I'm sorry But this is just a teaser.

I am no longer going to be updating on FanFiction. Due to a lot of stories being pulled from FanFiction for being above a M rating, I have moved the story over to The Writer's Coffee Shop Library. ?sid=191 I believe that this story's rating is above the M rating that the guidelines have set and instead of allowing them to pull the story and possible close my account, I am doing it willingly.

I am going to post a teaser on TWCS every Thursday and hopefully I'll be able to update the story every Sunday. I want to thank everyone that has been reading the story and I hope that you will be able to continue to follow it on TWCS Library. TWCS is listed as one of my favorite authors, so I please in-courage everyone to go over and check it out. It is a wonderful site, where you can do a lot of different things.

I am also working on a blog .com/ and hope to have it up to date soon.


With each step I took closer to Alice's room the more pissed off I was becoming. How Alice could spend so much money without mentioning that she was shopping was beyond me. Alice's door was ajar and I didn't hesitate before walking in. She was laying on her stomach in bed typing on her laptop. Making my way into the room I close the lid of her laptop and harshly smack her ass.

"Owwww! That hurt! What was that for?" She had spoken without even looking at me while she reached back and rubbed her now sore ass. If only she knew that that was only a taste of what soon awaited her.

I took a deep calming breath and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I received a very informative phone call from Mr. Jenks just now." Her eyes snapped to my face as realization crossed her mind. The expression on her face was enough to tell me all I needed to know "He called to inform me that your credit card statement came in and you had spent an astonishing $22,500. Now please tell me, Alice, that this is all one big mistake. Someone must of gotten hold of your credit card or there was a mistake at the store and they charged you double. You would never go so far over your allowance without consulting with me first, right?"

Alice was off the bed and standing in front of me before I could even get the last word out of my mouth. "Edward, I am so sorry. Please just listen I can explain. See after meeting Bella I just had to redesign the guest room for her. Once I started I couldn't help myself, Bella doesn't have many cloths here so I stocked the closet with things that I knew she would like." She looked up at me with the small pout, but I was not going to be swayed this time.

"Alice we have discussed this numerous times. You and Rosalie are given a very generous allowance, is it really too much to ask that you do not exceed it. The thing that really gets me is this could all have been avoided, all you had to do was make one simple phone call. You know that I have never said no when you or Rosalie have asked for more money."

"Don't be mad at me please. I swear it will never happen again." She wrapped herself around me while she started to cry softly. I engulfed her into a warm hug before unwrapping her arms from around my waist and taking a small step back.

Tilting her head back so that she could meet my eyes I gave her a meaningful look before continuing. "Alice, I love you. Believe me I do not want to do this but you have left me no choice. You knowingly broke one of the house rules and there have to be consequences. Now grab your purse and follow me."