.:Lovesick Melody:.





A/N: Another plot, another story. :) This is my version of the manga Lovesick so yeah. Don't really own the plot on this one! Haha! Anywho, enjoy!





It wasn't right, not one bit. Although, I couldn't help it. I still can't refrain myself from letting my heart love him. It all started when my mother had introduced me to him. I felt like a midget staring up into his deep onyx eyes. My nine year old self smiled as he stuck his hand out, offering it to me. My smaller hand was placed in his as my mother introduced us, "Sakura dear, this is Sasuke Uchiha. Your new father."

He bent over so he was looking into my own emerald eyes, "Hello Sakura. I hope we could get along!"

Stupid me, I just smiled cheekily at him. After that I reluctantly let go of his hand. My mother took her place beside the handsome man. They looked like the perfect couple. When they stared into each other's eyes, it was obvious they were in love. It all changed when my mother died seven years ago. Sasuke was twenty three when my mother had passed away leaving him the the responsibility of myself.

We have been living alone together for four years and there was some struggles but all in all he is my gaurdian. My long pink hair was tied up into a ponytail as I knocked on Sasuke's work door. Although he constantly told me that if I saw a sign hanging from the door knob saying that he was working and not to disturb him - which I did - I should leave him alone. But breakfast was ready and I wasn't going to let him stay in there, not until he had at least a meal.

We're not blood related of course. With no response from the other side I decided to take matters into my own hands and I slowly turned the golden knob. I wasn't ready to see Sasuke Uchiha laying on the floor... sleeping. My body reacted instantly as I ran to his side and started screaming his name, "Hey! Sasuke wake up! What's wrong? What are you doing on the floor? Are you sick?! C'mon! Wakey- wakey!"

He sluggishly sat up with my help of course, "Sakura? What are you doing in here, I told you not to bother me when I'm working!" he lectured. I crossed my arms and did that little 'humped' thing. He had black hair that was spiked up in the back, I really though it was cute. Sasuke also had onyx eyes matching. Now that I think about it, he looks very young. He's like what? In his late twenties and I'm only seventeen! Honestly, he is only twenty seven but I always make him mad by pestering him by his age. Pretty entertaining actually.

"Breakfast is ready," I stated I regreted actually cooking that delicious meal. My emerald eyes looked at the clock on top of his desk and I gasped. Sasuke gave me an odd look and I scrambled up, I took a glance at him and I saw him taking out a cigar! Glaring I grabbed it out of his mouth, "I'm always telling you not to smoke first thing when you wake up!"

"What are you doing?! Give it back, Sakura." he ordered. I was about to snap it in half but I heard my name being called by my ex-boyfriend, "You're late. And your boyfriend is calling you." he teased pulling out another cigarette. Sasuke lit it up and I looked down at my plaid school skirt.

"He isn't my boyfriend! He asked my about so Naruto-kun and I are just seeing each other, nothing to personal. You and your thoughts, Sasuke!" I grumbled as I stood to walk out the door, I turned my head as he said my name.

"It's 'Dad' not 'Sasuke'..."

Never ever was I going to call him dad, never! Nevertheless I answered him, "Whatever you say. I'm leaving now. Stop smoking, and eat your food before it gets cold. Oh, and you better wash the dishes!"

When I arrived at my school, I fixed my skirt as I walked into my classroom to be greeted with my friends, "Hello Sakura." They all greeted. I love my friends.

One was blond with sky blue eyes. Her name was Ino Yamanaka, she has been by my side since I moved here with Sasuke. We almost have every single class together except for gym. The other was Hinata Hyuuga. Hinata was always kind to everyone and it was a wonder how we all get along with each other like sisters. Her short shoulder length hair was deep indigo and her eyes were a light grey. Both knew my problem with my step-father, "I see you're happy today." observed Hinata.

"Yeah, Hina has a point. Did it have to do anythign with your drop dead sexy gaurdian? Did you guys even kiss yet?"

