"Kashi-kun, Oi Kashi-kun wake up" *chop*

Ugh what hit me? Maybe if I keep my eyes closed it


Never mind then. I try to open my eyes, but my eyelids seem to be fighting a fierce battle with my brain doing their best to stay closed. As a sliver of light wins its way through a blurry person comes into view. Fuzzy looking Tae-chan seems to be looking over me. Her figure becomes Shaper. She looks pretty pissed.

"Ohayo Tae-chan, what are doing in my house?"

"Baka" *chop* damn her textbook, why did she use something made for good for evil, always hitting me with that stupid textbook. I'm just glad it wasn't a dictionary.

"Kashi-kun you baka we aren't in your house. You're still at school and class just ended for the day"

"Good then guess it's time to go" I happily start to back my bag, taking my books from the desk. As I do so three of my friends come up Haku, Takeshi, and Koji, there great guys really. But they are idiots to say the least. And they never seem to learn.

"Oh be careful Taiyaki-kun class rep seems to be on a rampage"

"She's like Godzilla, with a textbook"

"No she's scarier than Godzilla. She is more like then Devil's daughter"

"Maybe she is the devil"

All three of them nod in agreement as the discuss the terror of Tae-chan. Now at this point I have two options I can give them a warning or watch the hilarity ensue. Actually either way it's going to be a good show.

"Hey guys" They all look up at me from their deep evil labeling discussion. "You know she can hear you three talking" I point behind me; I can feel her eyes gazing wickedly behind me. The devil's wrath now to be unleashed. *chop, chop, chop*

"Oi, look Tae-chan the three great peaks Kojiyama, Hakuyama, Takeyama^. Ahahaha" I roll around on the floor laughing as tears stream down my face, my own joke setting me off on this laughing rampage. Those three will never learn. *chop*

"oooowwwwww" A large bump forms on the top of my head I turn around to face my childhood friend. "Taeee-chan why did you hit me" I put on my best sad face for her.

"Stop that you look like the other idiots." Obliviously she's talking about the three. "Seriously, Kashi-kun that's the sixth time you slept through the entire class. I am worried about you. I have been your friend since kindergarten. You mom made me promise to keep you from doing anything stupid"

"Ah, childhood love" the stooges came back to life, surprisingly after Tae-chan's vicious attack

"What I wouldn't give for a love like that. You're a lucky guy Taiyaki-kun"

"Naw, I would rather have two mountains rather than a runway. If you know what I mean"

"True, very true"

"Aha guys" I point to Tae-chan whose fury was ten-fold now. Eyes two white pits of unfathomable anger about to break through and flames from the eternal underworld surrounded her petite yet fearsome form.

"So" this was about to get really ugly I carefully shuffled my way to the door. "You like mountains huh?" her voice alone seemed to be pounding away at my body. "I'll give you mountains LOTS of MOUNTAINS" As I turn my back towards the bloody spectacle I can hear horrible moans and pleas of agony.

"God helps us"


"I don't want to die a virgin!"

I just chuckle to my self as I hurry home; I didn't want to suffer the same fate just in case. Thinking back on what Tae-chan said, I understand her being worried. A month ago I started my part-time job, which is what I plan to do after I get something to eat at home. Usually part-time jobs are normal experiences that most people go through every day. Normally they don't work people to the bone and cause them sleep deprivation. This whole being tired during the day is a pain in the ass, but its gotta get done; you know? Really why couldn't I just have a normal job instead of this grim reaper thing; all I want to do is get some decent sleep.

Yea this innocent, and if I say so myself gorgeous, face who is raiding the fridge happens to be a grim reaper, but don't worry its supposed to be a part time job for now. I sure as hell don't to keep doing this forever, no pun intended. It's all that shadow guy's fault that I got wrapped in this. The bastard.

I just was late heading to my parents office in the parish of in Sendai's own Mototerakoji Catholic Church. My dad and mom are like amazing friends with the bishop and are crazy Catholics. I really love them, but after becoming a Grim Reaper I don't have the heart to tell them that the Catholic idea of death is wrong. Not completely but close. Any way I was late getting them their bentos which they forgot again.

