Hey wassup, Viperwatcher here! Like I said in my profile this story, is a multi-view story. It contains 3rd person and 1st person. Almost all of the paragraphs are in 3rd person. Excluding those that begin with an, asterisk(*) those are the paragraphs that are being told or narrated by my OC. This story was somewhat shaky since its hard to think of things to do when the war between the humans and Covenant were over but I managed to find one. This is a more Thel and Rtas fiction but they are just supporting. The Master Chief may make an appearance... I don't know. As usual, don't be surprised by Cameo appearances that are going to pop up here and there. There may be some plot holes that I may have overlooked, I apologize in advance. I tried my best in making all the canon characters stay in character, but I had to improvise at certain points, since I really couldn't imagine how would they react.This story is rated M for mature scenes that may appear in the story.

So with all that said and done, I present the prologue of my story,

Second Life

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my characters. Other canon characters are owned by their respective companies.

Exclaimer: To people who don't like the story, just don't read it.

Chapter 1 Prologue

*I sighed at the thought of it all. Since when did the world turn upside down…? Now I'm believer at 'be careful for what you wish for'. It was true; it was the ugly truth. I can't believe I died, and was 'reborn' if you could call it that. I was a skeptic for those types of things and well…. Oh sorry, didn't see you there. Was I rambling again? Sorry. What? You want to know what I'm talking about. Well it can't hurt to tell you the story. Where do I begin, Hmm… Oh I know. It all started at that day…*

"This is Gideon Hart, it's all quiet, sir."

Gideon Hart *that's Me.* was standing on a hill, looking over the plains of the planet, Torpin. They were on a Loyalist Skirmish mission and he was assigned to due to some reconnaissance. He lowered his radio and grabbed his binoculars. At the far end of the lush forest was smoke. Smoke can mean one thing; fire. And when there's fire, there's bound to be someone created it.

"Sir, I've just spotted, smoke rising out of the forest, a few miles away from my position." said Gideon over the radio.

"Checking data…Excellent work Gideon, Intel says that the Loyalist camp is there and you just confirmed it. Head back to base now to plan on the assault." said his captain.

"Roger." said Gideon and he made his way down the hill.

The vehicle he used to get here, a mongoose, was parked at the bottom. He slung his rifle and placed the key in the ignition. The vehicle rumbled to life and he gunned the engine. He stepped on the gas and he zoomed forward. He passed by dozens of foliage and weird looking trees. Of course none of these trees looked familiar to him as he was on a different planet; a planet so alien…so different.

He didn't actually want to be part of the mission but he was bored. Everything pretty much settled down once the war was done. The Chief was missing but the Arbiter made it back on the Dawn. Whoop de do. Now after some peace talks and finalization of the alliance, the elites or Sangheilis, as they call themselves, are now working with them.

They hadn't been on this planet long but at least they managed to make a decent base, if you could call it a base. They had a communications building, an armory, a barracks and the Headquarters. He turned off his mongoose as he parked it next to the couple mongooses at the side. He removed his helmet and made his way to headquarters.

The door slid opened and he saw his Captain talking to an elite wearing purple armor. Gideon didn't hate the elites nor liked them; he was just…neutral around them. He was neither intimidated nor relaxed.

"Aha here he is." said his Captain, Cole Gevlin.

"Sir." said Gideon and he did a salute.

"At ease; Gideon I would like you to meet Spec Ops Sub commander Tera'kan Xenom."

"Nice to meet you." greeted Gideon extending out his hand.

"Likewise." said Tera'kan shaking his hand.

"Gideon, I would like you to give us a debriefing." said Cole.

"Yes sir." said Gideon.

*Now I know what you're thinking there's nothing interesting happening, that's because it won't happen until later on the day…*

Gideon went back to the barracks to get some rest after giving his debriefing. He opened the door and went to his bunk. He lied down and was surprised to see someone staring at him.

"What is it?" he asked him.

"Do you think we'll get to do action now?" asked his friend, Paul Dayle.

"I don't know. I only hope that we get this mission done so we can return back to the Crow's Nest." answered Gideon.

