Monster 20 questions

"Is it in Dad's journal," Dean started.


"Have we fought one before?"


"Salt and Burn?"


"Black eyes?"


"Red, white or yellow eyes?"


"Have we fought more than 20?"


"Hmm," Dean thought for a minute.

"Killed by silver?"

"Yup," Sam grinned.



Dean snapped. "The 'mandroid!'"

"There's no such thing as a mandroid, remember?"

"You know what I mean…"

"Not the point. What is it?"

"Shape shush… Shape shisp… Shapeshufter… DANG IT!"

Sam sniggered.

"You only chose that because I can't say it, didn't you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about…" Sam grinned.

A/n: LA Con in '09 the Js talk about how Jensen had a hard time getting that phrase out. Thought it would make a good outtake =) And if you haven't seen any of the panels from Barcelona's Rising Con, yet, I suggest it… Jared and Jensen dancing on stage is always a WIN.

Sorry for the lack of writing, but I started doing fanvids! (Bowslb on youtube: only full one done so far is Say (all I need) by One Republic, check it out! http:/www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=Ckso6ommUhc) I am JUST learning how to vid, so be nice, but I'm pretty happy with how it came out. Shameless plug is shameless, y'all!

And, as always, thanks for reading!