Heading down the back ally shortcut, daylight seemed to freeze as an over-towering man covered in moving shadows grew from the concrete. Man, I was iced over with fear. His aura pulsed arctic blood. I don't even remember what he actually looked liked. All that stood out was what looked liked a top hat and his florescent white glowing eyes. I just stood there as he towered over me frail body. In a wispy motion he lifted his hand to my quivering eyes and presses his thumb on my forehead. It seemed to seethe an intense fire, that thumb; and all I could do was stare in pure terror not knowing if I was about to die now. His thumb ran slowly over my forehead, each careful movement is still solidly etched into my mind. Death. The character death was written on me.

As he finished and his willowy fingers drew away, my legs finally moved. Actually it was more like gave way, as my mind sunk away into whiteness. Before I was gone his gravely voice reached my ears.

"Welcome to the club kid, don't let those old codgers scare you. And look out for Tartarus and Chronos"

With that I was gone and some how floating on, this may sound funny, a cloud. I truly thought I was dead and that this was, well, heaven. Wrong, these six…things, I don't know how to describe them. Maybe beautiful multi-colored shadows. Each had a different colored mask on though, that was the only way I could tell them apart. I was in a trance as my feet shuffled on their own, moving towards the colorful beings. Never did I see their true faces during the entire time, nor did they move. And their voices seemed to reach into my heart.

"Welcome young Sakana-san"

"My, he sure is young"

"Do you think he'll do?"

"Look at him, he's just right"

"I swear that man just picks whoever doesn't he"

"We give him too much freedom"

"Ah but he gets the job done, that's all I care about"

They were just rambling away at each other. Seeing at how they were distracted I thought that I should just try and get out of their, before they ate me or anything like that. Suddenly the one with the sky blue mask laughed, a beautiful sound that rang in tune with my heartstrings.

"Relax young one. We mean you no harm. Eat you? By the mighty east winds I have never heard something like that in ages. Mortals and your ridiculous notions."

Some how he was able to read my mind.

"Aye, your right, but that is in out power here as the Amatsu-Kami Council. We are the ancient gods who dictate over the heaven and the eternal lives of mortals; such as yourself"

"So does that mean I'm dead?"

The sunset red spoke this time.

"No, you were chosen to assist us in our job. Billions of morals circle the world, here we can dictate whether they ascend into the Elysian Fields^ or plummet in to the dark depths of Niflheim"

Yellow dandelion continued, like a twins finishing each others sentence, not missing a beat.

"We are immortal gods who are unable to touch earthly soil and deliver souls to their respective area. For millennia after millennia we have called upon the assistance of mortals to become our servants in leading the dead. I believe you mortals call them Grim Reapers. With our permission and power, they have the abilities to do what we can not. You can see their true souls, sense the soon to be dead, and disappear from all those who live"

Quite a shock to be told all that, right, the only thing that was really going through my mind was why me.

"Why you" the whole mind reading thing was kind of annoying me at that point. "You were chosen by one of our oldest and closet servant. Now that you know all this are you ready to return to you mortal world?"

I answered them politely and with a dignity if I say so myself.

"HELL NO! Cut this shit out, you just want me to be a grim reaper?!" Okay I was pretty pissed off, who wouldn't be they just expected me to let go of my life and do this servant thing. I was quite happy having fun everyday with my friends. "I am quite happy with my life right now, not being death and all is quite fine with me"

"You don't have a choice in this matter; we are the Gods on high. The moment that you were picked it was final"

"I just won't do it then, you can't make me go out there and do… whatever it is that I have to do"

"Young kids, I knew this would happen"

"How about this then, if you do this job we will grant you one wish when your job is done?"

"A wish? Could it be anything, anything at all?"

"Yes, anything in the world. Consider it payment for your work"

"Okay then, let's say I agree to this, what do I exactly have to do then."

