Diagon Alley

Disclaimer: All rights go to J.K Rowling and Stephanie Meyer.

Chapter 9

"You can come in!" She called hearing the quiet knock on her door, Alice pushed the door open followed by Dora. Alice seems wary of her as Dora merely hits her over the head.

"Why are you always like this." Bella ignores her smiling at Alice.

"Sorry about that." She said, apologising to Alice

"You're not a deatheater are you?" Dora cut in.

"Leave me alone."

"Don't be a bitch."

"I'm not a deatheater, why don't you leave me alone."

"Mum thinks you are she's worried about you."

"I've been in America for the last two years!"

"So? She thinks you're in with the Malfoy's and the Nott's. Which you are."

No longer is it banter between the two sisters, turned serious as the two scowled at each other.

"Out Dora." She warned crossing her arms, Dora's eyes narrowed she takes a step back waving goodbye to Alice.

"I don't know quite what to say." Alice whispered from where she was sat on Bella's bed. She sat next to her smiling slightly slipping her hand into her small one.

"You're not mad at me are you?" She asks, she doesn't really mean Alice. Alice knows this but pretends anyway shaking her head. Alice grasps Bella's hand and they sit there quiet for a while

Eventually Bella had calmed down and they started to talk, Bella filled Alice in on most of the wizarding world. She spoke with emotion, her hands flew everywhere and Alice could see how much she adored her world, how different from the girl she thought she knew.


"Don't say a word." The red haired vampire hissed slipping a small human female behind him. She doesn't seem frightened as she peeps her head around him. "Who are you?" He asks, his voice is a deep guttural snarl, she motions for Jasper to step back who had tensed sensing the danger.

"My name is Alice, and this is my mate Jasper." She smiles, she had seen him in her visions multiple times and now seeing him in person, she felt so much relief.

"Why are you here?" He asks.

"Well I don't think they're here to kill me especially." A quieter voice comes from behind him accompanied with a sign. It was only meant for his ears as it was a quiet whisper. "Look," she stands on her tip-toes and peers over his shoulder, "they have golden eyes." Her hands wrap around his waist and Alice can see him visibly calm.

"We're not here to hurt you or her, I promise." She watched as his eye moved to meet hers and his frown deepened, she was wondering when the hell Carlisle was going to get here as she didn't want to face an angry vampire anymore.

"You know him? …. Carlisle I mean?"

At that moment a black Mercedes squealed to a stop and Carlisle and Esme got out of the car as quick as possible and stood slightly closer to them than herself and Jasper.

"Edward?" Carlisle choked out and the girl's arms were gone and she could see her more clearly as she stepped back to allow Carlisle and Edward to embrace. Father and son reunited.

Finally once they parted Esme moved in and hugged him tightly, the girl slowly stepped back as if no one would notice her leaving, and she caught Alice's eye and her head cocked slightly to the side as she seemed to asses her, before she bought her finger to her lips as if she wanted her to stay silent.

She had managed to remove herself from his reunion without making it ostentatious.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for everything, I should never have left!" Edward apologised profusely. She watched as he got fussed over by both and also the girl's face who smiled at him. She wondered how much she knew about everything. Another car finally pulled up, a M3 and Rosalie and Emmett finally got out.

"Hey." Emmett nodded at Edward who stood scowling at both of them, Rosalie returned with an icy glare.

"This is the rest of my family; this is Emmett and Rosalie, and Alice and Jasper."

"Hi there." Alice smiled eagerly, he nodded unsmilingly back, his hand reaching out behind him and she watched as the human girl with her eyes rolling step forward to take him hand.

"Do not worry Edward; no harm will come to her." Carlisle smiled at the girl whose mouth was set in a firm line.

"What are you doing here?" He asks unable to contain himself any longer.

"Perhaps you'd like to go inside and we could talk." She watches the subtle interaction between the two of them, as he glances at her and she shrugs although there is so much more that she misses.


It was roughly half four when Bella finally fell asleep, her head resting against Alice and her eyes closed as a hand wrapped around Alice's shirt not letting her move anywhere when Alice saw her phone about to go off, quickly she pulled it from her pocket and pressed answer before it could ring.

"How is she?" A desperate voice sounded down the speaker.

"She's asleep Edward," her voice was a sigh; she cannot be doing with his shit right now. "I thought you were ignoring her?" She glanced down at her nail varnish checking to see if it was still perfect, obviously it was.

"I'm… I don't quite know what I'm doing." She squashed the sympathy down as she looked down at a sleeping Bella. He never did know what he was doing.