"True, true…Hey Gid."


"Do you believe that when you die you're given a second chance?"

"What do you mean by second chance?" asked Gideon sitting up.

"I don't know…I may mean a second chance in life?"

"So you're asking me, that if I die, will God give me a second chance?" he asked.

"More or less, if you ask him." said Paul.

"Well… How should I know, I haven't died yet." said Gideon with a smirk.

"You have a point." said Paul then he went back to his bunk. Gideon rolled his eyes and lied down the bed.

*When Paul asked me that question, I really didn't know the answer to it. No one would, because you basically have to die to know, and I didn't want to die. I pushed that specific conversation at the back of my head and got some sleep. I woke up three hours later by Paul, since we were being called…*

"Men…and elites, in just a few hours we'll storm the Loyalist camp." began Cole. Gideon and Paul were back at Headquarters. They were in the meeting room being briefed in the next 'storm' mission. With them were the Spec Ops elite.

"The plan is simple. We go in there, do a surprise attack, and kill all them; any questions?" No one raised their hands. Cole smirked.

"Perfect, I want you all geared up and ready to go in one hour. Dismissed." said Cole. Gideon stood up and headed outside. The elites went back to their ship to get geared up whilst the humans went to the armory.

Gideon went in and grabbed himself two SMG's and dual wielded them. Paul grabbed a shotgun and a pistol. Everyone distributed the grenades evenly among the individuals.

Ten minutes later they all boarded warthogs (the elites squeezed themselves in) and they headed out. It was at the middle of the night which made the forest dark. The moon of the planet was at least giving them some decent lighting. Gideon was the driver of one of the warthogs, his passengers was an elite and Paul on the turret.

They moved on as a convoy and eventually stopped a few feet away from the Loyalist camp. Everyone huddled to a corner for the finalization of the plans.

"When I shoot the first bullet, we come in guns blazing." said Cole.

"We agree." said Tera'kan.

"Get into positions." said Cole.

Everyone dispersed and hid themselves near the camp. Others behind rocks, some behind trees and most of the elites turned their camouflage on. Cole readied his sniper rifle and look down the scope. He turned on the sniper rifle and aimed. A few seconds later a gunshot was heard, destroying the silence of the night. Everyone sprang into action. Gideon ran in and started shooting every enemy in sight. An elite's shield went down and he died as he got filled with bullets.

Gideon and the elite passenger he had with him took their fare share of enemies down. They ran deeper into the camp and killed more of them. They stood in the center of the area with there backs to each other.

"Nice shooting!" praised Gideon.

"Likewise to you human." said the elite.

"Where do you think they are?" Gideon asked.

"They must be hiding, the cowards." said the elite. But both of them looked up when they heard a hiss. One of the elites was standing on the roof of a building, and had activated his energy sword. Both of them opened up as the elite ran to the two of them.

*The elite moved like a blur in the darkness, one moment he was there and the next he wasn't. Not only did he disappear, I also felt my eyesight blur for some reason. Before I could turn around I felt something prod my back. My body went completely rigid then felt numb. My hand started shaking; making me dropped my SMG's. I felt something hot trickle down my chest and I looked down.

*What I saw took my breath away. On my chest sticking out were the two ends of an energy sword. I was stabbed from the back, through and through. Not only was that but the sword covered in red and purple blood. Meaning my elite friend was also stabbed. The sword was removed and I felt someone push me slowly. My body being rigid followed the momentum and I fell down the ground. My body was losing blood so much that I was lying on my own pool of blood in seconds. Both our blood mixed together making a scarlet color in the night.

*I slowly felt myself slipping away. I honestly thought I would go down differently. Then something flashed in my mind. My conversation with Paul; he said when you die you're given a second chance, if you ask for it. I immediately went to shouting in my mind to God saying, 'I don't want to die! Give me my second chance!' I raised my head and saw the elite in front of me wasn't moving. He was dead already. That only made my wanting to live, burn more. I prayed to God that he'll give me my second chance….then my consciousness faded.*

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