My friend was talking to me about a new book series that she's reading, and that just triggered all of my ideas for this. XD She used some term that was in the book, 'blood whore' and I thought, 'I so gotta write a vampire fic with that word in it!' And that's how this fanfic came to be. xD You can thank random weekend conversations.

Pairings: MitaniXHikaru, WayaXIsumi, KagaXKimihiro and chances of HikaruXAkira for later chapters.

Disclaimer: I obviously don't own Hikaru no go.



Chapter one: The masochist

Hikaru Shindou knew that he was viewed as what many would describe as "odd." He had no friends at his old high school, and his 'fellow' classmates constantly spread rumours about how he was far from being mentally stable. He spoke of vampires. Hikaru went on about becoming something that many thought of as disgraceful and shameful to the human race; a "blood whore." Though the correct term for such a person was actually a "blood partner." These partners voluntarily shared their blood (and in some cases, bodies) with a vampire. Hikaru was seen as a masochist for wanting such a thing. Many of his classmates couldn't understand why he'd want to let a vampire sink it's teeth into his neck in order to lick blood from the puncture-wound that they had inflicted.

The bullies, primarily, would hover over the scrawny teenager, lowering their heads so that their breath caressed his neck. "I'm gonna bite ya," they'd teased him over and over again, "Wanna be my blood whore? If you can let those monsters drink from you, then why can't I?"

That was why Hikaru was so excited as he walked up the concrete path and stared up at the large facility that was his new school. And not only that, but it would also act as his new home. His parents oblivious, Hikaru had transferred to an academy for vampires and their partners. They believed that he'd transferred to some normal high school, merely wanting an independence through the dorm rooms that he could not achieve at home.

Hikaru took a deep, energized breath as he approached the entrance, pausing faintly before he reached out and grabbed at the door. He quickly slipped through, peering down the hallways. It was a sea of black uniforms as the students crowded the halls. As he took a step away from the door, one of the said students ran into him roughly.

"Ow!" Hikaru stumbled, but managed to catch himself clumsily.

"Watch it!" the taller student barked as he whipped his head around in Hikaru's direction.

Hikaru's pale green eyes widened as the boy's mouth parted. He caught sight of two small fangs in the tall boy's mouth.

"Vampire…" Hikaru uttered, astonished. He'd never seen one so close to him before. It was almost like a thrill… It almost felt too good to be real, but this place really was a school for vampires. Now that realization hit him, Hikaru couldn't help but notice just how attractive some of the students were. They weren't necessarily pale or doll-like, but they were still beautiful. Hikaru couldn't explain it, but whether it was their eyes, their hair or their dangerous but compelling fangs, he couldn't help but find them to be gorgeous.

Letting his eyes lower from the vampires and scattered blood partners (unless he saw fangs- which were visible through speaking, yawning, smiling, etc. -Hikaru couldn't tell who was what), Hikaru looked over his timetable.

He had to go to some class room on the second floor. He wasn't all that sure about the school system or whether the partners were in mixed classes with the vampires… All Hikaru knew was that someone named Yuki Mitani was both his roommate and chosen vampire. He hadn't met him quite yet, but he was looking forward to it. The headmaster had brought up the name sometime earlier when Hikaru had enrolled over the summer.

Hikaru let his eyes wander as he searched around for a set of stairs. The place was huge… The first floor already seemed crazily vast. Was there any need for a second floor? Though apparently, the first three floors were used as classrooms. The floors beyond that were used for dorm rooms.

"Hey," Hikaru approached another student who appeared flustered. He assumed that the boy was a blood partner. "Do you have any idea where the stairs are? I have no clue in where I'm going."

The nervous looking boy seemed to stiffen. As Hikaru looked over him in more detail, he noticed that the boy was slightly taller the he was. His hair was short and black, and his hazel eyes were filled with dread. The boy pushed his black-framed glasses up onto his nose out of what appeared to be a habit.

"I'm heading up there myself," he said (Hikaru noticed his lack of fangs- so he was a human partner as well), "But I've lost track of the guy who was heading up there with me. I'm afraid he might be lost."

Hikaru frowned. "Maybe he headed up there already?" it was a simple suggestion. He just wanted to get the directions already. Hikaru was so eager to get to his class. He couldn't help but wonder what it'd be like.