"She's fine, just a little mad…" She thought back to her outburst before, with the smashed glass and she can't seem to unsee it.

"I miss her." She let out a sigh of sadness.

"I know I'm sure she misses you."

"She hasn't said anything?" His voice was louder now down the phone.

"Shh! And no," she bit her lip and felt a tad mean. "I… have to go, she's waking up. Bye!" She lied cutting off the phone call and switched her phone off. She turns round to continue to study her room, she eventually finds a photo album which she can't resist looking through.

There were mostly pictures with a blonde boy who always seemed to have his arm around her, and quite a few there was a dark skinned boy who kissed her cheek numerous times. There were also girls; Bella was shown next to a girl with brown hair a few times. This was not the Bella she knew. It abruptly stops when she is roughly fourteen; this is when she assumed she left for America.

Finally at roughly nine Bella grumbled and woke herself up, she was scowling until she saw Alice lying next to her on the double bed, "good morning."

"Hey." She smiled back, and then suddenly her face dropped. "Oh no." She jumped up quickly, her curly hair a mess and she looked particularly pale without make-up on.

"What's wrong?"

"My OWL's." She looked nauseous as she slammed open her door and grabbed Alice's hand as she pulled her along too. "Has the post come yet?" She called as she bounded down the stairs, in the kitchen the glass which had been shattered last night was repaired and a thick letter was on the table which Ted was pointing to, he was watching her over the paper and glasses perched on the edge of his nose.

Bella's hand flew to her mouth as she paused closing her eyes.

"Don't worry, you can always become a professor at Hogwarts if you fail." Her mother's voice was barbed as she greeted Alice with a strained smile; Bella shot her mother a scowl.

She slowly, almost gently, opened the envelope sliding out the contents. Her stomach churned internally. She did care about these results, she needed to do well, she cared about her education and proving how clever she was. She couldn't get away with Acceptable's or Exceeds Expectations.

The parchment was rough in her hands, "oh god." She said breathing shakily before she opened it.


Pass grades: Outstanding (O) Fail Grades: Poor (P)

Exceeds Expectation (E) Dreadful (D)

Acceptable (A) Troll (T)


Astronomy O

Care of Magical Creatures O

Charms O

Defence Against the Dark Arts O

Divination O

Herbology A

History of Magic E

Potions O

Transfiguration O

Ancient Runes O

She grinned to herself, she had gotten eight O's, one E and one A. But that Acceptable was expected really, it was her most hated subject. "Oh god!" She squealed throwing her arms around Alice's neck. "I did it!"

"Let's see!" Andromeda held her hand out and Bella passed it grinning.

"You're going to have to explain this Dromeda." He muttered under his breath as he pushed his glasses up attempting to work out the scroll.

"What does that mean?" Alice asked as Bell pulled away.

"I just got, in English terms eight A's, one B and only a C in herbology. But that was a given to be honest. I loathed it.

"Diagon Alley?"

"I'm sorry?" Alice asked looking rather confused, and rightly so.

"We're going to go there today," Dora said leaning on the doorway, Bella's eyes flashed and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm getting changed, get out." Bella snapped flipping through her many dresses and skirts and blouses.

"We're going today and I'm security detail, with Harry and the others." She sounded rather proud of herself, Alice knew she meant Harry Potter the boy who lived, and she had read up all about him and his adventures.

"Aren't you special…" Bella didn't see Dora come up behind her and get her into a headlock. Both girls squealed and shouted at each other, it seemed a regular occurrence, up until Bella manages to wriggle free and pins Dora. "I'm not thirteen anymore." She laughed as Dora ranted below her. "Sorry about that," she jumped up grinning at Alice before she grabbed a pretty black dress.

"Dressing for an occasion?" Dora asked from the floor, Bella had no shame as she pulled off her blouse and slipped the dress on, it was particularly short, nothing what Bella used to wear, she flipped Dora her middle finger then.

After a lot of moaning and fighting and Bella reapplying her make-up three times after Dora had 'smudged it' they were ready. Dora bid her farewells and apparated (as she had learnt it was called) to Ron Weasly's home where Harry Potter was staying. This of course meant that Alice had to go also as Bella had informed her that she hung around in different groups to Harry and the others.

She had to be sneaky and lie.

And so throughout Hogwarts Bella couldn't even acknowledge them.

Or her 'cover would be blown' as she put it.

This annoyed Bella to no end; she understood of course she had to make everyone believe she was on their side. This meant Dumbledore had to believe she was on his side also; she hadn't made up her mind on what side… just yet.

