"We could go out tonight," Edward said, walking over to me so I would tie his tie. He stood in front of me, expectantly. I just rolled my eyes.

"Come one Bell, you know I can't tie my own tie, and do you not like the idea of going out?" he asked.

I kept quiet, not really wanting to answer his question or tie his stupid tie. He knew I didn't want to go out. I didn't want to ever be seen with him again.

"Okay, I'll tie the damn thing myself," he said, huffing out a big breath. "I'll be here after work to pick you up. Make sure you're dressed."

I ignored him, but I knew that when he came home, I'd be dressed and ready to go. I always did what he asked me to, even if I hated it.

"Alice, would you like to go for a quick shopping trip?" I asked into my cell phone. Alice, predictably, squealed a high-pitched yes.

So, we went shopping and found a black dress and a nice pair of pumps for me to wear out to dinner that night. She chatted with me for a good forty minutes about Jasper, her new, official, boyfriend. She wanted Edward and me to meet him, and I told her that tomorrow, she could come over and bring Jasper for dinner. I would have to remember to tell Edward of these plans, because he sometimes stayed at work a little late on Thursday nights. I dropped her off at her place then went home to read.

I ended up falling asleep on the couch, waking up two hours later to get ready.

I hopped in the shower and shaved my legs, washing my skin with my favorite body wash that made my skin feel like softened butter. I dressed and did my hair and makeup, afterwards waiting in the living room until Edward arrived.

Having time to just sit there and think was never good for me. The door was right there. I could pack a bag and be gone all before Edward got home. I could, but I knew I wouldn't.

All those things running through my mind made me get a quick migraine. So, I picked up my book from the side table and began to read, throwing myself into the book. Edward arrived twenty minutes later. Late, as usual.

"I'm so sorry. I'm a little late," he said.

"No shit, Sherlock."

"Well, glad to see you're in a good mood," he said smiling.

I wanted to smack that smile right off his face. I stood up, ready to leave and get this night over as soon as possible.

"God, you're gorgeous," he stated. I ignored his statement and grabbed my coat from the closet.

We walked out to the car, and I let myself in while Edward closed the door and set the alarm system. He then got in the car, and we drove down the long path to the gate to our house. The gate opened as we approached it, and we were off.

We went to an Italian restaurant, Edward obviously remembering my love for all things Italian.

The hostess seated us, then proceeded to practically sit on Edward's lap, asking if there was anything she could do for him. Things like this happened all the time with him, and just like every other time, this made me sick to my stomach. It was evident that Edward could have anyone he wanted. Women threw themselves at him. He couldn't always resist temptation, which was the reason we were in this mess anyway.

He ordered for me, and I gulped down my wine as quickly as possible. The drunker I was, the faster this night would go. We sat in relative silence. Edward tried to make conversation, but I didn't even bother to try and keep his charade up. I excused myself to the bathroom and sat in the stall for a little while. I just needed some time to myself.

When I was leaving, I almost bumped into a waiter. I caught myself on his strong bicep and blushed so strongly I was sure I was tomato red.

"Whoa there, beauty," he said, grabbing my wrist and helping steady me. "All those drinks are getting to you, huh."

I looked up at his face, offended. "Who do you think-"

I stopped short when I looked up and saw those big brown eyes. They enchanted me. I was a goner right then and there.

"I'm sorry, Miss," he said. "Would you like me to walk you to your table?"

"No, I'm, I'm fine," I stuttered like a teenager.

"If you're sure, beauty," he said, smiling.

"My name is Bella," I said, correcting him.

"Jacob," he told me his name. "Not that Bella isn't a beautiful name, but I think beauty suits you just right." He winked at me. "Have a good rest of the evening, beauty."

I stumbled back to our table, stunned by the attractiveness of Jacob. He looked younger—he had to have been only 18. His body was tan and very well built. He obviously worked out.

I had never been into guys who obviously worked out. To be honest, I had never been into anyone but Edward. But Jacob, Jacob was something else.

Edward and I finished dinner then we left the restaurant. A couple of people stopped us on the street for an autograph from Edward, and I got to take the picture of Edward and his fan for her.

The valet was bring the car around as Edward declined some girls a picture. While I was stepping into the car, a girl with a soda threw the ice cold liquid on me, soaking me.

"Whore! He deserves so much better than you."

I stepped into the car as Edward came around.

"What happened?" he asked, looking at me then looking out my window.

"Someone threw a drink at me again," I stated, trying not to show any emotion. Inside, I was crying my eyes out. I just wanted to curl up in a ball and stay there for the rest of the night.

"Oh, my God. Baby, are you okay?" he asked.

I just nodded my head, swishing my hands in front of me urging him to drive.

I silently cried on the way home, the tears streaming down my face uncontrollably. When we arrived, I got out from my seat and walked quickly into the house. I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I stripped quickly and started a bath. I put on a robe, going downstairs and grabbing a glass and a bottle of wine.

I went back up the stairs, passing Edward as I entered our bedroom. I walked into the bathroom, poured myself a glass of wine, took off my robe and slipped into the tub.

I drank my wine and didn't even flinch when the bathroom door opened. Edward walked in and sat down on the top step beside the tub. We sat there in silence, him watching me drink almost the entire bottle of wine.