Hey. :)

So...I'm technically right in the middle of a Death Note fic, but my friend (tenspeed457) is really into Yu-Gi-Oh fics (which are really good, by the way, you should go check them out!), so I started getting into them, too. After reading hers, I started doing my research, since there's about three of every person, and ran across Seth and Atem, and absolutely FELL IN LOVE WITH THEM.

So here is that result, or part of it, I suppose. Forgive me for any historical inaccuracies; sometimes I took some writer's liberty with facts or about their lifestyle (such as high priest duties...they were actually allowed to marry). And forgive me, too, if they're a little OOC.

Also, I have flashbacks included, and those are in italics. Sorry if they're confusing; I did the best I could with them...

Andddd....this is YAOI. Like, guy on guy...please, if you don't like, then don't read.

One more thing, I swear! I COMPLETELY ignored the fact that Seth and Atem are cousins. That...weirds me out, so I just don't think about it.

I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, unfortunately. I lament over that concerning Death Note, too...

And last but not least, thanks to tenspeed457 not only for beta-ing, but also for getting me into Yu-Gi-Oh!

Chapter one

"Seth!" Atem squealed with delight as we ran through the palace, practically sliding along the marble floors. "Seth, I bet you can't catch me!"

I paused to catch my breath. Atem seemed to have almost endless amounts of energy. I watched as he slalomed through the ornate pillars that were spread about the palace, his laughter echoing through the uncharacteristically empty hall.

"Atem!" I called. I had been chasing him for quite awhile, and a dull ache had started spreading up my right side. "Atem, let's go play something else! I'm tired!"

"You said we couldn't play outside!" To Atem, there were no "indoor" activities. He had to be doing something physical, and it usually involved something outdoors. But today, I was wearing my white priest apprenticeship robes, and I dared not muss it in the least.

"We could play a board game," I suggested hopefully.

Just as I thought, Atem came running back up to me, his face scrunched up in disdain. "I don't want to play a board game, Seth! Why can't you play outside?" His tone turned to whining on the last phrase.

"I told you!" I said impatiently. "I can't get my robes dirty!"

Atem rolled his eyes. "Don't worry about that, Seth!"

I inwardly sighed. It was very easy for Atem, the son of the Pharaoh of Egypt, to say that. No one would reprimand him for having dirty robes. "Atem, please, let's just stay inside and play a game," I said wearily.

"Oh, but Seth, it's so pretty outside! We cannot let it go to waste!" Atem pleaded, grabbing my hand. His crimson eyes shone so brightly with enthusiasm that I knew refusing him would just be futile.

"Fine, but we'd better not get dirty!" I warned him as he began to lead me outside by the hand.

"We won't!" he promised happily, practically leaping with excitement of going outside.

"Good," I said darkly. "I will be punished severely if I even so much as get a speck of sand on these robes!"

"Oh, hush." Atem stopped us in the courtyard. I could already feel the rays of the great God Ra beating down on me, a trickle of sweat already trailing down my back. Atem smiled and turned his face up to the sun, basking in the rays. "Besides, you would do anything for me, wouldn't you, Seth?" Atem stopped looking towards the sky so he could look at me, his crimson eyes even more aglow in the sunlight.

"Of course I would," I said. "You are my prince."

Atem shook his head. "I do not want you to do it because I'm your prince. I want you to do it because it's me." His tone was very serious, a very uncharacteristic trait for the young prince.

"I--well, I..." I stuttered. Atem and I were friends, great friends I would even daresay, but never, in the many, many years I had known him, had we discussed anything as serious before.

"Because you love me, don't you, Seth?" Atem's eyes were wide as he said it. His face had such a pure look of innocence. Most people said it was because he was but a child of nine, but I disagreed; I was sure that Atem would never lose that innocence, no matter the age.

"Y-yes, of course, Atem," I said finally. Even at only eleven, I knew that much was true.

Atem's face broke out in a large smile. "I love you, too, Seth." His face suddenly turned solemn again. I couldn't help but think this was the most seriousness Atem had very possibly ever experienced in his entire life.

"But just promise me, Seth, after I become Pharaoh...you will do anything for me, and always love me." Atem took my hand again, squeezing it tightly.

