It is no understatement that living on All Blue alone has changed him. After the first month he could no longer breathe on land comfortably. He flicked the last cigarette he would ever know at the base of the tree he had etched his warning in before walking suit and all into the sea.

He had no regrets finding the magical ocean. He ate plenty of fish and swam the days away as he slowly began to forget things he had no use for. No need to remember how to cook for instance when you no longer had hands…when there could be no fire.

Maybe he regretted staying too long.

A year later a large ship with a lion on it got tangled up in the sticky seaweed he had surrounded the island with. He knew this ship should be familiar to him…and knew this was why he had rushed to get the seaweed around the place when he had first entered the ocean.

Why he didn't want these people going to the island he could no longer remember.

He swam up to the ship and kicked away some seaweed as he tried to get a better look.

Suddenly two hands plunged into the ocean and grabbed him by the fins only to snap him out of the water and onto their deck with a rubbery thwack. He could hold his breath for a while so he didn't panic, even as he kicked the rubber bastard in the face with his fin.

"Wow Luffy…He's huge! Like a baby sea-king!" A very pretty lady with orange hair commented. The man he just kicked just laughed and put a strawhat back on his head.

"Yup! Now Sanji will have something to cook us!"

For some reason providing the food for these people didn't horrify the fish. It seemed perfectly natural for them to eat what he could give them.

A marimo haired man with three swords was looking at him strangely, running a hand across his blue scales up to where they met yellow. He closed his visible eye as a finger traced the swirl above his right eye. So familiar. He opened his eye to take in the swordsmans look.

Sad. Heartbroken?

The green haired man was hugging him…wait, no he was mistaken, he was lifting him up and tossing back into the shining waters of All Blue with massive strength he shouldn't have known the man to possess.

"Oi! Zoro! Why did you do that? Now we can't eat him!" Luffy asked with a pout.

Robins voice stilled the action on deck with the tone of her voice, dropping the spyglass from her eye.

"Just as well he did, Cook-san left us a message." She closed her eyes as she recited the words from the tree.

Stay away! Blackleg Sanji was here living the dream for one month. Of course there are fish from every ocean here, I'm not the only one to look for it. Sorry. Goodluck. The ocean is about to get another shitty one of the North Blue variety. P.S. Take good care of our nakama, marimo, I'm sorry. I wanted to be around and kick your ass a little longer too.

Under the waves a north blue fish freed the ship of the sticky seaweed and followed it as wind caught it's sails. He didn't know how long he planned on following it or even if he was willing to leave his beautiful ocean home…

He just wanted to follow them a little more. Make sure they were okay. Find out what that look in the green haired mans eyes meant. It was important but he had forgotten why.

He just wanted to be with them a little longer. A little longer.