Author's Note: I uploaded this at the same time as chapter 10, so if you've been following this from the beginning, make sure you didn't accidentally skip a chapter or you'll miss the big wrap-up (which we all know is Shawn's favorite part). Thanks for reading!


"Shawn! You're okay!" Gus looked at once both relieved and confused. "But I could've sworn I heard you talking to someone as I came in."

"Ah yes, I was just going over the details of my most recent escapades with Mr. Fribbles here." Shawn gestured to the Furby sitting wide-eyed on the opposite end of the couch.

"Mr. Fribbles?" Gus looked incredulously from Shawn to the Furby and back again.

"I see you two haven't been properly introduced. Mr. Fribbles, Burton McFloppypants. Burton McFloppypants, Mr. Fribbles."

"Shawn, I don't need to be introduced to a Furby. Why do you even have one of those things? They're creepy."

"Gus! That was very rude. How could you say something like that in front of Mr. Fribbles?"

"He's a Furby." Gus replied, as if that explained anything. "So are you gonna tell me what happened last night or what?"

"No can do, amigo. If I told you, they'd ship me off to Witness Protection so fast you wouldn't have time to spell 'aggiornamento'. Oh wait…" Ouch, that was a low blow. And on second thought, if Witness Protection gave him a shot with Jules like that Scott Seaver guy, maybe it was worth taking his chances. Shawn made yet a third mental note to tell Gus everything later… just not until teasing him with his secret knowledge started to get old.

"Shawn!" Shawn just smirked, wincing as he realized that his chin was still in a lot of pain.

"Hey Gus, 300 points says I can make this shot." Shawn pulled a crumpled and very miniscule scrap of paper out of his pocket and aimed it at the wastepaper bin. Gus looked at him skeptically. That thing was tiny and not aerodynamic. There was no way he could make that shot.

"You're on."

Swoosh. Leave it to Shawn to defy the laws of physics. Gus watched in astonishment as the tiny scrap of paper bounced off the rim of the basket and landed neatly in the bin.

"So, American Duos time?"

"You know that's right."


Deep beneath the Burbank Buy More, Chuck had just finished explaining to Sarah and Casey how he had flashed on one of the coins Shawn dumped onto the table, which was actually a covert storage device that could be opened up to reveal a hidden message. This particular coin had been used by the Ring to transport a list of potential locations where the Intersect and Operation Bartowski might be based. Chuck spun the empty coin idly on the Castle table.

"…it was probably encoded in a microchip inside the coin at one point. The coin was empty when I grabbed it at the restaurant, though."

"So it's still out there?" Sarah looked worried.


Little did they know, a crumpled and very tiny piece of paper sat at the bottom of a wastepaper bin in a Santa Barbara office with the following list scrawled across it in miniscule block print. The first five lines had been all but scribbled out:

Paris, France
Paris, TX
Moscow, Russia
Moscow, TX
Los Angeles, CA
Burbank, CA

"We'd better call Beckman. But first, we should go over the audio capture from this morning." Casey growled angrily. That is, more angrily than usual. Casey always sounded at least a little bit angry.

"Why so glum, Casey? Are you seriously still jealous of that detective's car?" Chuck teased. Casey had been moody all morning, ever since he'd seen that idiot detective Lassiter drive off in a Crown Vic – the same model that Casey had driven happily until his stupid asset had gone and blown the damn thing up.

"No. I just can't believe you bugged a Furby, Bartowski. A Furby! What were you thinking? Are you insane?" Chuck just smiled.

"Come on Casey, let's hear what we got…"


Author's Note: Whew, and that's a wrap! This concludes my first full length fic, and also the longest thing I've written (fiction or otherwise) in my life. I couldn't have done it without the support from all of my readers, so thanks so much, and I hope you enjoyed the story! :-)