"When you return to the mortal earth you will be granted certain powers. The most important being your soul-force. Everyone's soul-force is different, but it is your inner weapon that can send souls to Elysian Fields or Niflheim. To move the soon to be departed's soul you must strike them with your weapon"

"How would I know if they go to this field thingy or…what ever the other thing was. I mean I don't want to send some guy to the wrong place"

"Have no fear, you will know"

"So all have to do is send people where they belong and I'll get one wish, that's it"

"Almost, there is one thing that you will have to look out for. Demons haunt the spiritual world. Neither are they the monsters of legend, rather beings of hunger waiting in the shadows to devour any soul free of its earthly shell. You need to defend the souls evil and innocent from the nothingness that accompanies the mouth of the demons"

"I'll bite what happens if a soul is eaten"

"The cease to exist. A devoured soul ceases to exist in both planes. No more will they be remembered or known. It is a fate much worse than the underworld."

They paused to let everything sink in, and then chorused in union

"Now go our servant of death, for we the council on high give you power over those about to die. Guide those pitiful souls to their destination. Go!"

With that I just woke up from where I fell. It was like time had frozen when I was up there. The watch on my right wrist still told me that I was five minutes late to the church. I was dazed for a few minutes and finally I got up from where I was laying. I grabbed my bentos that fell to the ground. Dusted my self off, I just thought nothing of it; maybe I hit my head and was unconscious. I don't know what happened but I told myself that all of what had happened was nothing more than a figment of my imagination.

So off I went, heading straight out of the ally. It was at that moment an old man shuffled past that ally with his three legs. Slowly moving along the side walk his cane clacked noisily. Deep crevices ran throughout his body and what was left of his white hair was in his ears or in other places. But the strangest feature that caught me in awe was the glowing white that outlined his body. It seemed to eerily pulse gently against the setting sun. Sweat seemed to run coldly down my face I felt a wave of pain come over where me. It filled my body and brought me to my knees. Worst of the pain came from the heart area, I was panting at this point, feeling a wave of heat. I brought my hand to my heat and tried to clutch the pain away.

As soon as I touched my hand to my heart a blue white light flowed from me. My in a trance hands moved away from my body seemingly drawing out that light even more. With my palm facing up sweating towards the sun, the light was not a stream but a ball that floated in my hand. On instinct I clasped down on and from where the light was a great pole the color of a rainy sky started to form. In mere seconds it was grew outwards when it stopped it was a foot taller than me. Yet, even though the pole was done there was more. From the ends of the pole came two curving blades forming away from each other. One facing my front and one facing behind me. The scythe to my left looked normal enough. Only two features stood out, it was pure snow white. A pure white than anything I have ever seen before. There was a hole midway from the point and the base. Though it was supposed to be a weapon the aura from it was one of love and peace. The scythe blade on my right gave me chills biting into my spine. It was a blade of many points jutting out from its body. Its jagged length left little to the mind on what its purpose was. It was made for death and torture. Though this was not what crept onto my grave, it was the color, the everlasting darkness that permeated the blade. A blackness that consumed the soul to ever torment. When the double bladed scythe was complete a grey hooded cloak covered my body. I snapped out of my trance, my body fully in control.

I looked up to se that the old man was frozen in mid shuffle, looking past him I saw that the rest of the world too was in mid thought. In a blink it resumed to normal, continuing with what they were doing before the time stop. As I stood there I finally realized that the whole thing with the Shadow Man and the God Council thing was all true. Not a dream. The old man was almost past the ally his white glow still seen past the corner.

'He's about to Die'

The thought overtook my mind. I had no idea where I came from. I had no idea that he was about to die or not. Sure he was old, but why would I think he was about to die?

'Stab him. With the scythe, Stab him and save him'

These thoughts were itching in the back of mind. It seemed right too. So I walked up to the old man carrying my huge looking deadly scythe. He didn't even see me standing there creepily like.

