AN: This is my first story. Please read and review. I look forward to hearing what you think.

All characters are owned by the brilliant JK Rowling!

Project Granger

Hermione Granger, age 20 sat staring out the window of her flat overlooking the streets of London. She was wearing her favorite ratty t-shirt with a pair of old pajama pants. This wasn't a look that Hermione usually let people see her in. Normally, she looked and acted put together. But it was completely another story when it came to her being by herself.

The truth of the matter is, that while the rest of the wizarding world has been celebrating the demise of Lord Voldermort for over a year, Hermione Granger has been lost. Not to say that she wasn't happy that the wizarding world was now free of one of the most evil men to ever exist, it's more to say that after helping Harry and standing by his side along with Ron through everything, she felt like she had no more purpose. The final battle had resulted in the loss of some great people Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Mad Eye, Colin, Cedric and most recently, her parents.

Hermione had placed a memory charm on her parents to protect them from the wrath of the war. After months of searching Australia in order to find her parents and lift the charm, it was found that her parents had already been tracked down by death eaters and killed several months ago.

The past few months have been tough on Hermione. Trying to desperately find some sort of normalcy in life, some sort of place in the world that doesn't have to do with Hermione being Harry Potter's best friend or War Hero. She felt lost, confused and just plain tired. She wanted a place in this world that made her happy. Free of nightmares and war memories.

As she was contemplating this she failed to miss the little owl that flew to her window. She was brought back to reality by the tapping. She quickly opened the window to let the owl in and fed him a treat before she took the letter off of his leg.


Mum's having a family dinner tonight and wants you to come. It has been a while since we've seen you. I think Harry and Ginny have some big news to share. See you soon!


Hermione smiled to herself. She had a pretty good idea of what Harry and Ginny's good news will be. Most likely it will involve a wedding announcement. Hermione was so happy that Harry and Ginny had managed to get back together after the war. Although the road back to the relationship they had was a rocky one, their love was always constant and they pulled through.

While the same could not be said for Ron and Hermione who had made an attempt at dating eachother after the war, they remained the best of friends. Currently, Ron had started dating Luna Lovegood, who Hermione thought was a perfect fit for Ron.

She sighed and got up from her window seat and went to go find something to wear to dinner tonight. It had been a few weeks since she had been to The Burrow and she was looking forward to seeing the only family she had left.