. "Group up with your partners for some notes. Oh, Allen," he paused to look at said boy. "good, you're seats are right next to each other. Kanda, Allen will be your partner since you usually work alone."

'Kanda' Allen glanced at the tall boy with a long, raven colored ponytail. 'That's what his name is.'

"Che." Allen could tell that Kanda didn't want to work with any one, none the less him. He wished he had taken headache pills when he had the chance, his head was throbbing.

The day dragged by slowly, accompanied by Kanda's che's and rude remarks toward Allen. Finally they had a lunch break.

"Allen!" Lavi waved from the door. "Come on! I'll show you to the dinning hall." Allen followed behind Lavi, hanging his head, still nervous. "Come on kid, loosen up." he patted Allen on the back. Allen freaked out, his muscles tightened and his eyes flung open wide. "H-Hey, are you alright? I didn't hit a bruise on your back or somethin' did I?" Lavi stared into the small boy's frightened grey eyes.

Allen's breathing was heavy and he whimpered softly as Lavi came closer. Suddenly he snapped back to reality and relaxed a small amount. "Eh, I uh," Allen fumbled. "S-Sorry." He held one of his gloved hands in the other timidly.

Finally, after an awkward silence, the two reached the dinning hall.

Sorry its short... but I wanted to get it out! See ya soon!