Disclaimer: NCIS is the sole property of the creators, studio, writers, producers, directors, etc. Lucky them….

I consider myself lucky to be able to take them out to play for a while. Some dialogue was pulled directly from the episode (7x12) Flesh & Blood to maintain continuity.

A/N: Tony is caught between nature & nurture, as well as two 'fathers'. How will he deal with the revelation that the great "dinOZzo" is nothing more than a fraud & who will help him cope with that truth?

***The intent was a one shot, but the episode was too RICH to over condense. It will be a 'short' multi-chapter fic that digs a little DEEPER….


Anthony DiNozzo, Jr. had been fighting the same battle with the bank for the last three days. There was no way his accounts should be short that much money. The down payment for his cruise was due and he didn't have time with this nonsense. It had been years since a mix-up of this nature had happened. It had also been years since he tapped into this particular account. Tony rarely touched any money that came from the senior DiNozzo. He'd been cut off for years then suddenly when he turned twenty-five some lawyer notified him of the account. Tony found it suspicious then and never really changed his opinion about it. Now and again when he really wanted to indulge in an extravagance he'd borrow from it eventually putting it back for fear of where it had truly come from. His mother's trust along with his salary from NCIS was usually more than enough to get by on. Actually those combined funds provided for more than mere necessities and comforts, but there was the rare occasion when he wanted to upgrade a bit more. He was going to have to cut his current chat short though because if Gibbs caught him on personal business one more time he was sure to go home with a concussion. Of course he could explain everything but with Leroy Jethro Gibbs when it came to explanations nothing short of full disclosure would do and Tony wasn't up to the challenge.

Ziva and McGee, only hearing peripheral bits of the conversation had been giving him a hard time. Wise cracks about spring break, juvenile activities, and him being spoiled and grouchy were really starting to grate, but if he wanted to keep the big picture very small he'd have to continue to take the ribbing with his patented DiNozzo smile that hid the tears of a clown. Just then Gibbs barked for him to get off the phone because they had a case at Pax River, again.


He couldn't keep his focus a hundred percent on the body under Ducky's scrutiny, but the shoe separated from the body was a little intriguing. While Gibbs was in the hangar breaking the bad news of protective custody to the intended victim Tony kept checking his phone for messages from the bank in New York. There wasn't one message. By the time they headed back to the Navy Yard he'd looked so many times that Gibbs threatened to confiscate the phone. Actually, the Gunny used some rather colorful language about where his boot and the phone would end up if Tony was out of focus one more time that day. As soon as they pulled in Ziva and McGee went to log evidence, turn the car over to Abby and begin their preliminary research on the involved parties. Tony was ordered to follow his boss to MTAC. Even in this state, with Gibbs riding his ass, Tony would still wordlessly follow the man wherever and whenever he was told. After nine years it still gave him pause when he thought about it. Anthony David DiNozzo, Jr. wasn't even that loyal to the man who's DNA he shared. Then again that man was no Leroy Jethro Gibbs.

They were headed to Vance's office for a conference call when McGee approached.

"You need me?" Gibbs inquired.

"Ah, no boss… just gotta tell Tony here something."

Fantastic thought the stylish Italian agent. Maybe the bank had called with a thousand apologies and even more money. Those hopes were dashed when McGee started being all coy and mysterious about some visitor waiting for him.

"What's the matter with you?" Tony was perplexed and mildly annoyed. Why did the Probie have to screw with him today of all days.

The voice caught his attention first. But there was just no way… there couldn't be any reason. Suddenly his breath hitched a little as he crouched down to get a look. Ziva's sneaking up on him often made him feel like he was having a heart attack. This was SO different though. It was more out of body. Oh God maybe the blood rushing in his head was stroke. Wasn't he too young for a brain fart? Not wanting to give too much up to McGee he tried to listen without being noticed for a minute until Ziva's gaze locked onto his. This couldn't be happening to him. He'd done just about everything and anything to keep his father at a distance… for a multitude of reasons. The man didn't even know about one of his near death experiences. Damn it he shouldn't be there. Tony had closed those doors and wounds years ago. Now certainly wasn't the time to reopen them all.