My cheeks instantly reddened as I covered my face. I shook my head and they just laughed at me shaking my head I glared at them, "It is way to early for this kind of talk! Anyway," I pulled out thre tickets, "Sasuke .. I mean, my father is opening his art exhibit and I want you guys to be there! It's this Saturday."

I noticed them having a guilty glint in their eyes and I tilted my head to the side, bringing my ponytail with me. My foot began tapping as I waited for some sort of explaination. Finally Ino was the one to talk, "Sorry Saki. We both have a date that day. You should go ask what's his face... uh... Shikamaru Nara. You guys used to be best friends, right?"

"Sure! Look there he is, I'll ask him right now." I walked up to him and I smiled kindly, "Hi, Shika-kun! Do you have any plans this Saturday?"

He rose an eyebrow, "No. Why?"

"My dad is having this art thing and I was wondering - "

"Are you still dating that Uzamaki?"

"Kind of, yeah. Anyway so I wanted to know if you would like to go with me."

"Sorry, I have plans." and he walked away from me.

My fists clenched, who does that?! He just said that he didn't! All the guys I used to talk to got really cold and very annoying after I started seeing Naruto-kun..

That night, me and Sasuke were eating dinner. I was wearing my sleeping dress as I chewed on my fish. Sasuke was furrowing his eyebrows and it was obvious he was angry at something. Maybe it was his exhibit coming up in a few days so I'll just stay away from him for a while. I felt his deep onyx eyes staring intensly at me as I became more irritated. When I was about to say something..

"Hey," he called as I jumped, "You've got rice on your arm."

I looked at my arm and there was about five pieces of rice sticking onto my arm, "Oh. Look it there I do!" I grabbed a napkin and wiped it off.

"You're such a kid!" he scolded.

You have to hold it in! C'mon, Sakura! Just because he called me a kid doesn't give me a right to kick his ass. Calm down. His deadline is coming up, his deadline! It was hard to keep my hands from shaking the chopsticks in my hands. I shook my head and remained - slightly - calm, "Ano.. Naruto-kun said that he would come to your exhibit so you'll get to meet him properly!"

"Hn. As if I would rely on a kid to understand my art."

I twitched and I could not hold it any longer I slammed my hands on our dinner table and I stood up facing him like a real woman, "Kid, kid! You really need to stop saying that! You don't have to get all irritated because you're an old ass!"

Sasuke also stood up glaring at me, "I am only twenty seven!" he argued.

"And I'm already sixteen! I'm not a kid anymore so stop calling me that!" I shouted stomping my way to my room.

That Saturday morning, Naruto and I walked into the building where Sasuke - my father - was having his exhibit. Out in the entrance it had 'Uchiha Sasuke Exhibit' on a board with three balloons tied to it. My rocking body was dressed in a short jean skirt with an off the shoulder plain purple shirt.

"Sakura-chan," said Naruto-kun I turned to him so he could continue whatever he was saying, "Can I introduce myself first?" I was glad that he sounded pretty excited and nervous at the same time. I nodded and gave him a glamorous smile. Naruto-kun and I had never kissed because every time I get close to his lips or his sun-kissed hair or even his blue eyes it suddenly transforms into Sasuke's features.

My long pink hair was let down and swayed right below my scapula. I looked left to right, side to side and even up and down searching for my father. Literally, my heart skipped a beat when I saw him. Sasuke was wearing a very good looking tux with his hair - as usual - spiked up the way it was supposed to be. He was greeting the people who bothered to stop by and give his art a look.

The room was crowded. People were amazed at the type of work. From beautiful sunsets, to random people showing some sort of affection, or simply a person smiling brightly. Honestly, I have to say my favorite art work from him was the one of my mother sitting with a bunch of sunflowers.

I miss her terribly. But at the moment I couldn't stop staring at the man I loved...

My step-father, my guardian, the man that my mom feel in love with... Sasuke Uchiha.





I was most definitely not a kid anymore.





A/N: So what do you guys think? Good? Bad? Review please! By the way! I'm taking requests on random one-shots and everything!!