30 sentences for Lady Emzebel.

I don't own One Piece, and I won't be making money from this.


Sanguine: Luffy x nakama

He was perpetually sanguine while they ranged from fervently pessimistic to cautiously optimistic, however, they were living proof that cheerfulness was highly contagious.


Hapless: Merry vs. The Grand Line

Even as the small caravel sank below the waves, it fought the terrible sea known as the Grand Line tooth and nail in order to stay in one piece; it was one of the Straw-hats, not some hapless victim!


Moonshine: Sanji x Zoro x Eneru

Sanji blinked rapidly and lowered his drink as he saw two huge, shadowy earlobes appear briefly in the night sky, then he turned and kicked Zoro right in the earrings; that's what marimos got for buying moonshine!


Bookworms: Usopp x Nami x Robin x Chopper

"Oi, you idiots, be quiet so you don't disturb the bookworms!" Usopp explained impatiently to the monster trio, earning him a kiss on each cheek and a snuggle from the three scholarly crew members.


Relief: Whitebeard

Relief pounded through broken veins and flooded out of severed arteries as his son's brother and messiah unleashed enough haki to halt 10,000 executions.


Sasquatch: Chopper x nakama

Chopper could not stop his tears as his nakama lit a battleship on fire because a marine captain had the temerity to call the Straw-hat doctor and emergency food supply a sasquatch.


Welcome: Rayleigh x Shakky

When he hauled what was left of his heart back to that place, her open arms were the sweetest welcome he'd ever experienced, and he found that he actually did have more tears.


Unwelcome: Killer vs Drake vs Urouge

His intrusion into their fight is unwelcome, but neither of them made it this far by ignoring their instincts.


Exhausted: Usopp x nakama

He was exhausted, so very, very weary, but if this road led him back to his nakama, he'd run right off a cliff without stopping.


Heist: Jango x Kuro

"This heist will go smoothly; then, and only then, will I release you," Kuro murmured maliciously, drinking in Jango's fear as the heel of one clawed hand adjusted his glasses.


Ricochet: Franky x Robin

Almost everything else would ricochet off of his chest, but her smile got him in the heart each and every time.


Blanket: E. Kidd

It was an impenetrable shield, a lightweight suit of armour, an adequate sunshade for his pale skin, and a comfortable blanket during night watch, so the next son of a syphilitic wharf rat that insulted his fur coat was definitely getting smothered to death.


Rum: Zoro x nakama

He'd been drinking rum since he first became a bounty hunter but he'd never noticed how much warmer it made him feel until he was drinking with his nakama.


Comet: J. Bonney

"That fucker, Straw-hat, is just like a comet; a big ball of dumb metal hurtling from nowhere, attracting ice and dust and rocks and other shit, then setting them all on fire!" she growled around a drumstick.


Avatar: Urouge

"He is the pirate avatar; it's obvious, isn't it?" Urouge chuckled out loudly as the supernovas watched Luffy destroy Marineford.


Comic: Law x Bepo

"Now that is comic," Law commented mildly as Bepo beat a man to death for daring the bar patrons to make the bear dance.


Language: Robin & nakama

As she lived, laughed, loved, laboured, loitered, and lingered with her nakama, Robin realized that she was learning a language much more ancient than that on the Poneglyphs.


Keychain: Nami x nakama

"They're the keys to our hearts, of course," Luffy told her bluntly as she fingered the nine battered chest keys on the shiny new keychain, the rest of her nakama smirking behind their captain.


Fanatic: Bon Kurei x Ivankov

'A fanatic of progress indeed,' Ivankov thought as Bon-chan twirled around in a pink tuxedo jacket and a lacy tutu.


Blank: The Straw-hats

The Straw-hats' faces were completely blank for all of two seconds before they broke down with joy; Luffy had opened his eyes for the first time since Raftel.


Flicker: Coby x Luffy

Coby would never forget that the Pirate King's first good deed was to fan the flicker of ambition in the heart of his greatest marine opponent.


Screw: Franky x nakama

Franky was glad he was lying down on his stomach; he never knew he would cry so much when eight people fought to screw the new adamantine plates onto his back.


Harmonica: Brook x Sanji

"You say your instrument is called a harmonica?" Brook asked the chef with wonder in his empty sockets as the blond man happily continued playing.


Millennium: Brook x nakama

Learning about everything that had happened in the past fifty years was overwhelming, but it would take another millennium for him to express his joy at finding such wonderfully patient nakama.


Candle: Blackbeard vs Luffy

Even though he'd swallowed the rubber boy in utter darkness, he could feel his confidence and will fending him off, like a lit candle beating off the gloom of night.


Infant: Garp

Garp glared at Luffy and Ace as they ran along the beach, and he vowed that he would not make the same mistakes as he had when Dragon was an infant.


Techno: Apoo

"I think I'll call this beat techno," Apoo thought out loud as he made music to match the rhythm of the war raging in Marineford.


Rugged: Sanji x nakama

"Seriously, dartboard, it makes you look more rugged," Zoro stated plainly before Sanji dared to reveal the burnt ruin of his left eye to his accepting nakama once more.


Unbidden: Wiper

They had come to the world above the clouds unbidden, but their disparate love for each other became a model that Skypiea and Shandora would diligently follow; Wiper swore this on the Golden Bell.


Celebration: Raftel x Straw-hats

The volcanic eruption was nothing less than a celebration; even Raftel refused to give up as the Straw-hats and Monkey D. Luffy stuck their tongues out at the executioners.
