Matthew knew it was going to be like that too this time, but for now they still have to deal with a pissed Briton.

"How could you have let that happen… again?" England asked with a stern voice.

"I-I…W-We just decided that we were ready to have another one," Matthew attempted to explain.

Arthur was about to reply something, but was cut short by a voice coming from the hallway.

"Alex! Wait!" said America from the hallway as he saw the boy chase the ball that he had just send into the living room.

Upon hearing the name, England instantly turned his his head and looked at the doorway. A soft smile crept on his face as he saw Alexei standing there with a bright smile.

"G'and pa Athur!" the child cheerfully exclaimed , running toward the Englishman.

He quickly climbed on the sofa and gave a hug to Arthur. Noticing France's presence as well, he moved a little closer to him.

"Bo-Bonyour!" he said, struggling a bit with the French word.

Hearing his grandson speak in his own language almost made France squeal in delight. He quickly pulled the child in his arm for a hug and placed small pecks on his forehead, making Alexei wiggle while laughing and cooing.

"That was just trop mignon! Grand-papa Francis is so proud of you ~" said the Frenchman.

"Oh, hi Arthur, hi Francis" said Alfred as he finally entered the living room. "Didn't saw that you guys arrived."

He then went to sit besides his brother before talking again.

"So, ya here to rant about Mattie's new pregnancy, isn't it ? " the American asked to England.

An insulted look came on Arthur's face for a moment at that, but he knew that Alfred was right. It was no use trying to hide the truth now and he decided that he might as well give up on that.

"I..." the Briton sighed. " Fine. You're right. I was about to complain, that's true, but..."

He then placed his hand on Alexei's head, ruffling the child's hair slightly before resuming.

"I guess another one like that isn't that bad, no ?" he admitted with a soft smile.
"Well, it was time you realized that, cher~" said France in an amused tone of voice. "You spent the whole flight complaining about that."

"Ah, piss off Frog!" Arthur scowled in his usual angry voice, sending the room into laughter.

Relieved that things went pretty smoothly this time, Matthew felt all the stress he had accumulated today being finally washed away. He looked quickly at his watch, 4 o'clock, far past Alexei's usual nap time. Oh well, he was just going to be easier to put him to bed tonight, or not; the line between a grumpy toddler and a sleepy one was pretty thin.

"I'm assuming you'll all be staying for dinner?" asked Matthew to the other while standing up.

They all quickly agreed and Matthew headed to the kitchen, soon followed by France.

"Would you mind some aide ?" the Frenchman asked.
"Oh, that would be great, thanks Francis" replied the Canadian.

And so, while Matthew and Francis were preparing dinner, Alexei went back to playing in the hallway with his uncle and Ivan and Arthur stayed in the living room, disusing some recent political events.

When the dinner was finally ready, everyone gathered in the dinning room and they soon started to eat. A comfortable silence as installed itself for a few minutes, but Alfred finally broke it.

"Hey, 's'been a while since we had a family diner like that" he pointed out.
"Al, we had one for Christmas, like three weeks ago..." Matthew said bluntly, making the others laugh.

And so, the dinner peacefully went on...

"... I'd like to remind you that you wet your bed until the 17th century" said Matthew to his brother.
"And I'd like to remind ya that you would always come running into my bed when there was a thunderstorm " Alfred replied, taking part of a little brotherly fight.
"Maybe, but who is still afraid of ghosts ? " he teased.

And went on...

"...and how do you proceed with languages" asked England as the conversation had now turned about Alexei's education.
"Well, for now we're focusing on teaching him English, but we still taught him some basic words in French and Russian, like greetings for example." answered Canada.

And went on...

" So I told this guy..." Alfred started to say, but was cut short by "thud" sound coming from the other end of the table.

Everyone turned around to look at just what at made that sound and they saw that Alexei, who was sitting in his high chair between his parents, had fallen asleep next to his food plate. Matthew looked at his son with a soft smile before glancing up at Ivan. Understanding what the younger man meant without saying a word, the Russian got up and carefully took Alexei out of his highchair and then headed upstairs to go put him to bed.

Just as Russia left the dinning room, France looked at his watch.

"Mon Dieu! It's already that late ? Looks like we'll have to leave bientôt" the Frenchman said.
"When is your flight back ?" asked Matthew, a little bit disappointed that his family couldn't stay any longer.
"In about two hours" replied Arthur after he glanced at his own watch.
"Oh! You should really leave soon then if you don't want to miss it. " he said before turning to his brother "And what about you, Al ?"
"Mine's in three hours, still got time before," Alfred answered.

While Arthur and Francis soon got up and prepared to leave, Matthew started to clean up the table, helped by Alfred. A couple of minutes later, they both went to greet their father figures goodbye, Ivan joining them after he finally came back downstairs.

"Thank you again for coming" Canada said.
"It was our pleasure, mon chaton~" France replied, giving his ex-colony a last hug before stepping outside in the Canadian winter weather, dragging the Englishman with him.

Once they were gone, Matthew heard cryings from the second floor. Telling Ivan he'd go, he left the two other men alone and went upstairs to see what was wrong.

Silence felt on the two countries then as they stood awkwardly in front of each other, looking anywhere at anything except the other... After a short moment, America finally spoke up.

"Happy that he's giving you another commie bundle of joy ?" he asked with sarcasm.

Russia turned around to look at America with his old childish, yet creepy, smile that he now only reserved for his ex-archenemy.

"Well, if that's how you like to call them" he said with a chuckle "But I'd like to remind you that you spend the afternoon playing with one of those – what did you say again ? Ah... yes, commie bundle of joy"

When finally Canada came back, he was met with an international glaring contest between Russia and America. He thought that it would be a good idea to spare the world another Cold War and spoke up before they could have the time to jump at each other's throats.

"He only wanted Flopalopagous, his odd flying green bunny plushie that England gave him..." he started, but America cut him before he could finish.
"Flopralu-whut ? " he asked, incapable of repeating correctly the name.
"Flopalopagous, " Matthew repeated. "And yes, believe it or not, he can actually pronounce it rightly every time..."

Alfred was about to reply something, but his cellphone started to ring and he quickly answered.

"Oh, hi...Hum... Yes... OK... It's alright, I understand" he said to whoever he was talking to.

Once he had closed his cellphone, the American looked at his brother with a soft smile.

"There is a snowstorm coming, so my flight will be early" he explained. "I have to leave right away."

Grabbing his bomber jacket, he quickly pulled on his shoes and went to give his brother one last hug.

"Take good care of yourself, 'kay ? " Alfred said to Matthew, before heading to the door and waving a last good bye before leaving for the airport.

As soon as he brother left, Mathew sighed loudly and moved closer to Ivan, passing his arms around the Russian's waist. He rested his head on his Ivan's shoulder and half-closed his eyes.

"Let's do the cleaning tomorrow, eh ?" he said with a small laugh. "I'm just so tired..."

Russia gave the smaller man an understanding look and kissed his temple.

"Da, let's go to sleep."

A/N: Then again, sorry for the lateness of that chapter OTL I just HATE it and that made it hard to write. But it's done now ! And I can move on to chapter 5 !

Thanks to everyone who had been reading that fics, your reviews make me me so happy ;3;