I was taken aback at the abrupt intensity of such a promise. Although Atem was only nine, and often acted much younger, there were rare events in which he acted wiser than his age. He knew, that when he was to become Pharaoh, he would have few friends.

"Of course, Atem," I said, smiling weakly. "I promise even into the afterlife, I will do those things for you."

Even in eight years, I had not broken my promise.

Atem was my god.

My Pharaoh.

And the person I loved most in my life.

It was, of course, completely forbidden.

I pondered that thought as I stood in the throne room, watching Atem sitting haphazardly in the great throne. I couldn't help but think of his father, the late Pharaoh Aknamkanon, who had always so regally sat in his throne, his back ramrod straight, his clothes on meticulously. On the completely opposite end of the spectrum was his son, who was currently lounging across the throne, his legs hanging off the left arm rest. His robes were in complete disarray, showing much of his tanned skin and slight muscles the Pharaoh had managed to build up in the last few years. His multicolored hair was more disheveled, if that were even at all possible. His eyes were closed, and many of the people in the throne room standing beside me looked concerned, but I waved them away. Atem was much different than in his youth; he had mellowed and was not the tireless boy he once had been. Even Atem needed to rest his eyes every so often.

"Seth." The sound of Atem's voice startled everyone, making a few of the courtiers beside me jump. He opened one eye, the crimson orb studying me intently. "Seth, I think I may be getting a fever. If you would, please help me back to my room?"

Several of the courtiers made sounds of protest, but I glared at them. How dare they dispute what a Pharaoh was going to do? Atem was only 17, but that didn't make him any less of a Pharaoh than his father had been, as I so often had to remind his subjects.

"Of course, my lord," I said, taking the hand Atem had offered to me. He gave me a quick smirk as I helped him up. He was quite flushed, but I knew Atem didn't have fever; he had simply been too busy and needed some...time.

The courtiers parted as Atem and I walked down the aisle way and towards his private chambers. One of the guards opened the doors, shutting it firmly behind us once we were in.

These apartments where Atem resided were a refuge to the both of us. For Atem, it was from his duties as Pharaoh, and for us both, it was a place where formalities could drop, and we could relax. He led me back to his bed chambers, and when we arrived, he collapsed on his bed. After a moment of lying face down, he shot up, and began to take off his armlet, followed by his other jewelery. When he was done, he said, "Undress me, Seth."

I could feel that familiar sense of guilt deep in the pit of my stomach, but once again, I managed to ignore it. I knew it was taboo. As High Priest, I was never supposed to consort with anyone the way I was consorting with Atem. I knew I was risking my journey to the afterlife, but somehow, those all seemed like trivial things when I was with Atem.

"Of course," I said with a smile, as I began to disrobe him. He did the same to me, and when we were both undressed, he pulled me down onto the bed with him, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"A fever, my lord?" I asked, my smile growing broader.

"Or something like that," Atem said softly. He moved some stray locks of hair out of my eyes. I couldn't help but notice that instead of the carefree, happy Atem, his eyes betrayed a worried Pharaoh.

"Something wrong, Atem?" I asked softly.

He shook his head and smiled, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "No, Seth, nothing's wrong." He hesitated for a moment. "Just...do you remember that day, when we were children, you promised you would do anything for me, and that you would love me forever?"

I nodded. "Yes," I answered, recalling the events where I had pledged my undying love--albeit a child's love--to Atem.

"Promise me that again," he whispered.

Now I knew something was wrong, but I decided to comply with Atem. "Of course, Atem." I kissed him softly. "I promised to love you then, and I promise to love you always now."

His smile widened a little. "I love you, too, Seth. I always will."

I swallowed as Atem busied my lips. I just hoped we never had to test that love.

So...I hope you liked it! It was one of those stories that was just REALLY nagging at me to write, you know? Plus, I'm really excited for some of the later chapters.

If you would, please review. It makes me sooooo happy, you have no idea.

I just thought I'd say...my friend, tenspeed457, and I want to learn to play the Yu-Gi-Oh card game. So...I got the rule book. It's so freaking complicated...AHHHH! But all is solved when I watched Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged. If you haven't seen that series, and you like Yu-Gi-Oh, go watch it. It makes me laugh no matter what...