Rated: Teen – Violence + Course Language

Pairings: A bit of UlquiHime and a bit of IchiRuki.

This chapter is kinda short but I'm pretty happy with it and I had to add a little bit of my favourite pairings xD So basically Loli and Menoly aren't there and Ulquiorra goes straight back to Inoue.

R&R please :)



Something had happened to Ichigo reiatsu. Renji and Ishida, who were heavily bleeding from their wounds they had gotten from fighting Szayel Aporro Granz. A tear-streaked Inoue, still reeling from slapping Ulquiorra and Rukia, blood-stained and barely alive, had all felt it disappear, instantly sending worry into all of them. Suddenly it was back. But it had changed. It became dark and heavy and stronger then ever before.

Inoue was leaning against the door of her prison cell, warm tears streaming down her cheeks.

"First Kuchiki-san …. And now Kurosaki-kun…" She fell to her knees, sobbing profusely. Then a cold, emotionless voice came from behind the door.

"I'm coming in."

Inoue backed up to the middle of the room, hastily wiping away her tears. The door creaked open and Ulquiorra came in. The forth Espada's pale face held no emotion, his cold, green iris observed his prisoner. She had that silly, defiant look on her face again. The one that always irritated him.

"So you've noticed." He said, noticing her puffy, red eyes. "Yes, he is dead. The boy who came to save you."

"Kurosaki-kun isn't dead" Inoue's eyes widened as her eyes strayed to Ulquiorra's pale hands. They were still wet with Ichigo's blood. She choked back a sob.

"Silence." Ulquiorra commanded irritably. "Do you think you can provoke me into comforting you? Your pathetic attempts for attention are ridiculous. Like I said before, the same fate awaits all your friends. Why should it matter if one or two dies a little before the others?". Inoue's flicking fire of hope she held within her had been extinguished by Ulquiorra's icy words.

With her last hope of being rescued gone; she had never felt so alone. She bowed her head and wrapped her arms around her self, her whole body trembling. She couldn't look into those green irises without feeling like she was falling into a black hole of desolation but his piercing gaze gouged into her mercilessly.

"Do you hate me?" Ulquiorra asked suddenly. Inoue looked up to the pale face.

"Do you hate me for killing him?".

Inoue stepped back, her back against the cold, stone wall. Ulquiorra took a step closer, looking down on the pathetic, trembling girl in front of him.

"I asked you a question, women. Answer!" He hissed.

"I.." She cut off. A dark reiatsu had suddenly shaken the air. She looked up. Ichigo's reiatsu. He was alive!

"Kurosaki-kun..." It was like as if a light had lit up inside her, her eyes bright with hope. Ulquiorra felt a stab of resentment. Without another word he spun around and left the room.

Nel watched fearfully as Ichigo emitted powerful waves of dark reiatsu, the supposedly dead Shinigami had risen to his feet, but he looked completely different. His Shihaksho looked like it had been bleached white, he still carried a zanpakutou that looked exactly like Ichigo's Zangetsu, but it was white, with a lethal black edge and wrapped in black cloth wrappings. The new Ichigo turned to look at Nel, she choked back a fearful sob. The new Ichigo's face and hair were completely white. Yellow irises stared back into into Nel's light brown ones. This wasn't Ichigo.


Shirosaki grinned, his eyes wide with malice. The little Arrancar shrunk back, tears welling in her eyes. He ignored her, he had better things to do while he was still in control. He leapt nimbly from the demolished tower and flash-stepped into Los Noches. This was going to be fun.

Pain. It was the only thing Ichigo could feel in the darkness. His head was throbbing, he still tasted blood in his mouth. But he was alive wasn't he? At least he kept telling himself he was. Suddenly he opened his eyes, so he wasn't dead! He saw the upside down skyscrapers. He was still in his inner world. Wait! If he was here then where was Shirosaki? A sense of dread filled him as he remembered the twisted version of himself standing over him. The smell of blood. The blinding pain, as he was slowly crushed. And his words...

"The Horse in his rightful place... I'd crush you if I sensed any weakness... So now.. I'm King." Shirosaki had taken his crown. That made him the King and that meant he was...

"Shit!" Ichigo swore furiously. His friends... Rukia. Inoue. Chad. Ishida. Renji. They were all in danger.

He looked around. The sky had turned a sickly orange colour, there were black clouds floating lazily across the sky and the buildings. They had once been a bright blue but now they were a dark grey, some had crumbled down into dust. Ichigo got to his feet numbly, his wounds weren't as painful anymore. There was still dry blood caked on his face and his Shihaksho looked like it has been dyed red and felt sticky.

"How the hell am I still alive?" He wondered out loud, his voice echoed throughout the silent buildings.

"Cos' I can't let ya die or I would too. Your apart of me now." Shirosaki's silky voice reverberated loudly next to Ichigo. He spun around. "You-!" There was no one there.

"Here's the thing, Ichigo. Your on the inside and I'm on the out. I win."

"If you touch any of my friends I'll-"

"You'll what? You can't stop me and I can do whatever I want to them. I'll slice them up into little bits just for you! And that Shinigami girl..."

His laughter rang loud in Ichigo's ears.

"No.. don't. Please not her!"

"Are you begging, Ichigo? Geez your pathetic!"

No! No! No! Ichigo though vigorously. "I won't let you have my soul! I won't let you hurt them!"

"Talkin' big means nothing if you can't back it up. See ya later Ichi! I'm gonna enjoy this!"

Things are gonna to get interesting soon! xD Please Review :)