The house was silent as she padded down to the kitchen; her insomnia was really starting to take its toll and this insane heat wave wasn't helping. She wandered through the house in a tank top and a pair of shorts, night was the only time she could comfortably wear anything like this. She hated her body and her scars; they'd all suffered during the war but Harry, Ron and she had suffered the worst. But she was the only one still struggling, Harry had Ginny, Ron had Luna and she had her nightmares, scars and memories. No-one would ever know, no-one would ever see the pain, hear her screams or notice her scars. She hid it all, she was the mistress of disguise and her façade was a perfect impenetrable one. But someone knew, someone saw, someone heard and that someone most definitely noticed.

A/N: I know this is short but it's only the first chapter and more is to come. It's only going to be a short story but please please review!