'Strike him now and end his suffering'

Again an inner voice telling me what to do, now I am nice guy and all but somewhere in my heart I seemed to know that it was the right thing. I turned to the old shuffling man and put my hand on his shoulder trying to get him to understand that his life was about to end. As soon as I did that a wave washed over me. The water of his life flooded my mind. His boyhood, he dove in front of a car just to save a stray cat. What kind of kid does that, his first crush she was a classic beauty. His parents, the war, his wife and kids, his entire life flashed before me in a second. A tear rolled down my cheek as I brought up my scythe, the white blade before him. *Swoosh* I brought it down on him. To my amazement his skin was unaffected. Here a huge blade was sticking out from his shoulders, but no blood or wound could be found.

His eyes finally noticed me, looked up to me in thanks. I pulled the sharp edge from him. As soon as that fine white metal left him, he clutched his heart and fell to the ground. Others rushed to him as I stood there witnessing this death. Those around me took no heed, or maybe it was they couldn't see me. I just walked away. The scythe slowly vanished then the cloak as my body became corporal once again. That was my first reap.

So now you're up date. A month past since that moment, I have had only a couple experiences fighting the demons they warned me about. And not to toot my own horn but I have gotten pretty good at fighting them. They are like black and red hounds that stand on two legs. The arms are long and their head is triangular with long teeth. Their eyes glow blood red. On their hands they have fingers like swords. I found out that they can cut things and people in the real world. Me on the other hand, I can only cut them. Which is good thing, means I don't have to hold back or anything, though I am still a novice fighter so it's not like I had much to hold back.

So tonight I head out. I decided that nighttime was just easier because I could still go to school hang out with friends and still do my job. Now I never knew this but people die a lot. Just once I would like a night where no one died. It would make my life a lot easier. For now its okay, just wish I could get some more sleep *sigh*. Wonder how long I got to do this for? Aw crap I forgot to ask them that. *sigh* Today is just one of those days. The sunsets on the Sendai cityscape, time to go out then.

I grab my heart and pull forth the light again. It doesn't hurt anymore, but it's not like it feels good either. I figured that while I'm Grim Reaper if I touch a person I can see there memories. More than that I can see their inner hearts. I have only done twice since the old man. It's just too personal for me to invade on others hearts. And before you ask, I don't just go strolling the streets looking for dead people; I can sense where they are at. It's like Spidey-Sense except not as cool since all I can find is people about to die or people who already died. I'm like a lame superhero.

So here I am heading into the Sendai Sun Plaza. Thank God I got a bike. Yeah I can't fly or anything cool like that. A lame superhero remember. I am just lucky that I can still use my bike. I need a motor bike, like the Power Rangers, man they were lame but that had some great stuff. Ah there he his. He looks about twentyish or so. How the good die young, good thing this guy wasn't good. Geez makes me wonder what he did. His aura surrounding him was the same color as the Hell Blade. Don't judge me, every man has to name his weapons. Heaven and Hell Scythe. It's the best I got. Still I'm curious to know what I guy so young did to earn himself a straight trip to Nifheim, which is like Hell. So I come up upon him and lay my hand on his shoulder. I see his cheating heart, his girlfriend miles away and his girlfriend coming to meet him right now. Now that's pretty bad but not hell then the image of a little girl bloody lying on the floor. I force my hand away from, appalled at what he has done. It one easy and swift moment I bring my blade down his smug face. As soon as I know he can see me, I glare at him and say three words.

"Go to hell"

My black blade seems to tear his soul into shredded pieces as he screamed right there. When my blade removes itself a lamppost falls on his head.

"Even that is too good for you.

I'm in a bad mood now. That little girl is all I can think about. Ah shit another dead man walking really why do so many people have to die all the time, especially right now. To the hospital, that's where most of time is spent nowadays. It's only a few blocks away fortunately.

Ah crap I'm not even halfway there but I can already see some demons. By the looks of it, there are ten of them, maybe more. Okay so I said that I am a decent fighter, but the truth is I have only fought at most two at a time. They most likely caught sent of the dying soul. I can't let them take the soul. It's not in my nature.