From the back he looked as perfectly coifed as he Tony remembered. Up on the catwalk with Tim at his heels Tony's notions of escape diminished rapidly. What the hell….

"Junior," the man called from below locking those ice blue eyes onto his son. A son who was tremendously grateful that he was holding on to the railing at the time for fear the gaze would have taken him straight to the ground. Sure very Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo had spent the better part of a decade staring into ice blue paternal eyes, but he could always read the intent there. When it came to Anthony DiNozzo, Sr. nothing was ever what it seemed.

"Dad, what are you doing here?"


It didn't seem possible that so many random thoughts could spiral in one's mind in such a discrete amount of time.

"Back up McHover," Tony was going to maim his junior partner if he didn't get off his heels. Ziva wasn't much better. Before they reached the bottom of the landing he saw her pick up the phone to undoubtedly call Abby. His worlds were colliding in the worse possible ways. This was playing out like the worse scene in every one of his favorite horror movies. His only hope was to get the man out of the bullpen before Gibbs left the Director's office. He could live the rest of his life without the two of them meeting.

Tim gave him an inch more room leaving a full half step more between them. Making eye contact with Ziva they made excuses to beeline it to Abby's lab. They thought meeting Jack was news worthy exciting last year, but this was running a REAL close second.

Both DiNozzo men were imposing in their own right, not to mention suave, charming, and conveniently disguised behind an emotional mask. Holding out his hand in a manner more suited to business associates Tony greeted his father coolly.

"It's good to see you Junior."

He started to protest then figured why bother. That wasn't reason enough to prolong the stay by even minutes. "I'd prefer… It's good to see you too sir."

"You've certainly gotten polite. It must be all these years working for the military."

"Or all the years at a military boarding school," he wanted to take it back, well he did a little. The man could bring out the bitchy little girl him so easy. "Why don't we go get some coffee and you can explain this little visit to me?"

Tony led the way out prayerful they wouldn't run into anyone that required an explanation. When they got back the bullpen was clear. Thanking whatever God made that possible Tony tried to run his mind over his father's "story" regarding why he was there. First of all his name should have been taken off the trust years ago. The money was his to do with as he pleased. Legally… who was he kidding legally or not Senior always did what he wanted. What was bothering the younger DiNozzo was the fact that he was there. Everything could have been handled from New York with the bank or over the phone. The man hadn't taken time out for his son in years. Showing up in person was odd even for Senior. Plus, he took the train? Where was his jet? He couldn't even envision his father on a train with regular folk.

"Anthony," it was hardly a Gibbs bark, but Tony knew to pull his focus back to his father. The man expected him to have dinner and play catch up. Something was definitely off. McGee and Ziva were heading out with the Prince and apparently he was supposed to follow, but his father had a ton of questions. Most of which Tony knew he wasn't supposed to answer. He wouldn't give the Director this much information without an explicit order from Gibbs. No matter what had happened over the years he was still a twelve year old little boy, around his father, who desperately wanted approval.


In the garage Gibbs and his team were putting the Prince securely in the back of the car. The problem was they were minus one.

"Where the hell is DiNozzo?" The team leader was looking slightly to his right and over the hood of the car at his agents. They were exchanging glances of their own.

"What?" He bellowed.

"He sort of had a visitor Boss." Tim stuttered out.

"We are not about to play twenty questions McGee."

Ziva couldn't take anymore. It was clear that Gibbs' patience was running on E as well. "It was his father."

Gibbs' response practically mimicked DiNozzo's. The only difference was that the blood rushing past his ears was boiling. He couldn't imagine what that man was doing at his agency and more importantly with his agent. Yanking the phone from his waist he pressed the one button that sent him directly to his senior field agent's line.

"DiNozzo we're in the middle of a case and you're taking relatives on tours. Get your ass down here now. I'm sending McGee and Ziva ahead. We'll follow in a separate car. I'm pulling out in two minutes and you better be down here."

As was his practiced he slammed the phone closed before he tossed the keys to Ziva. They exchanged places without words. Tim remained in back with their charge. The car peeled out of the garage leaving Gibbs staring at his watch as the seconds ticked by. DiNozzo was in for one hell of a head slap if he was as much as a second over two minutes.