The boy with the glasses shook his head, "I don't know…"

Part way through an annoyed sigh, Hikaru heard a loud voice through the ocean of people, which caused both him and the glasses-boy to lift their heads. "Yo!! Kimihiro!! Over here!!" Hikaru wasn't too sure if it came from him, but he saw a brunette boy who waved in his direction wildly.

Hikaru peered back at glasses-boy for a moment, realizing that the brunette was actually waving at him. According to the brunette, the taller boy who Hikaru had questioned was named Kimihiro.

"That's him! C'mon! We'll show you where to go…" he trailed off, giving Hikaru a curious glance.

Hikaru stared back at him blankly before Kimihiro said, "Your name?"

"Oh!! I'm Hikaru! And you're Kimihiro, right?"

Kimihiro beamed, "Hi, Hikaru! I'm new here too. I came with my friends."

Hikaru smiled in return. So this boy had come because of his friends? Did that mean that he needed a reason for coming also? Was it even odd to the vampire school for Hikaru to have come there for no particular reason? That thought saddened him. But before he could come up with any other reasons to be sad, Kimihiro took him by the hand and tugged him towards to outgoing brunette who stood at the end of the hall, waiting for them. According to Kimihiro, there was a turn and then the stairs would be right there, basically.

"What happened to you?! I was getting worried!" Kimihiro exclaimed as he approached the other boy. Hikaru watched the strangers, unknowing of what to say. It was pretty awkward watching them talk like that.

But the brunette suddenly poked his head in Hikaru's face, making him jump. The brown haired stranger eyed him with golden orbs. "Who's this?" he continued to stare at Hikaru, but his question appeared to be directed towards Kimihiro.

Figuring that he could answer for himself, Hikaru said, "I'm Hikaru Shindou."

The energetic boy grinned, "Sup, Shindou? I'm Waya."

Kimihiro shared a sheepish expression with Hikaru. "Don't mind Waya… He's a handful. I don't know how Isumi-sempai puts up with him."

"Hey!" Waya pretended to be upset as he smacked at Kimihiro's head playfully, "Isumi-san loves me!!"

Even if they were joking, the comment perked Hikaru's interest. "Isumi? Is that your vampire?" Hikaru asked, his eyes sparkling. Hikaru never bothered to add the honorfic. But he wondered afterwards whether the vampires had to be spoken about with one.

As they began to climb up the stairwell, Waya brought his hands to his chest as if praying and let his cat-like eyes flutter shut. "Yep, I came here with him. We've known each other for a while…"

'Talk about lovey-dovey,' Hikaru thought. Were they seriously together- together? Hikaru hadn't realized that vampires and their human partners could be lovers as well as donors. Would he have to love his partner?

"My partner is Tetsuo Kaga. I knew him from before I got here too," Kimihiro added, "What about you, Hikaru? Who's your partner?"

Hesitantly, Hikaru replied by saying the vampire's name, "Mitani."

Waya's eyes widened dramatically at that. "Mitani-sempai!?" he gasped, "As in Yuki Mitani?!"

Hikaru nodded as the two boys stopped their climb and stared back at him with horrified expressions. What was so bad about Yuki Mitani? The blonde-banged boy couldn't help but swallow thickly as they remained on the stairs in silence. Hikaru wanted to encourage them to continue but couldn't bring himself to break the motionless drama that surrounded them.

When Waya finally spoke up, the sound of his voice sounded thunderous after what must have been a full minute of complete silence. "I heard that Yuki Mitani killed his partner last year. He killed his previous partner as he fed from him."

A sudden wave of fear pierced through him, but quickly vanished as it was replaced by a laugh. "Oh, I get it! You're joking!" They had to be, yet Hikaru's laugh held a slight nervousness within it. That nervousness worsened as he looked back at Waya and Kimihiro, their faces still serious. Not once did they crack even the hint of a smile.


Without saying another word about Yuki Mitani, Waya and Kimihiro turned away and continued their journey up the spiral-shaped stairwell. Unable to move, Hikaru watched after them, his throat dry and his heart hammering through his chest.

'Hikaru the masochist.'

Maybe those kids from his old high school had been right. What the hell had he gotten himself into?…

Please review! I like to know what my readers think! I'll say I'd like at least one or two reviews before I update. Thanks!