Sorry it took me so long, but here's the sequal to My Girl! It's set 12 years after My Girl ended. So here's a quick recap for those of you who might get a little confused. Asherah and Alexander are now 12, Christina is 13 [but she looks like a sixteen-year-old], Brody [Rachel and Paul's son] is 12, and Ethan [Sam and Emily's son] is also 12. None of the kids know about werewolves, and I explained this in the first couple paragraphs, but the Cullens have moved on. All except Edward of course. Being that Christina imprinted on him, they can't be apart. No worries though, the Cullens will visit. I had to have them move because they can't stay in Forks forever. Bella has ages normally since she's human lol. She's in her early 30's [I know it's hard to imagine] As I wrote this I still picture her a teenager lol. And no I'm not going to make her suddently stop aging because that's not how I see Bella's life like if she chose Jacob. Sorry.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this story and like all my others this will have previews up on the sldl site. If you want the link it's on my profile and head over to the forum. You can also ask me any questions you might have under my thread for this story. I won't be able to answer questions you ask in your reviews, but I WILL answer them all on the forum, Or you can PM me.


My Everything

The warm July sun shone high in the sky. Today was one of those extremely rare days in La Push. The temperature was hot, and the crazy supernatural world I lived in was quiet. I closed my eyes and leaned back on my towel, letting my fingers dig into the hot sand of First Beach. The sound of my kids laughter warmed me more than the sun. It was hard to believe how perfect my messed up life had become.

Christina seemed to be just as happy with Edward as I am with Jacob. Since Edward can't be out in the sun, she opted to stay indoors with him. His family had moved on a few years ago, but Edward couldn't leave Christina behind and we weren't letting her go with them. Jacob finally loosened his ties on her after she turned Thirteen. She still had boundaries, but she was a teenager now.

Asherah and Alexander are a year behind Christina, but she still looked a few years older than them. Neither one of the twins are showing signs of phasing, but every once in a while I will catch Jacob watching Alexander. He is starting to develop a hot temper and he's been growing a little faster. Jacob thinks he will follow in his footsteps within another year or so. If he does become a werewolf, I'm hoping it's not until he's around fifteen or sixteen. He'll be too young if he phases before then. It doesn't bother me anymore, I got to see him grow up and become the man he is turning into. I'm still his number one priority and Jacob seems to praise him for that.

I sat back up when I heard Asherah scream. "Why does he always have to tease her?" I moaned.

"Because he's her cousin and he's Pau's son." Rachel rolled her eyes. "Brody will you leave Ash alone?"

Brody stopped dangling the seaweed in her face and she went back to making her sand castle.

"Hey guys," I heard Ethan say as he approached Rachel and I. We both turned around to see him walking with Emily.

"Wow, Ethan, you grow anymore and you're going to be bigger than your father." I pointed out. He was transforming out of his child look and into a grown boy. Even though Alexander was born early, he was just as big. Asherah, on the other hand has always been tiny. Jacob nicknamed her, Thumbelina. He's pretty confident that she's not going to phase anytime soon, if not at all. Again, that was fine with me. I wouldn't mind having one child that's completely normal. It's beginning to get a bit intimidating with a house full of people who will stop aging, while I get older by the minute. Even though Jacob still looks older than me, he hasn't changed since he phased at the age of sixteen.

"Ethan!" Asherah waved as she jogged over to us.

"Hey half pint," he smiled and draped his arm across her shoulders. Together they walked back towards her sand castle.

"Hey, bro! Come surf with us." Alexander waved him into the water.

Ethan glanced at Asherah and she sighed. "You can go if you want."

"No, I want to help you."

I looked over at Emily and we both smiled.

"She really needs to learn how to surf." Rachel said.

"I know, but she doesn't think she's coordinated enough. I have to agree with her on that." I chuckled.

"I got this," Jacob said from behind me. He stood over me and bent down to kiss me. He picked up Asherah's surf board and walked towards her.

"Daddy, I don't want to! I cant do it." She wined.

"Yes you can." Jacob insisted.

"I'm too young," she sighed.

Jacob laughed and threw her over his shoulder. "Your twelve-year-old brother is a pro at surfing. I hate to break it to you, but you're only two minutes younger than him."