Alice stood in Diagon Alley next to Tonks (as it was only her family who called her Dora) waiting for the others to appear, they were stood by The Leaky Cauldron where she had stayed for a week or so when they had first arrived in the wizarding world.

Rubeus Hagrid, a huge man who introduced himself and seemed rather fascinated with her, was also looking after Harry. As seven vampires, Hagrid (whatever he was) and one auror was enough.

It was decided they would split up, the trio would go with Hagrid and half of the Cullen's and the other half would go with Mr and Mrs Weasly to Flourish and Blotts. And since one option was to a dress shop Alice chose that option, Rosalie and so Emmett followed. Edward was too busy scowling and being moody to even bother acknowledging anyone, he followed the other group to the bookstore.

Hagrid chose to stay outside alongside, upon entering it appeared empty until a quiet hiss was heard behind one of the curtains, "…not a child and capable of doing my shopping alone." Alice notices the trio glance uneasily at each other.

An elderly woman's voice also comes from behind the curtain, "now, dear, you mother is quite right. And I feel you are quite silly walking around by yourself."

Another high pitched laugh then, Alice recognises it instantly as do the others, wizard or vampire.

"Don't reprimand me woman." She snaps, "I'm perfectly fine."

"Yes, how did you give your one the slip?" The boy speaks again, highly sarcastic.

She laughs again but is interrupted by the boy snarling, "watch where you're putting that pin woman!" He then appears striding from behind one of the racks and stands in front of the mirror, admiring himself. He notices Harry, Ron and Hermione first scowling, "if you're wondering what that smell is mother, a mudblood just walked in."

"Oh my! Which one? Don't they know it's not safe to be wondering outside these days… oh." Bella appeared but with a similar dark emerald dress robe thrown over her arm, "vampires too?" She gasped, it was eerie watching her. Alice glanced at Rosalie and Emmett who had been warned that she had to pretend not to know them, Emmett's first instinct was to look her up and down.

Was this the same Bella he was best friends with?

The dress was rather too short, the scowl which adorned her pretty face. This wasn't the girl he knew.

"Vampires?" Another woman's voice this time, a tall blonde woman who greatly resembled the boy, "Malkin, I knew you allowed mudbloods in, but I didn't expect this?" Her voice was one of disgust as she eyed the three of them, they had never known anything quite like it, humans had always responded in fear and confusion, never hatred or disgust. This was new.

"It appears the shop really has gone down." The boy pulls his robe off, pins falling the floor as she did so and throwing it over a rack, he goes to leave before pausing and a smirk appears, "I'd like to give a bunch of flowers to whoever did that." He mocked, meaning Hermione's black eye.

Wands are drawn and suddenly everything is tense.

"Come along boys." Bella pulls her wand out also stepping in-between them, "is it really worth it?" She shoved her own wand away turning to face the others; she forgets the scowl as she sends a flickering smile towards the vampires.

"Yes, listen to Violetta. Put those away and if you attack my son even again I will ensure that is the last thing you do." Her voice was cold; she refused to even glance towards the vampires.

"Really going to get a few death eater palls to do us in, are we?" Harry hissed stepping forward so he was right in the woman's face; they were both the same height.

"That is enough." Bella hissed her own wand out again. "Don't go around accusing everyone Potter. You might just get yourself into more trouble." Even through her anger Alice can see more than anything it is hurt, he meant that she too was a Death Eater, she too was evil.

The tension from the confrontation increases as insults are hurled; a particularly hurtful one seemed to be 'a double-cell in Azkaban with your loser of a husband'.

Eventually the woman and her son stormed from the shop, Bella is left standing there with a scowl. "Are you going to buy anything?" The shopkeeper asked her with a dirty look. She raised her arm meaning for the woman to walk over and get the garment which was flung over her arm. The woman does it with a huff.

"What was that about Bella? You're not…" Ron asked sounding rather awkward.

"A what? A Death Eater?" She didn't answer her face a scowl. The shopkeeper asked for the money which threw down on the desk.

"Bella? Well hello to you to." Emmett moved towards her with a confused grin on his face, not sure whether he was going to get knocked back.

"Yes, hello Emmett. Aren't you aware that you're not supposed to know me?" Her voice is controlled, and she looks guilty when she sees the look in his eyes.

"Whether we are or we aren't, you're not a Death Eater are you?" Rosalie asks before Alice can stop her.

Bella froze, not bothering to hide the hurt in her eyes. She ripped her dress to reveal her bare forearm. "Look for yourself." She storms from the shop; Alice glanced into the future to see where she would go. She meets up with the boy who she calls Draco.

"Nice Rose." Emmett says, "you too Ron."

He would always back Bella no matter what.