I slowly zipped up by bag, the sound rang in my ears like church bells as I zipped it up all the way. Pyro was downstairs with Bobby playing some board games and Jean was waiting in our private room. I lifted the bag off the bed and then set it on my shoulder careful not to snap any of the delicate wiring in my shoulder but everything seemed okay. I walked out of my room and then closed and locked the door behind me. After the major attack on a couple days ago, it only increased my reason to leave the school. I walked past the students and then turned down the hall then descended down the stairs, I could hear Pyro and Bobby talk in the kitchen along with the other girls but instead of joining I turned and headed towards Xavier's office. As I walked towards the office I turned and saw the markings on the wall and drapes from when I had accidentally disintegrated when I had lost control. I sighed and continued to walk and then turned to face Xavier's office door. I knocked and then the door opened and I walked in.

Inside Xavier was sitting behind his desk and he looked up as I stepped in.

"Please," he said motioning to a chair in front of his desk. I sat down and then placed by bag beside me.

"So it is true?" he asked.

"Yeah," I replied.

"Are you going to go to Jean?"

I sighed and then said, "I will."

"Where are going Alison?"

I shook my head, "I'm not really sure, maybe Montreal or even Toronto, they have the highest mutant population in Canada."

Xavier nodded and then said, "Does Pyro know?"

"I haven't exactly told him yet."

"I think you should."

I sensed an aura at the door and then closed my eyes and breathed in. Pyro. I sighed and turned. He wasn't looking at me, he was looking at my bag.

"I'm sorry," I said quietly.

Pryo looked and then nodded, his eyes looked sad and his whole body looked worn. I took his hand in mine then grabbed my bag and we both went out of the office.

We slowly walked to the private training room that Jean and I used. We finally stood outside the door and he turned to me.

"Please don't leave," Pyro whispered.

I kissed him and then said, "I don't be long, just a few months."

Pyro placed his head on mine and I wanted to stay there we placed out palms together so we were just leaning against each other. I could feel his thoughts come into mine, I allowed my mind to slowly merge with his allowing deep thoughts, passions and hope to enter his own mind. I thanked him and then told him that I won't be long. We slowly placed our hands to our sides, I gave him my bag and then went into the training room.

Jean had a whole thing planned out before I left. Dueling. She wanted to strengthen my control over the Phoenix and I had no problem with that. Using my abilities I dodged, manipulated and mentally went things flying around the room. Jean was more powerful then me no doubt but there were at times I would get frustrated. I gulped down air and felt a shadow covering over my mind, I tried to push it back and it retreated slightly.

I felt myself becoming stronger with mind barriers, and mind 'gates' that Jean had me study which are like barriers except more powerful yet hard to put up.

Jean threw a mental pulse at me but I blocked it and then sent one back. I punched the air and Jean managed to block the invisible force.

"Your are getting stronger," Jean commented.

W dueled for a little bit longer and then stopped for a break.

"The Phoenix will aid you in your skills of telepathic and telekinetic ability," Jean said , "But will also get out of hand quickly. You seem to have a grip on your physical powers. Now onto the mental."

We sat crossed-legged before one another and then looked into each other's eyes. I could feel Jean trying to prod through the mind barriers I had placed but I deflected her mental prodding and tried to get into hers. We went on for about three minutes before I started to gain the upper hand, I had pushed through the of Jean's barrier but she had hit through all five of mine. I had quickly placed up a mind barrier and sent Jean's subconscious flying out of mine. I suddenly felt strong again, I felt incredible, powerful and in control. I relaxed my breathing and then in Jean's eyes I saw that she had found out. Dammit! I started to panic, what if she told the professor? What if she was telling him right now? I had never learned how to intercept or eavesdrop on a telepathic line so I wasn't able to detect or see if there was one. I began to panic like a mad-man. I closed my eyes and felt something cover me, something cold to the touch that it felt like it was freezing over.


I couldn't hear anything, I took in a deep breath and then tried to calm myself down. I could feel the freezing feeling die down leaving a wetness behind. My mind began to think clearly and then I exhaled what I had kept in. I cautiously opened my eyes and then felt water seep into my sneakers. I didn't dare to look down, instead I looked right at Jean who was absolutely stunned at what she saw. I summoned my bag to me and then said quietly, "Is that it?"

Jean nodded and then said, "You'll be fine."

As I walked out of the room the sound of water squishing in my shoes followed, I walked towards the beautiful foyer and then saw Pyro standing blocking my only way out. His eyes were slightly bloodshot and his hands were clenched. I walked up to him and placed my hand against his face allowing one last thing to slide into his mind. I allowed him to soak it in and then he stood there with a shocked face as if he could not hardly believe it. I kissed his passionately on the lips and allowed his taste to linger in my mouth before standing still as if my body were carved from stone. He shook like a leaf and looked at me with pleading eyes. I looked at the ground then back at him, I have to. Pyro slowly moved out of the way and allowed me access to leave. I embraced him and inhaled his scent and promised that I would come back. I will come back, I will come back for my little firebug. I picked up my bag and then headed out.

I made sure that my left arm was concealed tightly so that the hospital wouldn't recognize its former patient who ran away. Who was used as a test subject. I had on gloves, a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie over that. My bag was slung over my shoulder and I slowly walked up to the receptionist.

"I'm looking for a Mr. Horn," I said sharply.

The receptionist looked up at me and then scowled, "Name?"


"Last name?"

"Horn, I'm a relative."

"Visiting hours are at four."

"But I'm sure you can make an exception."

The woman looked at me again and then her eyes seemed to go distant.

"What room is Mr. James Horn staying in?"


"Thank you." I quickly moved away from the desk and then headed towards the elevator and rode it to the second floor. Why was I here? Right because I wanted a talk with my dad. The elevator doors opened and I quickly walked out and headed towards 241. It was at the very end. I placed up some defensive shields are door and then walked up to my dad's bed. I waved my hand over the roommate's ears cancelling out the radio waves so that he wouldn't be able to hear anything. I walked to my dad's bed and stared down at him. His hand was heavily bandaged and some cuts and bruises were on his face. I forced him to wake up by mentally tapping at his subconscious.

"What the hell?" he grumbled getting up, "Alison?"

I nodded and said, "They say that you were close to losing your hand."

My father tried to move but pain had washed over his body.

"What are you here for?" he growled, "To rub it in my face that you won?"

"It wasn't about winning was it? It wasn't about revenge either was it?"

My father's eyes grew wide and then he scowled, "Stop it!"

"You get off clean, the Flight are dubbed to blame along with the school. It was about Mutant Registration wasn't it? That mutants are evil, that we had tremendous power that we should be locked up for. It was the plan from the very beginning wasn't it? From when you first learned what I was."

My father frowned and then said, "What now? Are you going to kill me?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not a murderer nor an idiot like you. This was just for confirmation."

I walked away, turning the radio waves back on, destroying the defensive shields. I could hear heavy footsteps coming down the hall and I immediately knew that it was security. I looked down and placed my hands gingerly on my stomach. They aren't taking me, they aren't getting him. I raced down the stairs and out the front door. I didn't stop, I had to drop my bag since it was becoming to heavy for me to carry and I continued to run, anywhere, somewhere where they won't know me. Somewhere I can live again, somewhere I can call home. Somewhere where I can raise my son.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviews, faved and story alerted. And many of thanks to katara4494 who helped author this story. Spitfire47