In the lobby of the main building Senior was turning in his visitor's badge. Tony was signing him out and attempting to quickly get him a taxi when his phone rang. Looking at the caller ID he didn't want to answer, but was certain that being 'unreachable' would seriously be adding to his transgressions.

"Boss, I'm… I… yes Boss… yes Boss… on your six."

"Let me guess," Senior started.

"I'll call if I have time for dinner. Where are you staying again?"

His father was in the cab and pulling the door closed on the question. Rolling down the window all Tony heard was, "I'll call you junior."


He had started counting backwards from a hundred to focus his mind and steel his nerves. Gibbs was sure to have a myriad of questions and Tony wasn't interested in answering any of them. With any luck he'd get his money problem solved, get out of dinner and get through the day without anyone else on his team meeting his father. When the elevator doors opened Gibbs looked at his watch then climbed into the driver's seat not saying a word. Tony followed his lead sliding into the passenger seat. If only the ride could have remained a silent ordeal.

"Your company gone?"

"He just came to… he's checking in at a hotel." Tony was starting to fidget in his seat.

"When we get to the Adam's House you secure the lower levels. I'll check in with Ziva and McGee." Gibbs could tell how wound up his agent was. The best way to get Tony back on his game was to be business as usual.

"Yes Boss." But maybe Gibbs was wrong because the response he got was cool and distant.

"Something you need to talk about DiNozzo?"

"No sir…" Catching his self "…Sorry…" Damn it, "… I mean… I'm just gonna stop talking Boss!" Tony stared out of the window grateful for his Boss' frenetic driving, since it would get them to the hotel in minutes. He just had to get there so he had something to concentrate on other than his father's lousy timing and Gibbs' penetrating, truth seeking stare.


Once things were secure the Prince was off with his new workout partner, who was definitely not thrilled with her new position. McGee went back to the office with Gibbs much to Tony's disappointment. He wasn't sure if what his boss said was true or not (about him needing the Senior Field Agent in charge on-site) or if he was being left behind as some sort of slight. Shaking that nonsense from his head within a millisecond of it entering Tony saw the Prince's brother out and took the few minutes of quiet in the room to replay every moment of the interaction with his father.

When they came back into the room their charge look none the less for wear, so Tony had to assume he'd kept his sexist idiotic remarks to himself. Ziva was a bit more distracted, but not enough that when the Prince went to go shower she didn't take a stab at probing her partner.

"Your father is quite charming, no?"

"Yes, Ziva he is. Why, you interested in becoming my newest step-mother?"

"Ew, that is disgusting. I just meant I can see where you get it from."

"You spoke to the man like three minutes."

"I am a trained special agent. I can get a lot of information in a short amount of time."

"What you are is a trained Probie who should stick to assigned task." Just then Tony's phone went off. Gibbs was on the other line shouting about a breach coming from within the hotel. Both Ziva and Tony took off. DiNozzo was in his element. Chasing down the bad guys was what he did best. Barking orders the entire way Tony met Ziva at the entrance to the business center, but nothing could have prepared him for what he found.

"Junior, what's the matter with you? Put that thing down someone could get hurt."

Both agents holstered their weapons. Tony attempted to be gentle and respectful, but there was no way around it his father had a whole hell of a lot of explaining to do. Taking the older Italian by the arm Tony removed him from the chair as Ziva proceeded to disconnect the laptop. It would clearly have to go to Abby… just as a precaution.

"Don't continue to try my patience Junior." Senior firmly disengaged from his son. It was in that moment Tony knew he couldn't be the agent he needed to be in this situation. Placing a call in to his boss it was the junior DiNozzo that felt like the one who was really going to get in trouble. One day, not even and the man was turning his life upside down.

"Hey Boss… we, um… we have a situation… yeah, we did… it was, uh, um… my father Boss… I don't know… no, I didn't really get a chance… I… right… we're on our way in… is that necessary… of course it is Boss… should I wait… on my way… right now."

Turning to his father all he said was, "we need to go back to NCIS."

