Break and Bind

I think it's obvious that I don't own Bleach. That happy right belongs to Tite Kubo-sensei. As do the poems I will put at the beginning of each chapter.

"We think a flower on a cliff is beautiful because we stop our feet at the cliff's edge, unable to step out into the sky like that fearless flower"

Chapter 1: Disturbance

A dark shape appeared with just a faint swish outside the window of a sleeping teenage boy. Aside from the faint breeze in the night air that ruffled the figure's clothes, the person was motionless.

The boy rolled onto his back, his features now more visible. He really wasn't much of a boy anymore; his jawbones were strong, his arms and chest taut and muscled like a man. But — not fully a man yet, the figure noted as the clouds shifted. Moonlight trickled through the window, illuminating a small stuffed teddy beat at the foot of the bed.

A strand of dark reddish-purple hair, illuminated by the moon, danced from under the figure's hood.

"So," mused the figure softly and smirked. "This is Kurosaki Ichigo…"

As the boy began to stir, the figure took one more glance at him before vanishing into the night.

Inside the bedroom, Ichigo's eyes snapped open.

He bolted upright in bed and his gaze shot to the window.

Nothing was outside.

"Wha's goin' on?" slurred Kon sleepily at his feet.

"N-nothing," Ichigo muttered.

Where had that strange reiatsu come from? He knew he had sensed something outside his window just a few seconds ago…

Where'd that thing go? he wondered. Whatever it was, its reiatsu was growing fainter, like it was rapidly moving away.

He glanced at his closet. He couldn't hear Rukia's Hollow-detecting cell phone beeping, or any sound of Rukia getting up. Did she sense it at all?

Ichigo put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. He could just barely sense that reiatsu now. He tried to put it out of his mind, though he kept wondering what it could be.

It was a long time until he fell back asleep.

Author's Note: I'm finally off hiatus! I've been LAZY but I started writing this a few weeks ago, so this is an experiment to see if I can actually write a fanfiction and post it regularly on here. So... if you liked it, please review and keep messaging me or reviewing until my inbox overflows (I'm serious) so I can update this story regularly. I'm gonna try to post at least once a week, so we'll see how that goes.