AN: This is just a trial run. I love vampires!! And for the record, I loved vampires before the whole Twilight phenomenon came along. It was okay, but...I've read better. Anyhoo, these vampires will NOT be sparkly. That totally bemused me, to be honest. I hope you enjoy it! And if you want to see more, please review! I need to know what the readers think. I don't mind flames, because I want your honest opinion, but please don't be cruel. Happy reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.


The snowy-haired hanyou was slammed forcefully into the ground. His claws scrabbled at the dry dirt in an attempt to right himself. A string of obscenities flew venomously from his mouth as he glowered at the young girl in front of him. She sighed and tucked a strand of raven hair behind her ear.

"Inuyasha, I'll only be gone for a few days! I have to study, or I'll fail all my exams. Besides, I miss my family", she added as she picked up a small backpack. "Stay out of trouble 'till I come back", she warned as she jogged towards a small hut.
"Kagome! Kagome, you cow! Get back here!" the hanyou, Inuyasha, shrieked. He was still pinned to the ground by that damn necklace. "Gah! I'll kill you! Get back here now!"

"See if you can get that idiot to shut up. He'll scare the villagers with that racket", the elderly miko grumbled as Kagome entered. Miroku sighed and stood up.

"Come on, Shippo. We wouldn't want to miss an opportunity to torture, Inuyasha, would we?" The monk winked at the young kitsune demon. "Sure wouldn't", Shippo cackled. Kagome grinned at her friends as they passed. She would miss them. But it's only for a few days, she told herself. And then she would be back. Just a few days.

"Well, I was just coming to say goodbye. I'm heading back now. I'll only be gone three-or-so days", she explained. Sango smiled and nodded. "Have a nice time, Kagome-chan", she said sincerely.

"Kagome, why don't you wait until morning?" Kaede looked agitated. Kagome glanced at the miko in surprise.

"The well isn't far from here, Kaede-san. I'll be alright. Don't worry", she waved cheerfully. "I'll see you all soon, okay?"The old woman nodded, but still seemed restless. "Be careful, Kagome. Something feels all wrong...I can sense an evil aura." Kagome bit her lip, concentrating hard. She could feel nothing. No evil presence.

"Well, I'll be careful. Bye, Sango-chan, Kaede-san!"

Kagome stepped outside and took a deep breath. The air was so clean and pure here; unpolluted by smog and fumes. She savoured the gentle breeze, the chirping of the crickets, the scent of pines and woodland. Kagome smiled. It was such a beautiful night. Kaede must be wrong, she decided. Nothing bad could possibly come about on a night such as this.

She had reached the well. Kagome slung the straps of the backpack over her shoulders, and placed one foot on the wood, ready to climb in. She cast a glance behind her. It was so peaceful. The clearing was illuminated by silvery moonlight, giving it an ethereal feeling. Three days could be a long time, she thought wistfully. Kagome swung her other leg over, preparing to drop in, when something rustled in the trees behind her. It must be Inuyasha, she thought. The spell would have worn off by now. She whirled around, but there was no hanyou to glare at. Instead, a young man stood a few feet away. He had dark, messy hair and his skin was pallid. He wasn't particularly striking. He looked...ill.

"Hello", he said warmly, offering her a kind smile. "I'm Daichi."

Kagome blinked. "Uh..hi. I'm Kagome...?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kagome-chan." Kagome felt unease stir in the deepest recesses of her mind. "S-same. Nice to meet you too." She probed frantically. Was this the evil presence Kaede had cautioned her against? He seemed to be a normal person. But there was a possibility that could be a deceiving glamour of some kind. She had heard of youkai with that ability.

"Where are you going, Kagome-chan?" His voice was very soft, and almost melodious. It was almost hypnotising.

"I'm going home", she replied almost instantaneously, surprising herself.

"Home?" Daichi smiled confusedly. "To a well?"
Kagome swallowed audibly. Why had she said that? She felt she should be scared, but for some reason, she felt strangely calm. Her heart wasn't pounding with fear. It was slow, regular. Instead of the hot rush of terror and adrenaline she usually felt when fighting monsters with Inuyasha, this was different. It was slow and cold, her insides were slowing freezing over with helpless dread. Her vision was blurring around the edges, she felt detached from her body. And Daichi was slowly advancing, the corners of his mouth still quirked up in a smile.

"You can't live in a well, Kagome-chan?" His voice sounded fuzzy. His figure became blurred. She was losing consciousness. No, she thought desperately. I can't die like this! Am I going to die? What's going on? She slipped forward, but Daichi grabbed her wrist, gently pulling her from the ledge.

"Don't worry, Kagome-chan", he whispered.
Kagome tried to swallow, her throat was dry. "Inu...yasha", she choked out. Daichi inclined his head, his smile turning to one of sympathy.

"Is that someone dear to you, Kagome-chan?"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed. Her cry echoed eerily in the brisk night air.
Daichi wrapped his arms around her. "Now is no time for screaming, Kagome-chan. I'm sorry. I'm very, very, very sorry. You seem like a nice girl."
Kagome tried to scream again. Her body wasn't responding to her mind. It was terrifying. Her thoughts swirled frantically, but her body remained calm. Her eyes began to close. She could hear Daichi, still speaking, but it was just mellow buzz to her ears.
She didn't even feel the prick of his fangs as she slipped into unconsciousness.

So what did you think? Sessh will come along a bit later, don't worry :D I still not sure what kinda genres I will be delving into, but don't expect anything citrusy :S I'll try my hand at some romance, but for now...hang fire, 'kay people? And please review! I really want to know what you all think!