This is a RoseXAdrian story, about Dimitri leaving her for Tasha. But what happens when he comes back, will he try to be with her again? Lots of laughs and fun and some drama too! Hope everyone likes it please tell me what you think

Chapter 1:

As i walked across the lawn to the moroi dorms, passing the oval, I had to wipe a tear away from my eyes. It had been a whole week since I had been made to run laps. My old mentor, Dimitri, had left. But he was more that just a mentor, I loved him. I rememberer back to the night Viktor had cast the lust spell on us. A sad smile spread across my face. Dimitri had left. He had gone to be with another girl. A girl named Tasha Ozera.

"It would never have worked out, rose". I told myself.

I had tried to spend my time moping around, but lissa wouldn't let me. She still didn't know about me and Dimitri. Lissa thought I was just sad because kirova was getting me a new Mentor. I shuddered just thinking about it. I'd had too many bad encounters with headmistress kirova. I'm sure she is going to use this as pay back and get me someone terrible. Someone mean.

In truth, I was a bit scared about who she was going to picked, but there was nothing I could do about it, so I was trying not to worry too much, and take it as it comes.

I reach the moroi dorm and head up to lissa's room. I open the door and walk in. she's sitting at her dressing table, brushing her hair. Her boyfriend, Christian, is spread out over her bed, watching her. They both turn to me when I walked in.

"Hey rose", said lissa, jumping up and giving me a hug.

"Hey liss", I said, hugging her back.

"Well, well, if it isn't the great rose, late as usual", said Christian, with his signature smirk.

I stuck my tongue out at him

"And you look like something the cat dragged in", continued Christian.

I opened my mouth to respond, but lissa held up her hand to stop me

"Come on now be nice you two. And he's right, rose, you can't go dressed in that", she chastised me.

Lissa looked me up and. I suddenly felt very self conscious. I looked at what she was wearing. A pretty light blue dress that hung fairly loose and went down to just before her knees, Christian was wearing a button up top and a pair of denim shorts. I suddenly felt even more inadequate, in my favourite holey jeans and a simple t-shirt.

"You can't go like that", said lissa, frowning. Then suddenly she started smiling. I could feel excitement drifting through the bond we shared.

Ihavejustthething! She exclaimed, opening her closet and rummaging inside.

Christian rolled his eyes and collapsed back onto the bed.

Lissa emerged from the closet with a pile of black fabric, which she handed to me, still grinning.

"I got this for you last time I went shopping, I just kept forgetting to give it to you", she told me, still grinning.

I gave her a weak smile and a hug.

"Thanks liss", I said

I unfolded it and looked at it. It was a black halter dress. I went to the bathroom and put it on. It had a low cut, and barely covered anything. It went down to about midway between my knees and my hips, and clung in all the right places. I sure hoped kirova didn't see me in it. I had a feeling this dress could get me detention for a week.

I wondered why lissa had got me something so revealing. I tried to get it out of her head, but lately she's become good at keeping certain things from me.

I could feel that she ulterior motives though. I walked back out of the bathroom. Lissa smiled

"You look great". She said, clapping. I gave her a smile. Christian looked up at us from the bed.

"Can we go now?" He asked. "I'm starting to get thirsty. And thanks to rose were already late".

I stuck my tongue out at him again.

"Sure, let's go", Lissa said.

lissa, Christian and I walked across to the guest building. We were going to Adrian's room. Adrian was four years older than us. He had already finished school. He was only here now, because, like lissa, he had discovered he was a spirit used.

Adrian was also almost always drunk. He always seemed to have something in his system. It helps him to ignore spirits bad side effects.

Adrian also seemed to spend a lot of time hitting on me. But I didn't really mind. I liked feeling wanted after Dimitri…. No, I wasn't thinking about that. I was going to have a good time tonight.

We got to the guest housing and knocked on Adrian's door. Adrian opened the door, and Christian and lissa walk in. I go to follow then, but Adrian moves in front of me and blocks my way.

"Hello there, my little Dhampir. Is that all for me?" He asks, eyeing me up and down with his trademark smirk. Man, was he cute, and his green eyes were sparkling…. Get a hold of yourself rose, I though. I smiled up at him with my mad eating smile

"Why, do you see something you like?" I asked, doing a slow spin for him, making sure he could see all the good spots, then i put my hand on my hip and slightly pushing my chest out. I could tell from the look on his face that he liked it.

"I like everything I see", he replied, "Maybe I could show you just how much…" he trailed off, his eyes goggling. Man, they were cute.

"Maybe some other time", I said, flashing my man eater smile. "Are you going to let me in?" I asked him. It was getting a bit cold outside. He grinned at me, seeing me shiver.

"Or we could stay out here? If you're cold we could take off our clothes and I could warm you with my body heat…"? He suggested seductively. I had to admit, the idea did sound promising…. But Dimitri had only just left me. And I still loved him, and maybe I always would. I saw the smirk Adrian was still giving me. I decided to have a little fun with him. I reached up and grabbed his collar moving it so he was pressed against the doorframe. I went up on my tippy toes so I could whisper in his ear.

"And what happens when I'm warm"? I ask him seductively.

"Then I'd do whatever you want. But first you going to have to take all your clothes off, so I can warm you", he answered. He hadn't notice that while he was saying this, I had moved my body around so I was halfway inside the room.

"I have a better idea", I whispered to him, my lips hovering centimetres from him. Man, his lips were perfect. I wonder what it'd be like to kiss them.

"Yea", whispered Adrian, questioningly.

"I could just come in", I told him, moving back and walking inside the apartment. I found all my friends staring at me wide eyed. I laughed, and grabbed a drink and went to sit down on the floor in front of lissa. Christian was sitting beside her. Eddie was in a single chair near Christian. I gave him a quick hug before I sat down. Adrian picked up his drink and sat in the chair in front of me. I could hear him muttering something about unfairness.

I smiled innocently up at him. "Well, if you don't want me inside your apartment I could always leave…", I said, starting to stand up.

"No", called Adrian, as he grabbed my arm and he pulled me onto his lap. In doing so he spilt his drink all down my dress. I cracked up laughing, and tipped my drink down his shirt. He started laughing as well.

I grabbed the bottle of vodka on the table and drank a quarter of it in one sip. Suddenly I became dizzy. I shook myself, and then looked down at the label.

Adrian laughed at me, "yes, little dhampier, I don't drink the stuff your used to. I like my drinks… stronger". He smiled down at me. I realized I could feel his heart beat. I smiled up at him, and I felt his heart beat getting faster. My grin widened.

"Is your heart the only thing that reacts when you see me?" I asked him seductively

He grinned back at me. "Why don't you find out"? He asked, flirting back with me.

Ok guys, here is my first redone chapter. They are have a few changes, but are fairly similar, with mainly spelling fixed and punctuation. I'm not amazing at it though, so if anyone reading would like to be my beta for the story after I finish fixing it up please send me a message

Once again, I am sorry it has been so long since I have updated, but bear with me, I promise this time I will finish it : )

Please, r&r, and tell me what you think : D