Category: Angst, AU

Pairings: 1x2, 3x4

Rating: R (?)

Disclaimer: Standard. You know them all by now so I won't bore you with a repeat.

Notes: This takes place in a world of my own making, where things can and are twisted into strange things. So what doesn't seem possible is. There are M/M relationships in this fic (I'm very much a 1x2/3x4 fan.) so if boys being together (and I do mean together) bothers you don't read.

New Beginnings Part One

By SilverLady

Quatre sat staring at the fire, now and then huffing in annoyance. It wasn't fair. He had only been trying to help. It wasn't like he had done it on purpose. Trowa had acted as if he had done it on purposed, when he looked at him and told him calmly to go sit in the living room. "I was only helping," he muttered, but no one answered. "Out of harms way, he says, like I'm some kind of silly child. I…."

"You know talking to yourself is the first sign of mental instability," a voice told him calmly.

Quatre jumped and turned around, his hand on his chest. "Don't do that. You scared the heck out of me."

Duo smiled at the other man's choice of words. He wondered if Quatre even knew how to cuss. "But it's all right you know."

"What is?"

"Talking to yourself."


"Gotta have someone intelligent to talk to."

Quatre's lips quirked at Duo's soft joke. "Some may beg to differ with you on that."

Duo nodded as he made his way carefully across the room. "True." With a wince of pain he tried to hide, he sat down on the other end of the sofa. "What did you do this time?"


"Then why were you sent to the couch then?"

"I was just helping Trowa and Wufei make dinner."

Duo smiled, knowing where this was headed. The past few weeks had shown him just how hopeless Quatre was in the kitchen. "Who did you burn this time?"

"I didn't," Quatre protested. "I just…."

Duo arched an eyebrow, but said nothing.

"I just accidentally put salt instead of sugar in the cookie batter Trowa was making."

Duo winced. "Oh, not good."

"I didn't know. I was just…."

"Helping. Quatre, admit it. You are a walking disaster in the kitchen."

Quatre sighed. "But I don't want to just sit around and do nothing. I want to help. I want to feel as if I'm pulling my weight around here. Shoot, even Heero is more help than I am and he can barely get around."

Duo frowned at the mention of Heero. He still hadn't figured out what was going on with him. One minute he'd been ready to leave and the next he was making himself right to home. Duo didn't like it when things didn't go the way he thought they were going to go. It didn't help that Heero made him nervous and he didn't really know why.

Quatre watched Duo for a minute. "Are you all right?" he asked worriedly.

Duo turned his head. "I'm fine, just thinking."

"Are you sure? I saw you wince when you sat down. Should it still be hurting like that?"

Duo sighed. "The…. miscarriage tore me up a bit. Adrianna said it would take some time for me to heal. It's not that bad. Just a twinge now and then."

Quatre sighed and looked down. Slowly he rested his hand on his stomach. "Duo?"


"Does it bother you?"

"What bother me?"

"Me. Staying here after what happened. I mean…"

Duo leaned over and unerringly placed his hand over Quatre's. "Why should it?"

"But… I don't want to hurt you or anything, being a reminder of what happened."

"It's okay. I'm glad for you. And you are a reminder, a reminder of the good things in this life. For some reason, my son simply was not meant to live in this world. But I have another son and he is happy and healthy. As I hope you child is." Duo smiled. "Besides, I'd worry a lot more if you weren't here. Then I wouldn't know if you were okay or not."

"Are you sure?"

"Very much so."

"But Heero…."

Duo sighed and leaned back. "Is another story. One that I haven't figured out yet."

Quatre looked at Duo for a long moment. "Are you really sure you're all right?"

Duo sighed again. "As all right as can be expected." He turned his head towards Quatre's voice. "It hurts, but it will be okay. It has to be."