I discard my bike and take my scythe off my back. Now a cool feature of my scythe is that it can split into two pieces linked together with a chain. Like two sickles on a chain. Unhooking it I throw the Heaven blade spinning towards the closest demon on my left. It sinks straight into its head. I start running forward taking Hell blade and doing the same, I hurl it to another demon on my right. Taking a couple lengths chain, I rush towards the demon in the middle of the two. Thrusting the chain where its throat should be at, I flip over it keeping the chain in place around its neck. When I land I yank the chain, choking the beast. Keeping it tightly in the chain's grasp, I pull the monster over me throwing it into the others that were in front of me, knocking them off balance. With that moment of distraction I pull the opposite lengths of chain, freeing my scythes from the evil sheaths of the demon head. In hand, I bring them together, creating my double bladed scythe.

Now the demons have regained their composure. I'm surrounded. Damn what a bad day. I know that I could take out a couple more but I'm not a true fighter yet. A rush of wind comes from behind me; before I can even defend myself a demon sword finger comes at ready to pierce my body. I think about my parents, my friends Tae-chan. Sorry you couldn't keep my promise towards my parents. I see the claw a foot away from my body, I brace myself.

In a flash, faster than the wind, a huge cleaver like sword comes down splitting the demon in one motion. I stand there in amazement; sweat running down as I realize I'm not dead. Drawing my eyes from the sword to the arm that wields it, a man in a red cloak stands there looking at me.

"Introductions later, right now we have more pressing matters"

"ah Right"

I bring my attention back to the enemies before me, still keeping an eye on this red cloak man. They say trouble breeds three children. The man in Sun Plaza was one, the demon's were the second child, this man could be here bearing the third child of trouble. We go forth our blades cutting away at the demons around us. The sound of steel and laden breath echo out in this supernatural battle. Heads of demons are lost, bodies go limp, and my blood flows. Their hands nick my arms and side, drawing blood from me. Ten minutes pass, yet on this field where death watches closely, it seems like hours. With a quick *thwack* the stranger slays the last beast of nothingness.

I lean over catching my breath, the nagging of the soon to be dead echoes in the back of mind. In a little bit.

"So…Who are you? You can cut demons, are you a Grim Reaper too? What were you doing here?" My questions rushing at him.

"Relax, your bleeding, take to you wounds first then I'll answers your questions"

"Nah, I'm fine. I'd rather you answer me." The warning from the shadow man rang in my ears. I squint at this man. "Now Who are you?"

"Fine then, you would do well to remember though Patience is a virtue. You can call me Slop Doggy"

"Do you have an Actual name?"

"No Slop Doggy is fine"

"All right 'Slop Doggy' Do the words Tartarus or Chronos mean anything to you?" He just looks at me for few seconds. Then looks up into space.

"How do you know that group and their leader?"

"What do you mean, a…" I don't really know how to label the Shadow Man "friend" close enough "mentioned them to me, he warned me about them. Though he didn't say much just to watch out"

Again he looks back at me, I think I see a hint of a smile.

"Actually I thought that you might be one of them, you are dressed similar to them. That's before you started fighting off those monsters back there. Tartarus is a group of assassins whose powers seem very similar to yours."

"So they are Grim Reapers too? But why are they assassins this doesn't make sense. As far as I understand only the Shadow Man can make Grim Reapers." I mostly talk to myself than to him.

"I don't know this 'Shadow Man' but Chronos is there leader, but even he is not the master. A monster more than a man named Kuroouja controls them. He uses them for his purposes"

Again the nagging dead man still itching at my skull. "What is his purpose? What does this have to do with you then?"

Slop's eyes darken, a killing aura bright red is visible to me. Before this I have only been able to see people who were about to die. Even then their aura was either white or black. Blood red was new to me and it was someone who definitely wasn't about to die.