I got up and wondered closer to the water to watch them.

"Asherah's going to surf? That's as bad as mom on her motorcycle!" Alexander leaned forward on his surfboard, holding his stomach as he laughed.

I glared at him and Brody leaned over and slapped his arm. Alexander look directly at me and he smiled innocently. Making his face look exactly like his fathers.

I rolled my eyes.

Jacob walked until he was waist deep and flipped Asherah over his shoulder. She immediately began to swim back to the beach and he caught her easily. "Nice try, Thumbelina." He laughed and she groaned. He picked her up and sat her on the surfboard. I listened to him giving her directions. He latched the band around her ankle and helped her lay down on the board.

"Paddle, Ash!" He yelled and she immediately began moving her arms. "Stand up!" He ordered. She did as he said and immediately lost her balance.

I held my breath as Jacob dove into the water after her. Her head broke the surface before Jacob's did, and I breathed.

"See, I told you." Asherah groaned.

"You had it, it just takes time. You want me to go out with you?" Ethan asked her.

A wide smile spread across her face and she looked up, pleading with her father.

"Grab your board," Jacob groaned, and put Asherah back on her board to tow her back out.

Ethan met them out there. Brody and Alexander followed behind. All three boys waiting patiently for her to find a wave she was comfortable with.

"This one, Dad!" She yelled and laid down on the board. The three boys followed her.

"Don't concentrate so hard, you can do it." Ethan winked and Asherah blushed.

"Go!" Jacob said quickly and let go of the board.

I found myself stepping into the water as I watched her get to her feet, her arms out to help her balance. I noticed her eyes searching the beach and I waved, knowing I was what she was looking for.

"Mommy! I'm doing it!" She screamed. I nodded and opened my mouth to say I was proud of her, but another wave was coming at her. She saw it at the same time I did.

"Jake!" I yelled and pointed in her direction, but Alexander was already off his board swimming towards her. Asherah dropped to her knees just as the wave knocked her off the board. The surfboard tumbled with the wave and I closed my eyes.

"She ok?" I heard Jacob asking.

I opened my eyes to see both Ethan and Alexander helping her back to shore. Ethan let go and Alexander took her fully in his arms.

"She's not limping, is she?" Jacob asked as he ran up behind them.

"It's Asherah, of course she's limping." Alexander groaned.

Jacob reached for her and carried her over to the towel. She had her eyes squeezed shut and refused to open them. She was in pain.

"Dad, don't touch it!" She shrieked and pulled her foot out of his hands.

"I think it's a sprain." He guessed.

"Only Ash would sprain her ankle while surfing."

"Shut it, Brody!" Asherah snapped.

"Let's go get it looked at." Jacob sighed.

"No, I want to stay. I'm fine, really." She insisted.

"Ok, but you're not moving from this spot." Jacob told her.

She nodded and Ethan sat down next to her. "I'll keep you company."

"You really don't have to."

"Well, I want to." he nudged her arm with his shoulder and she blushed again.

"Could they make it any more obvious?" Jacob mumbled.

"They don't know," I shrugged. "If he changed and imprints on her, will that mean she's not going to be a werewolf?" I whispered so they wouldn't hear. None of the kids knew about werewolves or where their fathers and Christina disappeared to all the time.

Jacob shrugged. "We've never had two wolves imprint on each other. Leah is the first female, and she hasn't imprinted yet."

"Oh," I sighed and sat down on the other side of Asherah. Her ankle didn't seem to be swelling any more, so I knew it wasn't a break.

"Keep an eye on her, and put a towel around her!" Jacob yelled as he ran into the water after Alexander.

Asherah groaned beside me and I threw my towel over her shoulders. "Humor him." I whispered.

"But I'm wearing a full piece! It's not like I'm walking around like Chrissy does." She moaned.

"He doesn't care."

"I know," she mumbled.

Ethan laughed next to her, he was watching Jacob who was joined by Sam, Paul, and Embry, playing with Brody and Alexander.

"Go," Asherah pushed him. "My mom's here with me. It's ok."

"I don't want to leave--" Ethan started, but Asherah pushed him again.

"I said go, I want you to."

Ethan nodded and got to his feet, running towards the water. Together we sat and laughed at all of them for the rest of the afternoon.