Ziva handed the computer and car keys to Tony before silently slipping out of the room to head back to the Prince's suite. She was indulging in an internal pout the whole ride up in the elevator because she wouldn't get to see or hear what was about to happen back at the Navy Yard. She could only hope that Abby or McGee would catch every detail. The Israeli didn't think any father could cause as much trouble in a short amount of time as hers did, but obviously she'd been very wrong.


"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Boss I know I can't question him, but can't I at least observe."

Tony was on lethal glare number ten and it read a very clear HELL NO! "You don't move off that wall unless someone comes by and tells you this part of the building is in fact on fire."

Gibbs caught something in Tony's eyes that made him back off just slightly. He took a breath then moved in closer to his agent. "Stop worrying DiNozzo right now he's just got a few things to clear up, which I'm sure he will."

"You don't know him… hell, I don't know him."

The man in front of him was starting to present more nervous boy then seasoned field agent. Catching his left cheek in his right palm Gibbs locked gazes. "You know me. Cool your jets DiNozzo and don't move."

As soon as the door closed Tony moved to reach for the door knob of the observation room. Suddenly he stopped. Someday he would love to figure out his boss' powers. He knew if he so much as turned that knob that Gibbs would find out and he'd be dead. Not liking it at all Tony gulped in a breath of air praying that the Universe still had some positive returns for him. Leaning against the wall he did the only thing he could do… He waited.


"Junior," Senior had his own particular bellow that had Tony bolting from the two-way mirror to his father's heels with his coat and hat in hand. It was not unlike the many times trailing behind his father during his childhood when he wasn't away at camp or boarding school. Now he'd be in this tug-o-war of paternal titans as long as his father thought staying in DC was in his best interest. How was he going to keep him away from all things Ibn Alwaan?

They didn't speak in the car beyond the superficial awkwardly skirting the obvious, which was everything else. Leading him to a table in the bar Tony went to the bar to fetch drinks for himself and Senior. Walking back to his father the smell of the McClelland brought back some not so fond memories. As he approached the table he did a little self talk so he wouldn't completely dissolve into a whining twelve year old or a belligerent thirty plus year old. His father wouldn't have an appreciation for either.

The man didn't miss a beat. He was already taking digs at the job. Well, that was how his son took the comments.

"Well, I get to carry a gun…."

Okay, so the old man wasn't a fan of the witty banter or smart ass comment. But Tony couldn't figure where he got the nerve to glare at him. He wasn't the one who dumped an eight year old on everyone and anyone he could pay. Suddenly little boy guilt reared its ugly head again and Tony backed off feigning understanding for all of his father's actions, including being left in a hotel room in Maui for two days. Ziva's call was a blessed interruption.

"I have to relieve Ziva. Now, listen you stay away from the Ibn Alwaans, please."


Punching the button in the elevator for the penthouse Tony silently cursed himself for getting into it with his father. He was even more pissed with himself for saying he'd call him. That was something he had no interest in doing.

He could hear the bickering from the hallway.

"Ziva, is there a problem?"

"None that won't be solved by my leaving here. Prince or not this man is a pig," Ziva whispered as she grabbed her things and breezed by her partner.

"Women," Tony said as the door slammed.

"They do serve a purpose." Sayif replied.

Flopping on the sofa in the center of the room Tony put his head back hoping for a brief reprieve from all things stressful.

"No, no my friend there is no time to rest. We have clubs to go to."

"Oh, no we aren't going to any clubs. You are under house arrest my Prince. DC clubs are way too hard to secure and I've had enough stress for one day."

"All the more reason to get out. What has you so stressed?"

"Fathers," Tony said rolling his eyes.

"Now that is a stress I am familiar with Agent DiNozzo. They are too controlling am I correct. Perhaps I should make a call to have Ziva return. She looks like a party girl."

"If Ziva looks like a party girl you need to get your eyes checked."

"You are in a foul mood friend going out will make it better trust me."

"You want a good time then you better figure out a way to have it right here in this room. We are not going to a club Sayif."

"Then I shall bring the club to you." Heading to the bedroom Sayif set off bring everything he would need for a night of fun to his room.

Taking off his jacket and undoing his sleeves Tony once again waited to see what the opening door would bring.