"There is a world were all other worlds come from, it's called Auruboth…"

He goes on to explain Kuroouja and how the man is bent on destroying everything and becoming the leader of all. Now here I am a 17 year old student with a part time job, getting an explanation on how there are millions of worlds and so on. This guy was definitely the third child of trouble. But as he tells me all of this, that voice that appeared when I first used my powers flairs up.

'Go with him, Save everyone, Save Tae-chan'

"Now that you know the condition the entire universe is in. You have great potential and you understand the powers of the assassin squad Tartarus better than anyone I know. Would you join us, me and my friends to stop Kuroouja and his forces?"

The voice was really bugging me. 'Save Tae-chan' it said. Did that mean if I didn't go she would die? I wouldn't be able to live anymore if she did. And this Tartarus group bugged me, did the Shadow Man really make them Grim Reapers? I had to know. Plus, there was something about Slop Doggy that just made me want to join.

"Alright I'll join. I take it that means I have to leave this place then"

"Yes it does, are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. But there are a few things I have to do. Wait for me at Sun Plaza, I'll be there in a hour. You know where Sun Plaza is at right?"

"I do. But make it quick we can't stay in one place too long."

"Relax, the night is still young" I start running to hospital. It takes me 15 minutes to get to the third floor. Room 354 there lays a woman around forty; wires are hooked up all around her, a machine blips in the background. At the door a man, probably husband sleeps worry in his face.

"Don't worry you are definitely going to a better place."

I bring my white blade down on her, a small gasp; the beeping becomes a solid tone. The hospital goes alive with activity all centered on the dead woman. Time to take my leave.

My cloak and scythe dissolve for now making it easier to get a ride to my house. I sneak in through my window in the back. Hastily I jot down two notes. The first one I place on the fridge in the kitchen. I grab my bag with some cloths and such. Back out the window I bring my reaper cloak on my again. I look at my watch. Four 'clock. Good no one is going to be up them. Being invisible to mortals helps too. Sneaking into my neighbor's house and into one of the bedrooms, I leave my other note next to the picture of me and her.

"Good-bye Tae-chan"

With that I leave the house and get another cab bringing me to Sun Plaza. The death from earlier cleaned up. People were sparse now. In the corner of my eye I saw Slop. I walk up to him. His red cape ruffling in the wind. I swear for a second it turned maroon, but it must be my imagination.

"So where are we going now?"

"I have some other places to be; right now I am looking for more who are willing to join are fight. But I will drop you off at the rest of the group's location"

I yawn tired of the full day. "So how are going to get there? I mean I figure we are going to some other world then."

"Like this" he presses his hand on the air it begins to ripple like in a heat wave. A huge rip in the air appears.

"Jesus Christ" that's all I could say.

"Go ahead and step through and grab my cape tightly, it can get a little… bumpy"

Together we go through this void in the air. Bumpy wasn't the least of it, it was like constantly tripping and falling on the ground over and over. Finally we step out, and to show off my coolness of course I trip, this time on a carpeted floor. I look up to see many different faces looking at me odd.

"Great another odd guy. Like we don't have enough of those" The big black one with the mask said.

:Ah he's kind of cute hehe" One of those girls sarcastically.

I stand up rubbing my head in embarrassment.

"Everyone this is…" that's right I didn't even tell him my name.

"Ah Gomen. My name is Sakana Kashi, you can just call me Kashi-kun or Taiyaki all my friends do. Please take care of me." I give a formal bow to them all.

"Good now I take my leave" he addresses the rest of the group, I count five, no six a guy who was around my dad's age came out of the kitchen holding a bowl of Fruity Pebbles. "Some one show him around and fill him in more, I already told him the general stuff. See you guys in a couple days."

With that he stepped back into his rip. Looking out at all the characters here, I couldn't help but laugh.

"If I may ask young man, what have you found so amusing that you laugh with such vigor" The older looking man spoke his style of Japanese was weird though.

"I'm sorry but here I was expecting I don't know actual soldiers, people more like them." I point to the three who looked well bad ass.

