A/N-Hey, everyone! I'm back!I don't even know what to say..I went back and was reading the reviews for this...and you guys are awesome..-cyberhug-

"Kyouya, mon amour... we're going to be late for school...," Tamaki, already dressed in his uniform minus the blazer, peeked cautiously around the doorframe of his own bedroom. Clutching at its wood, he prayed for the power to protect him from the impending wrath of his lethargic lover before him. Kyouya groaned and pulled himself upright, bleary ebony daggers promising worse than death. Tamaki whimpered and started to edge back into the hallway, but a sigh gently drifted through the air and he was motioned back into the room.

Kyouya patted around blindly for his glasses and frowned when he didn't obtain contact with the cool metal frame. Sighing again, he began the motions of removing himself from his man-made cocoon, but Tamaki slowly pushed him back down, arranging the sought after object in place on his face and stealing a kiss. The youngest Ootori chuckled softly, his warm breath caressing Tamaki's cheek, and pulled the boy into his lap. Tamaki sighed contently and leaned into Kyouya's toned chest as arms wrapped themselves around his waist.

"Mmm...Kyouya…we really are going to be late, you know," Tamaki murmured after a few moments, on the brink of falling back asleep. He sat up and twisted around to see the shadow king properly. Knowing onyx eyes gazed back at him as the brunette smiled. "We had some fresh clothes brought over for you. They're in the bathroom. We really do need to be there soon," Kyouya hummed in acknowledgement and pulled Tamaki back against him, lazily playing with his golden tresses.

"I don't think anyone will mind two of Ouran's best attendants being late just once," Kyouya commented, stifling a yawn. "However, I do suppose you are right. It will look suspicious if we show up late and together. Until we are ready to inform the host club of our relationship, we should try to take every precaution presented to us," with a near silent groan, he shifted Tamaki off his lap and threw back the duvet, wrenching himself erect and starting towards the bathroom.

Tamaki watched Kyouya's retreating naked backside turn the corner out of sight, suddenly feeling much colder in his lover's absence. He bit his lip and waited for the soft thud of the bathroom door closing, but it never came. Tamaki curiously gazed in the direction in the bathroom, noting the golden glow staining the wall across from it. The blonde slowly crawled to the edge of the bed, swinging his feet onto the floor so he could pad his way toward the beacon.

Upon his arrival, he was greeted with the same Kyouya he had grown familiar with. A mane of dusky mocha had been carefully arranged and when Kyouya turned his head, the light reflected off of a few locks that had drifted into his eyes. The orbs themselves had hardened into a forever-calculating gaze as they examined Kyouya's newly donned uniform. The brunette nodded to himself and turned to face Tamaki, one eyebrow raising questioningly.

"Are you ready to go?" he asked, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly. Tamaki stared for a few moments before he nodded, smiling unsurely. Kyouya chuckled softly and pulled on his shoes, walking briskly out of the room and starting down the hallway. Tamaki hurried after him, quickly tugging his jacket of the coat rack before closing the door behind him. He hissed as he attempted to take a step down the stairs and paused, staring at their winding length with dread.

Kyouya smirked as he came up behind the blond, lifting him into his arms. Tamaki squeaked in protest and struggled for a bit as Kyouya laughed.

"Kyouya…I'm perfectly capable of walking you know…" Tamaki muttered, sighing quietly.

"Tamaki," Kyouya began, a hint of warning in his voice, "you're in pain. Don't deny it and don't struggle because I don't want to have to explain how you fell down the stairs. Besides, no one's looking and I like carrying you." Tamaki blushed and stopped struggling, quietly allowing himself to be carried down the stairs and out the front door.

He began to push Kyouya away when they neared the car, but the brunette chuckled and held him tighter, planting a gentle kiss on his lips before depositing him in the back seat. Tamaki let out a breath of relief as his driver merely shut the door behind Kyouya and got in the driver's seat.

The car ride passed in silence, Kyouya staring at Tamaki and Tamaki staring out the window until they arrived at the academy.

Although it felt like their world had previously been turned upside down, when the boys stepped out of the car, the same cherry trees were still beckoning them towards the school as they drifted lazily in the slight breeze. A nearby group of girls called out to them and Tamaki smiled charmingly, raising his hand in welcome before continuing into the school.

"Who are they?" One of the girls asked, staring at the duo fading into the distance. Her friend sighed happily and turned towards her.

"Okay, Kimiko. You're new here, so make sure you remember this. The blonde one? That's Tamaki Suoh. King of the Ouran High School Host Club. He's only the sweetest, kindest, most handsome man in the entire academy," she sighed again, her eyes glazing over dreamily.

"Okay…but what about the brunette? Yuki, what's his name?" Kimiko gazed at the hallway where she had lost them, committing it to memory.

"Hm? Oh, that's Kyouya Ootori. He's the cool type. A bit cold for me….but he is really cute,"

"Kyouya, huh…?" Kimiko murmured, "Cute indeed…suki desu," she smirked and turned back to the group, listening to their stories of encounters with the Host Club.

A/A/N- Ooh! Girl, that is Suoh Property! Touch it and you're in for a world of pain! Yeah...I'm really, really sorry this took so long...procrastination...and then I was in the hospital..and my beta has been really busy..she still hasn't seen this, but I didn't want to make it to the year mark of no posts. x_x Thank you all so much for understanding! I'll try to be back as soon as I can!