"They just look more the part than two little girls and some one in their forties. But who am I judge I'm just a 17 year old kid haha" I just continue laughing rubbing the back of my head.

"Well then you are quite right, one should not judge based on appearances alone. Now then I shall go ahead and start these introductions my name is James Miles of Her Majesties Service-"

"Give it a rest already James, I swear every time you pull the same thing" the girl in the pink shirt interrupted him. "You just have to ignore him some times; he's just a pompous old fart.

"Young lady, did you learn no respect to treat your elders as such"

"James, seriously, this is the 21st century get used to it." Turning her attention back to me "Hey there I'm Momentai, I like flowers and don't piss me off"

"Haha you sound like my sister, alright then"

"Over there on the couch is Spyrous, don't piss him off either"

He just waves a hand and goes back to polishing a katana

"Kind of figured that"


"Hey there name's Razen. This means you're the new guy now, have fun with and prepare for a world of hazing from those two girls there" He said this shaking my hand with a wide grin on his face.

"Razen, I have no idea what you're talking about?" Momentai asks.

"Of course you don't."

"Whose the other girl?" I ask my eyes looking towards the girl with the ponytail and jacket. Knowing that I mentioned her she storms up to me.

"I am not some little girl, I am 14 damn years old. That's only three years younger than you so don't treat me like some snot nosed kid. Especially since your one yourself"

"Eh? I'm sorry I really didn't mean anything by it, I was just surprised by this very different group of people."

"Just be careful or I'll sick Asumon on you"

"Is that your name then, Asumon?"

"No you dumbass, it's my Digimon, My name is Chole, Chole Fujiaki"

"Whoa! You have a Digimon! They're real seriously I thought that was just a game kids played." Again I received a glare from her. I hold my hands up in surrender "Not saying you're a little kid or anything."

"Yeah they are real, what's it to ya?"

Maybe trouble came in fours, cause she was certainly bringing me lots of trouble. I just couldn't win with her.

"Hey, Kashi was it? You still haven't met HT yet" he directs me from the violent Chloe to a man dressed in black. Now this is from personal experience but black is never something good in my business. Yet this man is covered in black stuff, glasses jacket gloves, everything. It wouldn't even surprise me if he wore black underwear.

"Hey there buddy, names HT, just HT. Don't worry everyone here is pretty easy to get along with. For the most part. So with the intros done any questions? I'm sure you go plenty of stuff to ask."

I took a quick glance at my watch 530. I could already feel my eyelids closing down. I'm absolutely exhausted. I take a quick glance behind me, seeing that no one is behind me I just drop to the floor. Before my I even hit the floor I'm already asleep.

"Hey is he alright, what happened? All I did is ask him if he had any questions"

Momentai checks the body for a few seconds then looks up to all the eager looking faces.

"He's fine, you won't believe it but the guy just fell asleep, literally he fell asleep."

Spyrous mumbled something about another odd guy.

"Well as long as he's fine then it's okay"

"I'm curious about what this kid can actually do, he comes here with no weapons or guardians, dressed in school clothes. But Slop had to have a reason for bringing him right. I mean even James can fight and strategize stuff"

"Thank you Razen, though I do not believe you uttered that phrase with the full intention of honoring me, I shall receive it as a compliment never less."

"Sure why not"

"Slop doesn't bring anyone here unless there good" Momentai ended the conversation with that, letting Kashi rest.

^it's a bad pun using there names the three great mountains in Japan are Fujiyama, Hakuyama, Tateyama

^Greek version of heaven and Norse hell

I really enjoyed writing this, makes me want to do more stuff with the CoA hope you enjoy reading it also. Funny story before I close. While I was writing this I thought it would be interesting to see what would happen if I asked Google map how to get from here to Japan by car. Apparently I am supposed to Kayak to Hawaii then after driving through Hawaii kayak to Japan. I know not that funny but I got a kick out of it. Also I should have a chapter of eureka seven story up soon for all you who follow that too.

PS 9 ½ pages in Word longest yet woot